
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Chapter 5 Hidden Truths & Discoveries (Part 3/9)

After exiting the capsule, I felt disoriented with everything that had happened. I was further surprised by what looked like the dawning light of the sun, coming in through the 2nd bedroom window. Looking at my phone It read Thursday May 21st 5:30 am. "Oh my heavens." I muttered. It felt like so much more time had passed with all the chaos that I experienced there. *Gurgle* My stomach rumbled in rebellion of my negligence to it. Pouring myself a simple large bowl of cereal, which ironically for once, I was eating at breakfast time; I settled down to ponder over what I just experienced. The recollection of my initial tasty breakfast with Victoria, caused me to scowl over my bowl of cereal. Following that, I met Gertrude who even now, I wished that I could have recorded an image of her to share on my LifeBook. I dare not share an image of Victoria, as that would open up a plethora of inquiries that I dare not initiate. Hanna probably would have been safe to share, but definitely not Flourana. She was kind of like the hot, but stern school teacher, that all the boys drooled over, but dare not step over the line for. That combined with her reindeer like traits just stimulated some hidden thoughts that I was hesitant to consider. Was she single, and was I becoming one of those closet anime demi-lovers? Casting that last disturbing thought aside, I continued my mental journey through the day's events. I truly was excited to see what more the translation amulet could do for me. When worn, it felt like a faint echo of what I could feel with my ability in real life. And here I was, ready to sacrifice that feeling in the VR for the sake of my learning there. That may not have to happen! The very thought thrilled me with the possibilities! Tempering my thoughts on that subject, for fear of premature excitement with realistic concerns, I continued further in the day. I will admittedly say that while I greatly enjoyed Victoria's lunch, the subsequent poisoning by her version of ginger snaps was not so fun. I mean the poison, was tasty. "Haha" I had to laugh out loud at that thought, and rolled my eyes at myself. "Whatever." The following journey through the wilds and the interactions with Bugger, *shaking my head* I meant Tirene, was enchanting, if a bit scary. It really made me wonder, if such plant life could ever grow here on Earth. It was what happened after that, which gave me the most concern. Paladine Ekhart was a character that was guaranteed to cause me trouble later on. I recalled seeing his sash at the council meeting had 5 black stars. Monroe only had 2. The subsequent discussion about the strength increase, with the number of stars, left me more than a little worried. None of the people I knew, except, maybe Gertrude could stand up to such a man. I didn't know how strong Victoria was, but based on her infatuation with Monroe, I couldn't imagine her being much stronger than him. He had tried and failed to do something malicious to me and then he left with such anger, which was somewhat pacified by my expected death. I'm sure if I did suffer a death and had to deal with the subsequent waiting period before I could return, that he might feel somewhat vindicated for my fumbling of and breaking his potion. That appeared to anger him far more than my rejection itself, if I recalled correctly. My mind had been in a real haze by that point in the journey through the wilds, so I could be mistaken. However, the churning in my gut made me fear otherwise. Well, I'd been wanting to get closer to Gertrude anyways, to see if I could somehow work up the courage to pet her. Maybe these two intents could coincide? "Hah! Not a chance." I spoke that thought aloud. It appears that until Paladin Ekhart was dealt with, I could say goodbye to any neck rubbing or head patting of the sweet old tortoise lady. At least now, I was finally an official apprentice to the best apothecary in the city. Worrisome doubts, about having to trek through dangerous lands, learning on my own without a solid foundation to work with, could be left behind. *Sigh* The relief was very real. So, what was I to do now? The sun was up, I was fed, and didn't feel the slightest bit physically tired, despite how I felt in the other world. I didn't even have work today...."Swimming!" Yes, that was a brilliant idea. It didn't take long for me to get dressed in my swim shorts, don my bone conducting headphones with my swim goggles, and head to the complex pool. I obviously didn't forget my towel because who-ever, forgets something important like that? . . . Me. . . That's who does. And it was very inconvenient the time it happened. I never forgot it ever again. Some of the best lessons learned are the inconvenient or embarrassing ones. As I began my laps with music filled ears, my thoughts were drawn back to when Victoria carried me to the Seer stone. Despite my obvious attraction for her, thinking back despite the pain, it really did feel incredibly comforting to be held and carried by a caring woman not related by blood. I mean, as a Man, I certainly had a strong desire and intent to be the primary protector in my future family, whenever that may happen to be found and created. But I discovered today, that there was an intrinsic thrill, and deep peace at being able to let go and be carried in a moment of deep need by another. Husbands and fathers, brothers and sons can't always be the ones to carry the great burden and joy of protecting others. Sometimes, I'm sure they falter as well, and it is hoped, that the ones that they have been holding up and protecting for so long, are there for them. That they are ready and willing to take care of them in their desperate and rare time of need. For others, the unlucky ones, when they look around, no one is there to support them. They watch on, being left behind as their family and loved ones flee from a sinking ship, with lifeboats that still had room for one more, never seeing them look back; except perhaps for in spite, at the need to flee their comfortable, secure life in the first place. Being held in Victoria's arms after that terrifying encounter, fulfilled a need so deep and carnal within me, which I never knew I even had. My swim goggles began to fog up as my eyes grew misty at the recollection. A longing and contended smile graced my lips as I rinsed the goggles and continued on. Half an hour latter, my preplanned number of laps were completed. Returning to my apartment and after showering off the pool water, I once again entered the capsule. Returning to my small room in Victoria's home I estimated the time to be a little before midnight based on the time that had passed in reality. "The book club surely had to have finished up by now." I muttered to myself. I still felt a deep pang of hunger now that I was back. Looking around me, I gleefully found the still upright basket filled with bread, meat, and cheese. With complete abandon I stuffed my face with food till I started to get the hiccups. Rushing to the bathroom to get a drink from the sink, I cured those and returned to determinedly empty the basket of sustenance. *Haaaah* That was delicious. I felt like I could enter a food coma and thus promptly did. ******************************** The very next morning I awoke to the bright light of the morning sun streaming in through my small bedroom window in Victoria's home. The aches from the night prior were completely gone, as was my hunger, and lethargy. I had a brand-new day and was excited to start it. Looking to my right, an unexpected sight startled me. Laying there neatly and clean was my bag that I had lost in my desperate flight from the wolves. Digging through it, I found everything to be there still, including the rope that I had left wrapped up in the tree and thorn thicket. "I will definitely have to thank Victoria for retrieving it for me." Making that promise to myself, I followed the wonderful smells of breakfast that assaulted me despite my closed door. Reaching the dining room table and fully prepared to thank Victoria, my eyes were suddenly caught up in the array of foods set before me. Biscuits and gravy, fruit, scrambled eggs, sausage, and several other foods I was unfamiliar with glistened back at me. The cook of it all stood back with a smirk of gratification before speaking. "As I said before, the body needs plenty of food and sleep to recover from a healing of that intensity. Although you ate a lot last night, that isn't enough to satisfy your body's needs. *Gurgle* My stomach appeared to full heartedly agree with her. Previously, it had been quiet when I first awoke. Traitor. I glared at it, even as I set myself down to begin serving myself from the many dishes. Breakfast, was, WOW! With only a slightly distended abdomen, I had no idea where all the food had gone. Victoria had only sampled small portions the whole time, while I was chowing down like no tomorrow. "Today I plan to let you take things easy, especially after what you went through." Seeing her look at me with sympathy in her eyes made me want to rebel a bit and prove that I was fine, but I didn't have the heart. Looking down at my empty plate, I recalled my pack safely returning to me, and I spoke up. "Thank you for getting my pack. I can't imagine what you had to do to retrieve it." One of Victoria's eyebrows raised in askance. "Oh, I didn't retrieve it. That was all Tirene. Hah! She probably did it as a thank you for retrieving that fruit." Seeing my confused look at how valuable such a fruit could be, she continued. "Yes, although Tirene has the ability to teleport and such; plants that use such valuable bait as the Coccinea Escar have many defensive measures. Although unintentional, your actions and very presence drew the focused attention of the plant, which is usually very sensitive to tricky creatures, even such as Tirene. Because you were already so close to it and almost within reach, it had focused most of its abilities on you in order to keep your undivided attention on the singular goal of eating that berry. Tirene just happened to enter its now large blind spot and steal the prize." My forehead crinkled in thought. "But I had seen her caught in the folds of the plant and yet she still managed to get away safely. Couldn't she have gotten it without my presence?" Victoria shook her head at that before explaining. "A couple of things. If you weren't there, then the plant would have kept up a far larger range of awareness and feelers about. At the slightest intent shown by Tirene, other mechanisms would have been enacted. Sometimes bait is withdrawn, while other times, the defenses or offenses are reinforced with magic or space neutralizing effects." And here I was thinking that space manipulation and teleportation were rare abilities. Still seeing my doubts, she continued. "Some creatures who don't have an affinity can still place limiting factors on other abilities, at least for a short period of time. Just like an array or magic circle can create affects that the builder on their own could not make happen." Now that made more sense. Something like that probably had to be primed or triggered in a sense allowing for it to take effect. Tirene truly did take advantage of my presence. However, I certainly wasn't upset. She gained a special fruit, and I gained a cute friend and a retrieved pack back, not to mention retaining a life. I call that more than equal. I smiled at that thought.