Rin-: huh, unique !!! you are kidding right?
Kagami-: do I look so?
Rin-: see I am already going through a lot, if you are making fun with me, admit it and just end it.
Merlyn-: you don't seem to be in the mood to talk, fine then let me summarize it you in short.
Rin-: yes please do like that.
Merlyn-: we have discovered that you possess a rare attribute of chakra which can nullify all other forms of magic.
Ethan-: see, I told you one's effort never goes to waste.
Rin-: yeah yeah, so tell me what are it's power.
Merlyn-: that we don't know.
Rin-: what!!! What do you mean by you don't know?
Merlyn-: as I said it's a rare attribute and not much of it is recorded in books, even for me it's the first time I get to see one in my lifetime.
Rin-: then what should I do with it?
Kagami-: that you have to figure out yourself, kiddo. Now, everyone go and refresh yourself after half an hour, everyone will have to appear the test.
All of them agreed with kagami sensei and were headed outside the ground as they were asked to do.
Merlyn-: watch out while you use it on your friends, you may accidently harm them with yours anti-magic abilities. It can nullify other's magic so use it wisely.
Rin-: yeah, heard you.
Merlyn-: one more thing, because of this power you can't use any other form of magic.
Rin-: I have already deduced that part when you mentioned anti-magic, see ya.
Half an hour passed, everyone was entering the ground in flocks, some of them looked prepared and confident while some were nervous about the surprise test.
After all this is a surprised test, which never had been good even in a normal school, except this was not a normal one which made it more savage.
Kagami-: everyone please stay behind the lines.
Few lines were drawn on the ground with magical chromatic paint in the shape of a rectangle, when you look at its length and width it was more like a football court, it was awfully big covering at least half of the ground.
While everybody stood awestruck looking at the court wondering what type of test it could be, suddenly kagami calls out and ask "I need two volunteers, one boy and one girl"
One guy and a girl separated from the crowd and joined Kagami as his volunteers.
Mariko-: everyone, kindly form two lines of girls and boy.
All of them stood in a straight queue starting from their respective gender volunteers,
Mariko walked to the volunteers holding two jars which ws filled with papers and handed over one of the jar to both of them.
Kagami-: please be attentive, I will be explaining only once so be mindful about what I say.
Pointing towards the temporary drawn court kagami starts explaining the rules "see these lines, these are the boundaries of the battle arena"
Everyone was startled and the word "battle arena" echoed through the whole ground as all of them repeated it in a peculiar tone.
Kagami-:maintain silence until you hear me out. today in this arena, we will held duels in which you all will participate, your opponent will be decided with the lottery system. Rules of the match are simple, knock out your opponent out of the boundary line and you win, you can also finish the match by accepting defeat and everyone please no underhanded techniques.
Mariko-: all of us teachers will be looking over you match and grand elder Merlyn will be your referee so do think twice before you cheat, if anyone gets hurt, end the match before you gets yourself in more trouble, if your injuries are minor I will heal it and the match will continue.
Merlyn-: that's enough explanation, quickly pick your chits and head into the battle arena.
One by one everyone draws a chit out of the jar, soon it was Rin's turn to pick. Within himself he was praying to god to not be the first one to fight, If he loses the match it will sure create a negative impression of him.
He was very puzzled while choosing among the chits, all of them looked exactly same.
"oo god, anything will be fine but not before 10 matches had finished"
He closed his eyes and picked out one of them and the queue continues after him doing the same. After the chit selection was completed kagami asked everyone to open their chit papers.
Kagami-: you all have some random numbers written on your share of papers. Those indicates your turns to enter the battle arena. All will enter the ring when their number on the chit matches with the number of the tournament. Is everything clear to all of you?
All at once "yes sir"
Merlyn-: without doing any more ado, let's start the duel.
Kagami-: the persons having 1 written on their paper enter the battlefield.
Rin opens his cheat in a hurry and was very disappointed when he saw a line printed on the paper, both his luck and gold had left him alone to die in this cruel word. His heart falls into a loop of misery, unable to recover from the shock he enters the battle arena absent minded.
Following him his competitor also enters the ring. Both of them stood at the farthest edge of the rectangular ring opposite to each other. Standing over the boundary at the axis of the ring, Merlyn raised his hand with a whistle in his in a PT outfit.
Merlyn asked both of the contenders to be ready and was about to say start when one of the student interrupts in between.
Student-: umm...….. excuse me please, there seems to be some mistake with the numbering of the chits.
Merlyn-: what rubbish are you spitting kid?
Student-: I mean I also have 1 written on my paper, there can't be 3 competitor, right?
Everybody had a puzzled look on their face, again the whole place was noisy when everybody started gossiping among themselves. Merlyn and Kagami rushed over to that student to confirm that he had the no.1 paper.
Kagami-: show the paper.
He handed over to paper to Kagami, Merlyn and Kagami both were baffled by the situation, it was next to impossible that such a mistake had occurred because the chits were created by Merlin with one of his 9th tier magic item.
Before leaving, don't forget to give comments and review, be it a bad or good doesn't matter, it will help me improve the story.