
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Chapter 6 First Delivery & Kernels of Wisdom (Part 2/5)

The smell of the whole area made my nose sting in aversion. Reeking of untreated sewage and uncleaned locker rooms, it was a decidedly unenjoyable part of the trip. At this point, I had begun wishing I had gotten an enclosed carriage, in order to ward off the terrible odor. Having to suffer that for about 15 minutes, trying to breathe through the fabric of my shirt sleeve, I was quite suddenly surprised by a rapid shift in the quality of the homes. It felt like I had but blinked and suddenly there were a few large brick and stone houses with beautiful yards and clean scented air. It was as if there was an invisible line of just a few houses, separating the destitute poor from the very wealthy.


There were only about 3 large and beautiful homes which stood alone, amidst several more average dwellings. Nearby those large homes, and across the street were a few larger structures. One appeared to be a tavern or bar of sorts with a bunch of toughs hanging out around it. Another was a larger structure that had several scantily clad women calling out to various passersby. Other than those two notable buildings, there were several food stalls scattered about. Amidst all of this were strings of red lights which lit the entire area with a faint red tone, despite the mid-afternoon light.


My assumption was that this was the red district. My driver pulled up in front of the building with the many women luring customers with their bodies. *Sigh*. . . I should have known that there was something hinky with the name of Madam Callestro in the Red district.


A group of about 6 beast-men milling about between the tavern and what I suspected to be a brothel wandered over to intercept my carriage. 2 of the men looking somewhat like weasel demis stepped in front of the carriage and a third, with his hair looking like a buzz cut, having a wider girth and pig like features walked up along-side it. They all appeared to be somewhat groomed with a clean uniform of sorts on them, but they each had a very wicked looking club secured to their waist belt.


The man with the buzz cut and a porcine appearance who had stepped up to the side of the carriage called out to me. "Toll for entry to the red district is 1 silver per occupant." My eyes narrowed at that declaration. I wasn't expecting to have to pay for part of my own transit. All I was doing was making a delivery with no intent to indulge in their activities. Looking at the gathered crowd, I almost felt like this was a shakedown. 


*Sigh* I justified to myself and figured that Victoria just forgot to mention it or was planning to re-reimburse me later. Just as I was about to reach for my coin bag, it was my driver who spoke up. "This here is a delivery from the apothecary to Madam Callestro. Her deliveries are exempt from the entry toll."


At being refused to be given the requested fee, the porcine man who had been addressed by the driver, glanced in anger at the offending speaker. Then as if disdaining to further communicate with him, he turned back to look at me and grew red in the face even as his eyes turned into slits. "For your refusal," He spat. "The fee will now be 2 silver, and . . ." Glancing back at his gathering companions. "We are going to help ourselves to some of those goods you are bringing in." The cracking of knuckles and leather unlatching, as weapons were unsheathed sounded out. "If you give us any more trouble, then my friends and I will have no problem roughing you up a bit, as a reminder that no one is exempt from the toll."


Holding his hand out more belligerently now, a viscous grin split his face as if waiting for his due.


I really had to wonder if this was a normal process here. In any case, I knew that losing part of the package was not going to be acceptable. The fee of 2 silver, I was sure I could recoup from Victoria. But I knew, without even having to ask her, that sacrificing the quality or quantity of her own product was not acceptable.


My eyes took on a dark look as I spoke to the professional thug. "The 2 silver I can give, but you are not to touch the products of Victoria the Apothecary." That would use up half of my silver, but I was doubtful that I would consider spending more than 5 or 6 copper on any of the food in there. So, I should be fine.


This apparently did not sit well with the thug. Pulling out his club he smashed it up against the side of the carriage. "Yous don't seem to be getting the picture." His voice had taken on a sort of slur as if anger had reduced his ability to speak properly. "Yous is now goin to come out of this here coach, and yous is now gonna be lucky if we let you go with yer britches."


My eyes widened in surprise at this rapidly declining development. Reaching his hand up, he grabbed at my shirt and began dragging me out of the carriage. Shocked, I began to struggle futilely against his superior strength. It was when I was mid pull, with my rear already off the seat, that one of his other buddies, with a large scar marring his left cheek and wolfen features, intervened with a heavy hand on buzz cut's thick and fatty arm. This had preventing him from drawing me all the way out. He turned in anger towards his friend. However, scar face clamped down even harder on his arm, visibly digging into the flesh. "Hold off a moment." He spoke bruskly to his porky and blustering companion. Then turning towards me, his eyes took a close look at the sash I was wearing. 


"You said you were here with a delivery from apothecary Victoria?" He asked me in a more polite tone.


"Yes, that is correct." I replied.


His clawed fingers then dug painfully into thick flesh of the arm of the thug who had a gripped me. "Release him!" He hissed at his friend.


Refusing to let me go, buzz cut looked angrily at his buddy for interrupting his actions. "What are yous going on about?! Boss said Everone Pays the Toll." Turning to me, spittle flew off his lips as he added. "NO Exceptions!"


Fear began to cloud the face of the scarred man as he maintained his grip on the offending thug's arm, as if his life depended on it. He called out to the others who appeared to be confused about what was going on. "Do you guys not understand that this is a delivery From Victoria, The Apothecary!?!" His voice became a bit high pitched at the end.


The faces of all the others except for Mr. Buzz cut turned sickly and frightful. Then in a mad scramble, they dashed towards their friend who was holding me, and began grasping at him in an attempt to rip his arms away, and free me from his tight grip. Thrashing wildly Mr. Buzz was crying out screaming. "What er yous all doin!?! Get yer hands offa me!!" He was pulled away from the carriage and pushed to the ground with all but scar face pilling on top of him. Amidst it all he continued to scream in rage, letting out an occasional squeal as well.


Appearing far more polite than before, The wolfen thug with the scarred face who had first intervened, carefully eased me back into my seat. He then began clumsily trying to straighten up my clothes which had gotten a bit displaced by the initial grab. "I offer my greatest apologies for the care we have provided you. It has been a while since anyone has seen these colors here, and it hasn't been passed to them that any friend of Victoria is a Very Respected friend of ours." Pausing a moment in his administrations, he hesitantly asked. "Are you a permanent delivery retainer of sorts for her?"


"Um, actually." I replied. "I'm her official apprentice."


The visible fur across his body rippled and I could see the blood drain from the man's face. Additionally, as he heard my response, his expression froze and hands jerked back, as if burned. "Ap. . .Apprentice?" The others who heard that while holding down the scaly thug began to shiver. Then, apparently one seemed to have chanced upon a brilliant idea and slammed their fist into the stomach of buzz cut, knocking the air out of him. A flood gate appeared to be released with that first strike as all the others joined in on the one-sided beating. They were not holding back. The initial swearing at their restraint of him swiftly turned to wailing and squealing as the porcine thug who had roughed me up a bit, was beaten into a miserable pile of quivering pig-like flesh.


Scar face then reached into his pocket to pull out a decently thick bag of coins. Holding it outstretched in his hands as if in supplication and begging for forgiveness he spoke, voice filled with fervent pleadings. "Please. . . Take this with our greatest of apologies, and I ask of you to consider speaking well of us to Victoria." By this point, the others aside from buzz cut, had appeared to finish their beating of their wayward partner, as they too now stood at attention behind scarface. Each had their heads respectably bowed.


I hesitated to accept the pouch of money. However, the coachman who had appeared calm all throughout the earlier chaos then spoke up. "Young man, you really should accept the money. You may not have been her apprentice long enough to know the name she has made for herself here." Looking around at the many gawkers who had stopped to watch the proceedings, he then spoke louder. "There isn't a single fool here that would dare to cause you harm, knowing that you are Apothecary Victoria's apprentice." Gasps broke out from the audience when they heard that name.


Nodding to the bag of money he continued. "That there is blood debt. They are hoping that such will be enough to save their lives from the anger of your master." Then he glanced down at the man on the ground. "His life is likely already forfeit, and their master. . .." The standing thugs began shivering again at hearing mention of their master. ". . . Who knows what will happen to him. . . for daring to raise someone not properly trained in recognizing her colors."


"Please. . ." The words once again came from scar face as he raised the coin bag closer to me. *Sigh* I took the bag from him and then spoke. "You were only doing your job, I understand. I will say good things about you and your friends to my master. I appreciate your intervention."


I considered adding on something about not raising the price on others that give them a hard time, but I paused, feeling that it really wasn't my place to say such. I still didn't know the rules of this place, or the consequences to the innocent, were such a request to be made in my position. 


Setting down the goodly sized coin bag on the floor of the coach, I watched as the driver then got down out of his seat and opened my door for me.


"Thank you." I nodded in appreciation before gathering the delivery supplies. Making my way to the brothel entrance, I overheard the scarred wolfen speaking in fervent tones to all those in his group. "You are all idiots! His patron is not just a measly apothecary. No one messes with The Apothecary Victoria. She has done a lot of good for us here in the lower district, and for those rare few that were stupid enough to try and take advantage of her kindness, they are no longer of this world. Remember those colors and that sash!" *Gulp* I wondered if he said that so loudly in order to warn others of from me. I'll have to ask Victoria when I get back.


Returning to my task at hand, I passed by several women of various accentuated assets, out front of the building of my destination. There were many with various animal and fantasy character-like traits, such as dog ears and tails, as well as others with some kind of feline, or bunny like appearances. Admittedly, my eyes were unwittingly drawn to some of those assets, and demi-features. Some of their clothing however, threw me off. Brazen busts stuck out, along with torn fishnet stockings, garter belts and short leather jackets. That, among other articles of clothing which told of their proclivities, adorned them. Those wearing such, I was utterly repulsed by. Things that screamed sex worker were a major turn off to me, as they just appeared too dirty. I wonder if STD's were a thing here.


I understand that sex work back on Earth is a widespread presence. However, in my eyes, retaining an image of innocence or at least cleanliness as well as good character, is more than half the allure of a woman at first sight. That innocence may not be real, for it is just as illusory as the fulfillment one can receive, from a single one-night stand from a lady of the night. But it is still enticing to see, for one who wants to temporarily divorce themselves from the realities, longings, and depressions of life.


I personally didn't feel right about indulging in casual sexual relations with another, especially when the interaction was devoid of deeper emotions. That, among other reasons, were why I was still a virgin, even in real life. I want my future partner to be on semi-equal starting grounds when it comes to sexual experience. To me, despite my lack of sexual experience, I personally felt that sex was meant to be a supplemental reinforcement, to a positive romantic relationship. The idea of focusing on sex as the epitome of romance, felt too weak in my opinion. I sought to have a sense of shared purpose and joint appreciation for life and love with my partner. Another thing is that I want to make sure of, is that my first partner is right for me, as I am for them.