
Awakening of limit breaker

Ldiary · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Chapter 1

A boy with deep black hair and brown eyes, exuding maturity, walked along the side lane of the street in the evening. Ram, clad in an ordinary blue t-shirt, black trousers, and cheap sandals, carried a bag full of vegetables as he made his way towards his dormitory.

Along the path, he observed the hustle and bustle of life: people laughing, couples displaying affection, the wealthy flaunting their riches, and girls in pretty dresses.

"Sigh," Ram muttered to himself, reflecting on his upbringing. "Work hard and it always pays off." How naive he had been. Despite his diligent efforts—immersing himself in books and striving for academic excellence—he couldn't shake off the realization that in college, it often boiled down to appeasing seniors and teachers for better grades. Even attempts to connect with classmates were met with the realization that he was perceived as average, destined to be a mere side character in the narrative of others' lives. "Sigh."

Kicking a pebble along the road, Ram reached the bridge over the Mahanadi River. Leaning against the barricade, he gazed at the rushing water, feeling the cool evening breeze ease the burdens of the day. Ram cherished these solitary moments, having transitioned from seeking companionship to finding solace in solitude, understanding that true friendships often came with ulterior motives.

Abruptly, the tranquility was shattered by strong winds, intensifying river currents, and gathering storm clouds. Tremors reverberated as if the world itself quaked, prompting Ram to flee from the bridge amidst the growing crowd of panicked onlookers.

Retrieving his Android phone, Ram checked the news, only to find reports of similar disturbances worldwide. Speculations ran rampant, ranging from apocalyptic predictions to explanations of seismic activity.

"End of the world is coming."

"This is nature's retribution for humanity's sins."

"I'm heading to the supermarket to stock up on supplies."

Ram scrolled through the forums, skeptical of the official explanation attributing the phenomenon to tectonic shifts. The ominous combination of tremors and global darkening hinted at something more sinister.

In a sudden twist of fate, a black wristband materialized on Ram's wrist, displaying a screen of unfamiliar data.


Name: Ram

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Place: Earth (Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy)

Strength: 7

Physique: 6

Agility: 8

Spirit: 9

MP: 0

Talent: [Not awakened, to be awakened]

Talent Chance:

F - 90%

E - 80%

D - 40%

C - 10%

B - 1%

A - 0.1%

S - 0.0001%

SS - 0.0000001%

SSS - 0.000000001%


A flood of memories inundated Ram's mind, unveiling the purpose of the wristband—a gateway to a universal battle network. This revelation of intelligent races and intergalactic conflict left Ram numb, unable to even shed a tear.

"Hehe," Ram chuckled wryly. "What a troublesome revelation. Now is not the time to lament; it's time to prepare for the worst."

Ram tried to calm down his mood at this moment. While he enjoyed a peaceful moment you have to tell him there are many intelligent races across universe and there is battle everywhere. He even couldn't cry even he want to. " Hehe" " What a troublesome thing" "Now is not the time to complain it's about time to get hold yourself and prepare for the worst" he told to himself and ran towards his dormitory and after reaching the room he closed the door and sorted out the things he bought from market.

Seeking refuge in his dormitory, Ram sorted through his provisions, only to find his peers boasting about their newfound talents on WhatsApp.

Aditya: "Hahaha! I've awakened a D-level psychic talent. Now I can move objects with my mind!"

Rocky: "What good is a weak psychic? I've unlocked D-level body strength—I can crush rocks with my bare hands!"

Ali: "You guys got lucky with your talents. I've awakened a B-level Fire Control talent. Haha!"

Aditya: ...?Rocky:(-_-)

Lima: " Boss contact me if you have any need, I can accompany you anytime. I only awaken E level talent charm."

Ali :" hehehe "

Jack : " Are you guys showing off your talent , who can tell me what to do in future? What about college? Did anyone contact your parents ."

Ritik: "I contacted they basically awaken F level talents only young people awakening better talents."

" It seems there is nothing to worry about awakening" Ram thought and it is better to awaken earlier than waiting.

Ram observed their exchanges with a mix of envy and resignation, realizing that talent awakening was a mixed blessing.

Closing his eyes, Ram focused on his own talent awakening, his body digitizing and vanishing into thin air.

Moments later, he found himself in a pristine white room, a crystalline structure floating before him—an opportunity to awaken his latent potential.

With a sense of anticipation, Ram reached out and touched the crystal, its brilliance enveloping him before dissipating into a fine powder.

As the dust settled, Ram accessed his updated data on the wristband.


Name: Ram

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Place: Earth

Strength: 7

Physique: 6

Agility: 8

Spirit: 9

MP: 0

Talent: [Limit Breaker - E] (Can Grow)


" Sigh" " It seems that here also I don't have good talent.It seems nothing good happens to me."

"Wait a minute.. he seem to have overlooked something. "it is a growable talent it means I still have a chance "

A glimmer of hope emerged as he realized the potential for growth inherent in his newfound ability. While other are limited by their abilities he seem to have no limits.

With a thought Ram leave the white room and return to his dormitory room.

I'm new in writing so there may be mistakes I have done which I have overlooked.

I will try to write my best and improve day by day. wish handsome and beautiful readers support ❤️.

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