
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 3: City of the Falls (Part 3/7)

"Andrew." A grey haired erudite in flowing red and brown robes with purple trim addressed me. His thin and fey like features made him appear more fragile and effeminate as compared to his fellow compatriots, despite his deep voice. A symbol that looked like a waterfall donned his robe sleeves. In addition to that, he also had 6 solid black stars and 4 solid gold stars on a sash across his chest. However, what truly caught my attention was his very presence. Despite his thin and weak looking frame, which looked like it might falter beneath the weight of his robes, he exuded power and authority like waves coming off of him. Unlike Monroe who appeared to simply exude etiquette, this man was a powerhouse unto himself. "It has come to our attention that you are a Traveler according to the Seer stone in our city. Is this not true?" "It is true, your magest. . .er Sir?" I responded with a stutter as I knew not how to address this imposing man. He appeared more powerful than anyone I had ever met before, save for maybe Naathan Gnosis the CEO of Millennial Enterprises. I don't know how such strength could be portrayed through a virtual reality, but there it was. "Magus Brentwood. That is my title and surname, or Councilman if you prefer." He clarified to me. "We'd like to start with asking a few questions if you would oblige." "I will do my best with answering, Magus Brentwood." I responded. With a nod, he continued. "The details we have extrapolated from the Seer stone allude to many waves of arrivals from your people. What does it mean by this?" I paused to think about what he meant for a moment. Then I remembered what one of my online friends has said about the initial drawings going out to those in the medical field, and those with affiliate professions or studies to those in Millennial Enterprises. "In my world, there are many professions and types of people. I was informed that the first group allowed to come here, tended towards medically and possibly technologically inclined jobs or studies. There was a notice made of future, less restricted drawings to determine who could come here to be Travelers." I cleared my throat before continuing. "I am unsure of the timing of when these drawings will be. But I do believe that eventually you could be looking at getting dozens to possibly hundreds or even thousands of Travelers coming here to this city in specific, among others." Murmuring broke out among the counsel for a moment that I couldn't discern any details from. The Magus councilman again addressed me. "You have given us much food for thought. You stated that you may by medically or . . ." tilting his head to the side as if tasting the word. "Tech-no-logic-ally inclined? Which are you, and what is this tech-nol-ogy you speak of?" There wasn't an actual word for technology in their language. The closest that my mind could bring up was artifact magic. But that was still inaccurate, so I had to use my own English word for it. As such, I answered his question. "I am a caretaker of the elderly for my occupation, and my current studies focus on learning to be in your wording, an apothecary." Clearing my throat, I continued. As for Technology . . . . . I went on for a while describing the wonders of technology, speaking on communication, military power, lighting, temperature control, and of course my medical side of things speaking of imaging equipment, and other investigative and evaluative technology. As I finished speaking, the Magus Councilman held up his hand and a wave of energy passed from it covering the entire Counsel in a somewhat opaque dome. Silence reigned even though I could see them talking animatedly with lots of hand waving for several minutes. I felt myself get a little fidgety as my hands twisted at my clothing for something to do and distract myself with. Finally, the dome preventing sounds from leaking retreated and the Magus turned back towards me. "It appears we need to re-evaluate some of our prior thought out plans, regarding where to place or assimilate you Travelers into our city. This . . . technology . . . you speak of, appears to be the working version of some ancient artifacts that we find on rare occasion. There is an entire study on such things as we strive to understand and make them work again. Needless to say, that is a topic for another time." "Are you looking to pursue your studies in medicine or medical care, or are you amenable to joining our military recruits? Several councilmen perked up in their seats awaiting my response to this question. Most notable was a statuesque man with a kind of grey-metallic looking skin, and a mostly vanilla human face. He who wore what looked like a cross between knight's armor and white healer's garb. There was an emblem emblazoned on his silver-white armor that looked like a fist superimposed over a golden star-burst. His eyes gazed fervently at me, to the point that I felt a bit uncomfortable. Despite the pressure I felt from the various powers of the City Counsel, I went with my gut and initial intent. "If it is permissible, I seek to apprentice under a knowledgeable apothecary in this city. If that is not an option, then I request that if I am required to join the military, that I be allowed to place the majority of my focus on learning about plants, animals, and other components in the creation of curative products." The spokesman Magus appeared to be willing to let it go at that, however, minor notes of discontent involving coughs, grunts, and meaningful looks from some the other members of the counsel appeared to prompt him to question me further. "How about you make some concessions and join the military as a front-line recruit first? I'm sure that you could find opportunities to study the creation of curative potions as you advance through the ranks." Although his voice sounded amenable to being rejected, the feeling I was getting from a majority of the counsel, with their gazes told a far different story. My body stilled and my mind blanked in anger at being pressured into what I believe were their personal agendas seeking to disparage mine. With years of studious determination to keep a promise made in sorrow and regret, my will drove my intent. My body began to shiver a bit, as sometimes would happen when I am placed in socially difficult situation, or when discussing very personal topics. Bracing myself as best I could, I responded with gritted teeth. "Councilmen. . ." My voice was clipped and filled with passionate intent as I continued. "I have a sister in my world who has suffered from a terrible disease of which we have not found a cure for. I will not halt or change my course so drastically for the will of others while I have such a charge upon me." I paused for a brief moment as I quickly gathered my thoughts and stove to get my shivering better under control, before I continued. "If I must, I would rather embark into the wilds on my own and learn from trial and error, where I can make at least some progress, rather than join the military on the promise of a maybe." A few of those that had perked up in interest, relaxed their shoulders in a somewhat disappointed manner, while those that had shown discontent, appeared affronted. The one whom I had some true concern about was the man in the white armor. A twisted expression of anger briefly clouded his face as if my words and will caused him to be denied something imperative to himself. He appeared to be about to further escalate the situation when he was interrupted. Monroe was surprisingly the one who saved me. Through most of the discussion, Monroe appeared to be a silent observer who went along with the crowd. As I was pressured by the will of the counsel, I believed I could see glimpses of internal strife within his professional demeanor. It appeared like he wanted to speak up many times, likely in my defense, but something was holding him back. Now though, it seems as if his internal battle had come to an end as he in his meticulous red and black suit and professional demeanor was the first to speak up. As he stood and cleared his throat, surprise flashed across Magus Brentwood's face at this event. "The floor is open to Councilman Monroe." In addition to his pristine suit, like all the other councilmen, Monroe now also wore a sash with 2 solid black stars and 5 solid gold stars, 4 of which had a purple border. As I had witnessed the proceedings, I had noticed that no one else in the council had anything less than 4 solid black stars, some even sported an additional hollow or half black star, and no one had less than 3 solid gold stars. Monroe was the only one to have more than 4 solid gold stars. I felt certain that the stars represented their level of authority or power in some way, but I didn't know what they meant in specific. After nodding respectfully to Magus Brentwood and the rest of the Counsel, Monroe spoke. "If I might interrupt, I would like to petition that Traveler Andrew be taken under the preceptor-ship of Victoria." My mind's attention which had been distracted for a moment by the various stars and their possible meanings, was instantly stolen back by the proceedings as Monroe finished his petition, which caused turmoil within the council. A myriad of emotions was evoked across the entire council assembly in response to his suggestion. Many of those that had shown frustration at my earlier show of defiance, showed a glint in their eyes with a hint of a smirk. Others looked a bit unwell at the mention of that name. All the while, the one whose expression held the most concern to me was the white armored man. His face went through several shades of surprise, thoughtfulness, and then settled on satisfied indifference. It was then that he too stood up. The Magus then turned towards to the man in silver white armor, "Paladin Ekhart, the floor is yours." This paladin had a sash with 5 solid black stars and 3 solid gold stars. With a voice filled with fervent conviction, reminiscent of a zealous holy-man, he spoke. "I would like to petition that if Traveler Andrew fails to maintain his apprenticeship under Apothecary Victoria to her satisfaction, that he be brought into the city watch under my command." He paused as he made clear eye contact with each of the other Councilmen and women. "If you can accede to my request, then I see no reason not to also provide him with our prepared welcome package initially reserved strictly for military and city watch entrants." Monroe who had already regained his seat appeared to once again have conflicting emotions, but those were quickly smoothed out under his professional demeanor before acknowledging. "I don't see any reason why not." I watched carefully as each of those in the Council gave varying responses of acceptance to this request. In regard to the Paladin. I had a very uneasy feeling about his intent or what he was planning for me. Was he aiming for a powerplay in trying to get the first Traveler to the city under his mentorship, or was there something more in play that I wasn't seeing? Magus Brentwood then addressed the council again. "It appears that we have concluded this session regarding the arrival of Traveler Andrew Storm. Unless there are any of you who desire to say anything further?" A few moments of silence filled the air as each of the councilmen and women vocalized a "no" or gave a stiff nod of negation before he continued. "Then I say that this meeting is adjourned and that Councilman Monroe shall address the providing of the welcome package and introduction to Apothecary Victoria." A few councilmen and women snickered beneath their breath, while a few others appeared notably relieved to have escaped from an undesirable fate. The Paladine had become stone-faced since he last spoke and nothing had changed since then. I shivered a little at remembering his eyes and voice prior to his current demeanor. It was then that Monroe broke me out of my concerning thoughts as he approached me. "Are you ready to go meet Apothecary Victoria?" "Yes Sir!" I responded excitedly and with relief. I will admit that I was having mixed feelings about this Victoria. That was after seeing how the mere mention of her name, could stimulate such a wide array of strong reactions in a powerful group such as the council. However, I believed things were finally going where I was hoping. We ended up taking the same coach back to the marketplace, which we had used for coming to the City Hall. Once we arrived at the marketplace, Monroe had pulled aside a young man on a horse wearing a red and black sash with 3 solid gold stars, 2 solid black stars and 1 hollow across his chest, giving him a look of an official courier of sorts. After giving them a list with a seal on it, and a bag of coins with verbal instructions, he sent them off to whatever errand they were to do. Before departing, the courier gave me a long glance from head to toe as if measuring me, then without further comment he took off riding on his horse. "Did you see the gold and black stars on his sash?" Monroe asked me as I watched the rider depart. "Yes, what do they mean?" I asked. "The number of gold stars, up to 4 denote how trustworthy an individual has proven to be. My 5th one," He said pointing to his still donned sash. "Is there due to inheritance, as my father and his predecessors all have very high military merit. I matched that merit with my own accomplishments in the military, and was thus granted the 5th gold star. It grants me an honorary position within the counsel despite my lacking strength." He said that as he moved his finger to his 2 solid black stars. "Black stars denote the level of personal strength be it through a combination of physical prowess and magical strength. Solid stars mean that you have fully reached your potential at that level, while hollow and half stars mean that you are beginning or progressing through the next level of strength." Pausing to watch the courier as he went through the marketplace completing the request, he continued. "These sashes are enchanted to be generally irremovable or usable except by the courier or bearer themselves. They are bound to them specifically and will self-destruct upon death or forceful extraction. Those 3 stars that he has, means that he is deemed safe to protect low value items." With a laugh he added. "I'm not saying that the items he is getting are poor quality, but that which is considered low value means items that generally cost less than 5 Mithril." Seeing my puzzled look at that monetary name he clarified. "With 2 Mithril, you could buy a good-sized brick house with a couple acres of land or 2 very potent and life-saving healing elixirs." My eyes widened at the comparing value of a healing elixir with that of a house. As if oblivious to my mind going through a series of shattering revelations about the value of things, he began leading the way towards a group of food stalls. "While he goes to gather the items for your travel bag, we have a few stops to make before arriving at the Apothecary. Are you hungry?" Oh my goodness, yes I was hungry! I wanted to exclaim. Now that we were back in the market, the mouthwatering food smells had come back with a vengeance to torment me. Instead, trying to match his professional demeanor, I politely responded with "Yes, some of the foods here smell delicious. Is there anything you might suggest?"