
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 3: City of the Falls (Part 4/7) + Currency exchange/value chart

"Hmm, I always had a soft spot for grilled fire chickens. Let's go see if they have any ready-made." Heading to the stall that had originally been selling live fire chickens, it appeared to be a collaboration with the grill next to it, as it could advertise for ready-made and make your own from scratch. The owner of the stall tried to give the sticks with grilled chicken on it to Monroe for free, but he refused. Instead, he bought 6 sticks of grilled chicken and paid out 4 copper coins, informing the merchant to keep the extra. The grill owner bowed, with gratitude evident upon his face. Handing me 3 of the sticks with grilled chicken, we found a place to sit and enjoy the ambiance of the marketplace. As I bit into the first piece of chicken, I was in heaven. The hot savory flavor with a hint of wildness held no comparison to the store-bought chicken. It was as if the store-bought version was a terribly failed imitation. As I swallowed down the bite sized pieces, I felt a warming in my stomach with gentle heat spreading throughout my body. This warmth washed away the little chill I hadn't realized was still there, from the initial experience at the falls. "These are great for stopping early colds or the flu in their tracks. I recall seeing you get up from the ground with your face in a puddle of water, back at the falls when we first met. Is that how you arrive normally?" Monroe asked with genuine concern. I felt some heat on my face that I suspected was not from the chicken, as with embarrassment I explained that I had needed to check something back home, shortly after first arriving. I hadn't been fully aware of what might happen to my body here when I left so abruptly. During the meal, upon my request, Monroe further explained the breakdown of how money worked here. The following was a general breakdown of their value.Based on Formatting restrictions I am unable to upload the currency exchange chart here.To see the correct and full format seehttps://www.royalroad.com/fiction/84615/awakening-into-ones-own-the-soul-forged-series/chapter/1604954/chapter-3-city-of-the-falls-part-47-currency-exchangevalueor search for the corresponding chapter on Royalroad under the story name Awakening Into One's Own.Coins are assessed by a weight and magic comparison scale when fake currency is suspected. That was a lot of information in relation to currency value. The intricacies boggled my mind while a few of the items such as elemental stones left me curious. And space reduction items! They actually had them! Rings, necklaces, bags or other holding items that stored far larger and heavier items within them, reducing both size and weight for easier transport and convenience. It's unfortunate that such items were likely equal or greater in value as compared to a large mansion. Unfortunately, the chicken was running out and the meal was coming to an end before I could ask more. As we finished up the meal, the courier had returned by then with a moderately sized brown pack which he handed to Monroe with a shrunken coin purse. Monroe then informed the courier to return to his post or other errands that he may have. With a quick nod, and a "Yes Elder." The man and horse trotted off. "This is yours." Monroe informed me. "I advise you to look at the contents more thoroughly only once you are settled at the Apothecary, as it is a bit much to pull out now. Also, take these as well." He handed me two pieces of paper with a seal of sorts on them that looked magical in nature. "These are an elemental alignment or compatibility test request, and a promissory note for you to get 1 basic level primary elemental stone of your choice. This is in addition to getting a basic light stone at the local Mage Guild." I felt very surprised as I asked "Is this what is going to be given to every traveler from now on?" "Only those who originate at this city as their initial point, that sign on as part of the military or relevant city services, will be able to be provided this initial gift from the city. We were able to finagle your request to work with Victoria as qualifying for a relevant city service, as she is the main go to Apothecary for military requisitions. However, . . .." Monroe appeared torn on speaking what was on the tip of his tongue. *Sigh* "Just be careful of the Paladin you met earlier. He is from a. . . ." Again, he paused as if trying to measure his words carefully. ". . . controversial faction within the city." A tension seemed to leave him as he was quiet for a moment. "More than likely, you will not need to worry about the various factions among the city, especially with Victoria as your master. However, . . ." He gave a pondering smirk. "You may be wishing soon that you had chosen the military route." "Okay, seriously," I replied. "What is going on with this apothecary Victoria that has you and several other Council members with such a strong and diverse reaction to the mention of her name?" *Hehe. * A chuckle escaped his lips before he responded. "I don't want to ruin the experience as everyone has a different opinion of her. However, I will say that she has most certainly made a name for herself as a no-nonsense healer in the city and military barracks on the border. She does incredibly skilled work, and yet her actions and demeanor might turn your head on its side if you aren't careful." "I know she certainly turns my head, . . . crazy vixen." That last came out as a faint mumble from Monroe that I wasn't sure I was supposed to hear. As we continued on foot through the Merchants quarter, we made a stop in front of what appeared to be a black smith's shop. Stepping into the shop we were greeted by what I assumed to be an apprentice or the shop clerk as he manned the front desk. Despite the presence of dark green scales across his arms, neck, and face, he looked to be a little young for actual smithing work. "Welcome Elder and Sir." He called out to us. "Would you like any help choosing from our wares?" Monroe waved him off as he politely declined. Considering the way Monroe held himself, I believed that unless the smith himself entered the shop, then he would be the best authority from which to gain advice from. "Take a look around and let me know if anything catches your fancy." He said to me. I took in the sights of the various shiny, dull, metallic, and wooden implements spread throughout the store. Although I was no expert appraiser, to me, the workmanship looked solid and deadly. My mind however was not really set on getting a weapon at this time. I had no desire to go out and kill hapless rabbits, or whatever was out there. I sighed after a while of perusing the weapons before turning with a pensive expression to Monroe. I attempted to tactfully decline getting a weapon, explaining my intention to not to explore and fight but to learn only. Nodding his head in understanding, Monroe led me to a display case that held several dark knives of various shapes in it. He explained to me the value of a good quality herbalism knife that can dual as a skinning blade and if necessary, for self-defense. He then chose one for me. It's dark metal blade curved inward along the sharp edge and the ivory handle provided a good sure grip. The blade looked to be about 4 inches or 10 cm in length that tapered inward at the end with a sharp tip. I was very satisfied as I saw the light of his reasoning and the knife that he had chosen for me. In addition to the blade, he purchased a leather sheath, whetstone, and a small vial of oil. After paying for my knife, Monroe opened up my new travel bag and after glancing over the contents easily seen from his vantage point, he nodded his head and dropped the remaining bag of coins into the pack. "I believe that this will help you get a start on getting established here." "Thank you, Elder Monroe!" I exclaimed respectfully. I could tell that what I received was likely to be much better quality when compared to what would probably become the norm for being handed out to new Travelers. A somewhat perturbed look briefly twisted his lips but it seemed his professional appearance wouldn't allow for more of an expression. "Sigh. . . Just Monroe if you don't mind." He responded. "I get enough of that from others here. The other council members however should be addressed as Elders, Councilmen, or by their other professional title in case you have any further interactions with them." He then went on to further explain. "An example of other professional titles would be the council member that you saw with purple bordering his blue robes. He should be addressed as Magus. The purple border denotes his skill level in wielding magic, while the color of his robe proclaims his main element of control. I would advise that you become familiar with the color levels when you visit the mage guild for your elemental stones." Clarifying, he added. "You won't always be able to rely on the presence of a sash to reveal their power. Those with sashes showing their strength levels, are typically only for individuals serving in official capacities within the hierarchy of the city or military" Oh! With everything going on, I hadn't thought of the need to differentiate another's level of strength or power. However, recalling from prior games, the power level of mages was very relevant to how one might defer to them. This was in order to get the most out of future interactions. Proper decorum and respect, can open many doors that might otherwise remain closed. As such, I felt that this was very useful information. "Thank you for your advice. I will be sure to remember it." I responded to him. We continued by foot in silence for a while, as we made out way to our destination. Monroe broke the silence as he continued describing the surroundings. "It's not far from here. See that greyish/white wall in the distance over there?" I peered in the direction he pointed with a hand over my eyes to block out the close to midday sun. From afar I could see the wall that appeared to be of equal or similar height to the buildings adjacent to it. I thought I saw faint images of trees behind it, but I couldn't be sure due to the bright sun. As we neared the edifice, I took a closer look at the walls, which appeared to be made of great blocks of white granite that reached to over twice my height. Squinting my eyes and gazing upward, I was curious to determine its limit. . . Now that was odd. From a distance, the walls certainly didn't look that tall. However, at the top, haze floated about obscuring the details of what I expected to be the sheer top of the wall. My eyebrows rose in surprise at this distortion of my senses. I was unsure, but the upper ledge appeared to be an optical illusion of some sort that I couldn't quite focus on. Several meters further along the granite wall was a 2-story grey brick storefront. Largely written, but indecipherable characters, along with an unmistakable image of a mortar and pestle, were emboldened across the top of the glass front. Ornate glass double doors framed by golden tinged wood graced the front entryway. Pulling on the bronze handles, I felt and smelled a rush of aromatic scents. A pleasant tone similar to wind-chimes went off as the door was pulled open sounding throughout the room. After stepping in, I almost ran directly into several hanging leaves that lay suspended on strings from the ceiling. Leaning closer, in curiosity I inhaled gently and then more deeply to take in the faint scent coming off of them. It was a nice woodsy smell that I couldn't pinpoint to any specific plant that I had encountered before. Taking the view in as a whole, I noticed that there were a few a distinct pathways, which allowed one to avoid running into the leaves. If one was relatively careful, these paths led to the front desk and sides of the shop, for those interested in accessing those areas. Glancing to the sides of the entryway more intently, I noticed along the walls several shelves of various bottles that had displays of written words I still couldn't understand. Ignoring those for now in favor of not wasting Monroe's time, I stepped up to the front desk. Scattered across the polished stone desktop lay a simple mortar, with a pestle, and a few other apothecary tools. I recognized what I believed to be a scale, alembic, and compact distiller, but there were a few other items that I was unfamiliar with. Behind the desk with the apothecary tools, was another doorway surrounded by a smaller shelf with more bottles and jars that appeared to be of a higher quality, as compared to the rest of the displays. Little more than a moment after we stood by the front counter, I experienced an event that I had only read about in stories and seen in exquisitely produced movie scenes. Many in the circles of stardom and popular actresses desired to make an entrance of this proportion. Yet with all their make-up, perfectly placed lights, and glamorous gowns, it still fell short of what a singular elven woman, wearing dirt-stained trousers achieved. She, who looked no older than in her mid-20's, made her seemingly unconcerned way through the archway to greet us. I reflexively swallowed a knot in my throat as she made her presence known. On the walk from the falls, carriage ride to the council hall and back, as well as the time at the marketplace, I certainly had plenty of opportunities to gawk at the many individuals running about on their various errands and duties. However, despite the many colorful and unique characters seen, I had not taken the time to truly become actively engaged in their more human aspects. Here and now though, that aspect of this lady was impossible to ignore. With an air of confidence and pose, I watched her gait which appeared to sway with a tactful emphasis on her tasteful and notable hips. Dirt-stained blue overalls that one might expect to see on a farmer or gardener, didn't fully cover a more seductive and alluring outfit underneath. Flashes of the rare cleavage and midriff, showing off pale flawless skin put me off balance, as I tried to gather my distracted thoughts. Forcing my eyes away from the forbidden fruit, I was afraid of making a bad impression on my hopeful apothecary instructor. My eyes briefly met her deep brown eyes which appeared tinged with mischief and delight. After a passing moment of registering my presence, she firmly fixed her eyes upon Monroe. Freed from her direct attention, I felt somewhat more at ease as I continued to assess her. Long fawn colored hair, with tipped ears peeking out from among the strands, framed her angular face. Her arms and legs were firm with toned muscle, yet still they retained an almost dainty fragility, leading one to have thoughts of holding her, if only to protect her from the chaos of the world. All in all, she had the appearance of the nature loving, innocent, yet very enchanting girl next door.