
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Chapter 4: Apothecaries Test (Part 7/9)

Finally, outside the city borders, I was free to begin searching for the test's and my personal objective.Staying alive! Although I was doubtful that it would be that easy, I started walking along the pathway between the city walls and Niagara Falls. I had to constantly refresh the image of the plant in my mind as my thoughts made numerous comparisons between it and the surrounding plant life. I found when looking up people online to search their information on LifeBook, that if I wasn't intimately familiar with their face, when comparing it to the many possibilities I was seeing, I would lose track of the initial traits that differentiated them as unique. Just like that, the other plants I was seeing blended together to distort my memory of the original plant. This wasn't working out and I needed to try something different. What else was there about where to find the Cinnamomum Proditor? Closing my eyes to cut down on the distracting plant life around me, I focused on recalling the many details on the 1st page of the apothecary book. "Thorns, something was said about thorns." I muttered to myself. Then I remembered. Despite its deadly nature if over consumed, Cinnamomum Proditor was still considered a tasty treat to those that could handle the bitter roots with the sweet leaves tasting of cinnamon. Most samples could only be found hidden behind and protected by thorny plants as most others had already been eaten before maturity. My eyes opened with new purpose. Apparently, I needed to start looking for thorn plants, preferably a thicket made of thorns, that could protect other plants from grazing animals. My shoulders slumped at the foreboding I got with that realization. This was not likely to be a pretty or easy search. Having not seen any thorny plants along the pathway to the falls, I pushed through the thick and obscuring brush on the side to delve for the first time into the wilds of the new world. "Huh?!" An involuntary commentary of my surroundings popped out as I took in the proliferate plant life. Vibrant greenery and other colors filed my view, as I gazed out across the fully obscured horizon. It was admittedly more colorfully diverse than any of the woods I had hiked through before in real life. What amazed me was that there appeared to be quite an array of butterflies, other insects, and mutated plants. I almost felt like I was at a living butterfly museum crossed with a futuristic overgrown jungle. As I took in the view before me, I noticed quite a few more ambulatory plants than Earth had. I mean sure, we had Venus fly traps, Drosera better known as sundews, and Utricularia known as the bladderworts. These were considered to be carnivorous plants with rapid movement capability. However, I highly doubt that such plants were as proliferate on Earth as that which I was seeing right now. The various smells, which I assumed were to lure many an unsuspecting prey, ranged from being incredibly fragrant to reeking like the worst of outhouses. I honestly didn't have a clue as to how I should maneuver through the brush with the many killer looking plants laying around. I guess I could only go with the most sparsely covered areas and hope for the best. Walking along what I hoped to be a safe game trail of sorts, I kept my eyes open for anything that looked like a thorny thicket. All the while, I heard the sounds and saw various insects flying about or struggling within the grasp of a sticky sap or enclosed in fleshy plant cages. *Slap* I crushed a mosquito like insect against my left forearm that had been getting ready to enjoy some fresh blood. I would definitely need to look into getting an insect repellent for the next time I was required to delve into the wilds. Despite the many insects, I didn't see any animals, but I heard plenty of rustling in the lower brush that startled me multiple times, causing me to freeze in place. This place was probably a veritable nightmare for non-adventurous city dwellers and those with Entomophobia. After several fruitless minutes of searching, I came upon an outcropping of vegetation that looked like a series of vines covering a rock or mound of dirt several times my height. From the midst of those vines, I saw a vibrant red berry that easily drew my gaze. My eyes narrowed as my entire focus bore down on that tantalizing berry. As my focus intensified, everything else around me sloughed off into a haze of irrelevance. Traces of saliva seeped from my agape mouth that just wanted to savor the richness of that berry. Stepping closer and closer to it, various plants that I had initially given wide berth to were trampled underfoot as I advanced. My right hand reached out to grasp this beautiful gem of nature when suddenly a small brown and yellow creature leapt into my narrowed vision, snagging the fruit right in front of me. *Snap!!* A veritable wall of green flesh lined with thorns snapped shut closed on the little vermin who stole my prize! My mind blanked for a moment as I finally registered the residual wind that brushed against my fingers. I had escaped from a very close encounter with danger, just an inch away from the now closed maw. My head shook as I fought to clear away the rest of fog that had clouded my mind. Now with clearer sight and thoughts, I carefully observed what was to be seen within the folds of the plant that looked somewhat like a pelican's pouch, except it was green. I watched the bulk of the creature struggle for a moment, and then it disappeared. *Sigh* A sense of loss filled me as I recognized that the creature had unintentionally given its life for me. "Sorry you died instead, but thank you." I whispered my gratitude to the unknown creature whose sacrifice had saved me from potentially losing a hand, or worse. A chittering that sounded a little like laughter rang out from a tree behind me, breaking me from my solemn self-reflection. What looked like the exact same creature who had died for absconding with the red berry now lay clinging to a nearby tree with said fruit in one of its paws. "What the. . . .?" My question was answered just a moment later, as said creature disappeared from my sight, while I was still focused on the bugger without blinking. It instantly reappeared on a tree a few feet further away, where it apparently felt more safe to begin eating the berry while I watched on in incredulousness. "That thing can teleport?!?" "Hahaha!" I huffed out a laugh before calling out to the little creature. "Props to you man, props to you. And again, thank you." It paused momentarily from its eating as if to preen under the attention, before it once again continued to engorge itself on its prize. With a shake of my head, I continued my search. This time I resumed with a much higher level of alertness and respect for the dangers in the surroundings. Only occasionally could I hear the continued chittering of the squirrel like creature that appeared interested in dogging my steps. Maybe it was hopeful that I might distract or be distracted by another plant so that it could run off with a prize. Laughing again to myself, I wondered who might be able to understand the mind and intent of such a creature. Ignoring it for now, I continued my search. ******************** I continued like this for who knows how long, with little luck. The humid surroundings and ever-present danger had begun to wear heavily on me, and I could see from occasional openings in the foliage that the sun was near to setting. I already had several welts from missed insects that had treated me as a humanoid buffet. My water canteen was near empty and I was purely miserable. The only highlight that I had, was that this whole time the squirrel-like creature had stuck around. Unfortunately for him, I didn't trigger any other traps with delectable bait. But his or its presence was appreciated. Oh, don't get me wrong, I did set off several carnivorous plants, however, they were not equipped to deal with a creature as large as me. Additionally, with my now hyper vigilance and slowly growing experience, I had begun to see or recognize what I believed to be animal tracks along the ground. Along with those, I had found my way to a few thorn patches with some very wicked looking spines. Disappointingly, the colors of red and yellow were not to be seen hidden among their protective barrier. *Gurgle* "Ugh" I hunched over and had to pause to resist the sudden wave of dizziness that hit me, along with my guts feeling like they were twisting in knots. Dread filled me as I feared I had run out of time in my search. Bracing myself for another likely onslaught of dizziness and discomfort, I forced myself to raise my gaze and better take in my surroundings. Soon I found a tree that Bugger had settled on for a while. Backtracking several steps to reach it, I hoped that the little creature whom I had dubbed as Bugger had been choosing safe places to rest each time it appeared. Just prior to reaching it, Bugger teleported away again to a further away perching spot. I hoped that such meant it would be safe to rest there for a moment just as it did. Slouching against the trunk of the tree, I briefly closed my eyes in hopes that my swimming vision might clear up a bit. I knew it wasn't wise to do such, considering the surroundings that I was in, but I was truly worn out. My feet had formed blisters from the chaffing of the boots I wore, my skin was liberally spotted with a multitude of insect bites, and I got a rash that burned a bit on my right arm. I believe the rash came from an earlier unwise brush against a purple spotted frond I had reflexively touched, as I flinched back when the rustling of nearby plants startled me. This wasn't including what the consumption of the Cinnamomum Proditor was doing to me now. I had to admit, that I was really considering throwing the towel in and either offing myself to return after a much-desired break fully healed, or return to Victoria in my current condition, hoping that she would ease my pains and offer an alternative means to prove myself. Glancing at my belt, my herbalism knife was looking awfully attractive right now since simply logging out would not guarantee a true release from my agony upon return. However, despite my current misery, I just couldn't convince myself to use it in such a way that I would take my own life. I knew that it was just a virtual reality, but it felt far too real, and that realness bled over into my sense of self preservation and revulsion of cutting deep enough to end myself. I dwelled over the implications of dying in this place. I'd likely lose that which Monroe had gotten for me. I felt as if I would be spitting on his face by giving up. Not to mention Victoria who had fought for me to get the translation amulet. Thinking back on that amulet, I felt an echo of its allure. I wasn't sure, but I think that I was able to feel an almost imperceptible sensation similar to my ability in real life. I couldn't lose out on that. My eyes firmed with resolve as I had made my choice to succeed, or die in the process of procuring this plant and passing the test. Then a thought sparked in my mind. To be honest, She never did say that I had to make it back alive. Just to get the plant and consume the roots to cure my poisoning. I could do that and make it back as much as possible to the gates with the hope that I could retrieve my equipment upon my resurrection. "Let's go with that." I spoke aloud as I forced myself back to standing from my position against the tree. My vision swam a little with dizziness, but not as much as before. It appears that resting had helped a little. Getting my bearings, it was at that moment that I noticed my surroundings had begun to quiet down. As the shadows of the evening began their reaching grasp over the tree tops, I felt a shiver at the stillness that accompanied it. Was something approaching?