
Awakening, Quickening

Harmony, a college student and magic researcher with a disembodied soul, finds herself awakening on a new planet, with huge gaps in her memory--and pregnant, with a child she knows she didn't conceive by choice. Together, she and her reborn half-soul work to survive this situation and uncover the many mysteries surrounding this world, and the traumatic arrival of a new baby. But after spending some time on this planet, she finds there may be more than mystery and trauma, to find here--there may be life; there may even be love.

Harmonious_Echoes · Fantasy
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59 Chs

A New Storm pt 1

Harmony stood silently for a moment; finally, Lord Grebefal cleared his throat awkwardly. "Ah, er. Lady Harmony. Are you not hungry? Won't you join the others?"

Harmony paused a second; then the strange feeling rose into her mouth, and she couldn't bear it any longer. "Lord Grebefal. I…think I know what it is you hide behind those glasses. I…just wanted to say that I don't think blindness is a bad thing."

Lord Grebefal froze, and when he responded, it was with none of his former authority. His voice stumbled and trembled a little.

"I–I'm sure I don't know what you mean, my Lady. I–I wear these glasses because my eyes are, ah, sensitive. To bright light, ah. Yes."

His hands trembled, and he clenched them in his lap. Harmony smiled ruefully; the lie was too obvious. The room was dim; there were no lights except the single bar of golden sunshine from the high window, and a few candles high above. But Harmony knew correcting him wouldn't be kind.

"It's all right, my Lord. You are an excellent leader, and a powerful mage–one of the best I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You are most definitely not lacking in any way." She smiled, then realized he wouldn't be able to see her face; so she spoke again, softening her voice. "My Lord, please feel at ease. I will tell no one of your secret. I only wish to convey my sincere admiration for your leadership skills. I will take my leave now."

Harmony turned to leave the room, but Lord Grebefal lifted a hand out to her–this time not in a gesture of silencing, but with a single word, spoken like a plea, his slender fingers reaching out towards her in supplication. "H-Harlan."


"My name… My name is Harlan. Harlan Grebefal. Please, ah, feel free to call me Harlan."

Harmony smiled again, this time in sincere joy; "Lord Harlan. As you wish. And you may call me simply Harmony, as that is my name. May we meet again."

"Wait, Lady–I mean, ah, Miss Harmony. I must discuss something of utmost urgency with you; would you meet with me tomorrow?"

Harmony nodded, bemused; "Yes, Lord Harlan. It would be my pleasure."

Harlan's face flushed. "Tomorrow, then. I will send Fyn to collect you downstairs after the morning meal. I trust that will be enough time."

Harmony looked at him curiously; he definitely seemed serious, although his tone was light.

"Yes, I can be here at that time."

She turned to go. "I will join the others, now. Won't you come eat with us?"

Harlan shook his head. "No. I have…other important matters to attend to. Some other time."

"I shall see you tomorrow then. I may need to bring my son and my servant with me. Will they also be welcome?"

Harlan smiled, then. "Your…ah, servant, and your child are most welcome. I would be pleased to meet them." 

"Thank you. I will bring them along, then. Farewell."

She walked out the door, closing it carefully behind her. She heard a scuffle and low voices; Harlan and Master Jer were speaking. She walked back the way she had come, towards the lift. It stood open; Mistress Fyn was standing just inside. "Ready to go an' eat, Lady Harmony?" Harmony nodded. "Yes, thank you, Mistress Fyn. I will join the others for a moment before we depart." She glanced back down the hallway. "Where will they be keeping Jeede again?" 

Mistress Fyn grimaced. "At th' forge. There's a place with a gate an' lock, what we use for criminals. We hadn't had to use it in years; not since the last Lord were in charge–." She paused, looking sideways at Harmony. "The Lord's father, that is. That were a long while ago. Th' Lord Harlan's been runnin' Grebefal for coming up ten years, now. An' he does a mighty fine job of it."

Harmony nodded, looking away. "He does, indeed. Grebefal is lucky to have such a fine Duke."

The lift rolled to a halt, and Mistress Fyn opened the door, her cheeks pink. "Have a fine day, Lady Harmony." Her eyes sparkled with a little more than affection.

Harmony nodded and walked down the hall, still bemused. It had been a long, tiring day, and now that it was over, she felt drained. She wanted to join the others to eat, but decided against it; instead, she walked down the long staircase to the castle door, and paused in the shadows. She reached out to Muse. It's done. Lord Grebefal was extremely helpful. Jeede will be punished–removed from Grebefal. Benly and his family will be compensated. They are all celebrating now, except Jeede who is locked up until later..and Sren, who is with her.

Muse's mental voice came softly but clearly; I know. We were there together, remember?

Harmony nodded, remembering; that's right. She had not blocked Muse from observing the trial, in her thoughts. Muse's mind-voice sounded teasing. 'Harlan', eh? He's kinda cute. And he wants to 'see you' tomorrow?

Harmony flushed, glad no one else was around to see. It's clearly not like that. He said there was something important, something urgent he needed to discuss. And he said it was all right for you and Kyir to come along.

Muse sounded doubtful now; I dunno, Harmony. He seemed to like you, too. And why not? Kyir is almost a year old now. I'm able to watch him at home; and you're young and beautiful. Why shouldn't you date? Seems fine to me.

Harmony frowned. No. I'm…not ready for that yet. You, and Kyir…that is all I need. We're fine without anyone else. It would be too awkward to try to explain you to him, after all.

She could feel Muse resisting, pressing the issue, but Harmony shut her down, closing off her mind to any further conversation. She sighed. Yes, it had almost been a year…one of her own years, anyway. But in some ways, she still felt exactly the same as when she had first arrived in Grebefal. She had no more answers about her memory loss, or her pregnancy, or even the tombs, than she'd had before. She had grown to deeply appreciate Grebefal's safety and calm; maybe getting to know Grebefal's Lord wouldn't be so terrible, after all. He had been very different than she'd expected. And he would undoubtedly have more information than she did; he might even be able to help her find some of those answers.

She crossed the wide courtyard of the castle and followed the wall to her own back door; noted with pleasure that the tree planted there was not, in fact, dead as she had thought–small yellow leaves now fluttered there, falling to the ground with gentle drifting motions. Harmony wondered what type of tree it was; she didn't recognize it. Kyir crowed with pleasure and toddled over, as she entered the house; Harmony gave him a cuddle and a kiss before starting on dinner. Maybe getting to know Harlan wouldn't be so bad, but I really don't need anyone else, Harmony thought. This little one is everything, to me. How could I possibly want more than this?

It's not wrong to explore your needs and desires. Even if you feel like you "already have enough".

Harmonious_Echoescreators' thoughts