
Awakening of the Luna Queen

Cate Mercer - daughter of a fallen Alpha, her future held so much promise until it didn't. Her pack was raided, father and brother murdered, and forced to live among the enemy. She sacrificed her life to be mated with a man who wanted nothing but to use her body. When Cate is given a chance at freedom, she takes her daughter and runs for the Royal Moon Pack where she can begin again with no limitations and constraints. No man to answer to. Her dreams of peace are once again in jeopardy when she discovers her fated mate, the man she was meant to be with all along but is it too late for her? Will he accept her, her daughter and will she be able to trust him with her families secret that could put her life and his at risk? Can she discover her true power within and become the Queen she was meant to be?

BonnieBlueStar · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 3 - Big, Bad Beta

An hour later I was taking the elevator down to the lobby, my stomach in knots with anxiety. I was completely lost and racked with tension. As I made my way to the front desk to ask for directions I was hit with the most irresistible scent. It was mouthwatering and I was obsessed. I wanted desperately to follow the scent but it was so faint and there were so many mixed in that it was difficult. Amara was pacing within me like never before.

Follow it. We have to find the source. She was practically panting with the overcoming desire to track whatever this mind consuming scent was.

We can't Amara. We have to meet the Beta. We cannot be late. I need you to focus. Please. She relented but I could tell that she was not happy about it.

The kind gentleman at the front desk pointed me in the direction of the Blue Moon Lounge and even complimented me. It was a simple comment of "you look lovely today, miss" but it still boosted mine and Amara's confidence.

Poor Amara. She didn't deserve a human like me. She was wild and wished to be free to run, to search for her mate, to be loved.

You are my human! Don't you dare ever think that I regret being with you. She growled in my mind. I loved her fire.

I could feel eyes on me when I entered the lounge. I could spy Kenny across the bar talking animatedly with another female. From where I stood I could tell that she was not a wolf but still a shifter. I approached and could still feel eyes following me but refused to turn and search for the culprit. Instead I chose to hold my head up high and remind myself that I am a strong Alpha female regardless of my circumstances.

We will never let anyone intimidate us again. Amara was full of rage today. She was refusing to relent to anyone ever again.

"There she is! My beautiful niece! Janie, it was lovely speaking with you again. Please give Sebastian my best." Kenny nodded to the woman next to him. I noticed she had to be about my age, on the shorter side compared to most shifters, but beautiful tanned skin, warm chocolate brown eyes and long raven hair.

"Next time you'll have to introduce your niece to me so she can have friends." I joined Janie in her little laugh at my uncle's expense as he escorted me out the building.

Waiting outside the main entrance of the hotel was a black SUV, the driver, a man built like a brick house, was awaiting our arrival. The walking house opened the backdoor of the car, Uncle Kenny guiding me into the seat before climbing in behind me. I fiddled with the hem of my navy blue dress, one of the colors of the Royal family. I could feel Amara's tension growing only adding to the suffocating anxiety building within me. I was too busy staring at my hands that I didn't notice my uncle speaking to me.

"You look wonderful. The Beta will appreciate the effort. Now, you must remember to always address him as Beta Royal Caleb. Keep your answers short and to the point. Try not to elaborate. Simple is best. After that, I'll take you to your new home and you can see how it's coming along." He placed his hand on my shoulder again in an attempt to comfort me but it was not working this time.

I was in such a haze that I did not pay attention to the drive, the exterior of the castle itself or the walk from the car to the door that I found myself standing in front of. In a haze, I watched Kenny reach up and knock strongly against the solid wood door before it opened before me revealing the chest of Beta Royal Caleb. Words were exchanged but I heard none until I was ushered into a plush leather chair seated in front of a large desk.

"Cate, pleasure to make your acquaintance. Are you comfortable with Kenneth waiting outside?" It was the voice of Beta Royal Caleb and it finally snapped me out of my reverie. The man who spoke was standing in front of me, leaning against the desk with his arms crossed. He wore black slacks and a white button up with the sleeves slightly rolled up exposing his muscular forearms. His hair looked slightly overgrown, his dark golden curls a little out of control and doing their own thing. His eyes were a beautiful dark honey color and full of mischief. He was dashing with a layer of arrogance. His features were almost angelic - they were alluring - almost too perfect and clearly too pretty for his own good.

He probably uses those eyes to get what he wants with females. Amara sneered.

"Yes, Beta Royal Caleb." I nodded my head slightly in his direction to confirm my compliance.

"Councilman Mercer, if you don't mind. I'll have Gamma Royal Theo show you the way. I'll have him bring you back once we have concluded." His tone was curt. I took a moment to glace around the room. It was smaller than I expected making me think that this room belonged to the Beta. He seemed too comfortable moving around the space. I could see that one wall was full of books and binders, another wall held a large window overlooking what appeared to be a garden. My eyes once again meeting those of this man I heard so much about. He was known as being vicious, a fighter so strong that he was often compared to the King himself. I should have been terrified but when I met his eyes again I surprised to see a glint of curiosity.

He's up to something. Be guarded. Trust no man. Amara was on the defense and it must have shown because I saw his brows furrow for a moment before returning to his stoic appearance.

Amara! Chill out. You know we have to control ourselves. Pretty sure Beta Royal Caleb just saw our eyes flash.

"Cate Mercer. What brings you here?" He wasn't playing around.

"In all respect, Beta Royal Caleb, I believe that everything you need to know is listed in my file. I don't know what more you would like me to add." I had a habit of speaking before thinking. My heart rate increased ten fold but I tried to calm myself. I knew he could hear my heart racing and I fully expected his anger to get the better of him. I was fully prepared for an assault but he surprised me. He laughed. A full, contagious laugh.

"You're brave. I should expect no less from an Alpha's daughter. I didn't read your file completely. I hate paperwork and reading. It's all bullshit and that's Nick's forte. That's why he's King and I'm not." His smile was infectious but the response surprised me.

"So you're not going to interview me and ask me a million personal questions?" More laughing.

"Fuck no! I'm lazy. I like you though. You don't put up with bullshit, do you?" He came to sit in the chair next to me, pulling it slightly closer to me.

"Not really. I don't have time for bullshit. I'm too old for that." He nodded knowingly.

"I will admit I peeked at somethings and noticed that. Strange that someone your age is here. Did your mate die in an attack?" I really didn't want to answer that question so I did what I do best. I gave a smart ass answer.

"I killed him and buried him on Rogue land. Was tired of his relentless questioning." I kept my face as straight as possible but I received the response I was hoping for, another laugh.

"I really like you. Do you enjoy training? I hold a weekend training on Sunday mornings. I would like for you to join me. You look like you could kick some ass."

"Do you offer any other training or just standard war form? My father taught me archery, swordsmanship, and sharpshooting. Just curious to know if you offer that here." My question was genuine. My father thought it best that we learn other forms of war for those times when going full wolf was not an option.

"Are you serious? We don't but that's pretty bad ass. Hold on! I'm texting Nick that we should do that." I watched as he excitedly pulled out a phone and furiously started sending a text out. It was so odd that he referred to the King himself by his first name but I assumed that's normal when they have a such a close relationship.

"I'll hit you up later about the training stuff but let's just get into the work stuff. I forgot I was suppose to join a Beta meeting. Waste of fucking time. They all know I'm the best at....everything." He walked around to the other side of the desk and began messing around while muttering to himself about his desk being a mess. I took the time to look around the room some more. I noticed some personal photos on the bookshelf across the room but was not close enough to make out faces. I was able to read some book titles, one of which caught my interest. My fingers itched to reach out and grasp the fading green leather. Even from this distance I knew the contents of that book held the history of the Moon Goddess Selene and the Three - the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Something that I desperately needed to know more about.

"Alright, alright, alright! Here is your new work computer and phone. IT set everything up and your password should be on a sticky note. I have a note that you signed up for some volunteer shifts? Ew, why? Anyway, Nick disbanded the volunteer program and made it an incentive program. You actually get paid a little for the work you do. Here is your volunteer schedule. Just email Celeste your monthly availability and don't worry if you have to call out for whatever reason. We have too many people who want to join so there's always back up." He stood with his hands on his hips looking real proud of himself. He was an odd one, especially for being a member of the Royal guard.

We continued to talk about nothing in general for another twenty minutes before he said he had to run. I watched as he mind linked someone wondering if he was normally this chatty or if this was a one off. Soon there was another wolf entering dressed in slacks and white button down.

"Hey! Were you watching me dress this morning Theo? What did I tell you? If you want to see me naked just come in. I'm not shy." Beta winked at me with a slight smirk.

"Fuck off. Is she ready?" The new visitor seemed really unhappy to be here.

"Her name is Cate Mercer. Cate, this ray of fucking sunshine is Gamma Royal Theo James. He has a stick up his ass so don't worry about him." It took everything I had not to snort.

"Thank you for your time Beta Royal Caleb. It was a pleasure meeting you." I offered a slight bow as customary for members of the Royal guard.

"Cut the shit. Call me Caleb. Your uncle mentioned you were staying at The Preserve? I'll come grab you for dinner around 7:30. We'll eat at the Blue Moon there. They have some good food," he paused looking at his grumpy partner, "Theo will join us. Oh, don't mention our little meeting. I have a badass reputation to uphold."