
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Battle with Monsters

Her mercenary group, though numbering only six, each one was extraordinary.

Two heavy swordsmen appeared to be in their thirties, yet both were masters of the swordsmanship level. The mage, the eldest of the six but certainly not over forty, was a water-element mage. The cleric appeared to be only fifteen or sixteen, yet she was a grand mage of the light element. Lastly, there was a thief.

Normally, a thief at a time like this, lacking killing power, could only serve as a distraction. However, this thief was not only extremely fast but also a combat expert capable of using green Qi. Overall, this small mercenary group's combined strength surpassed that of many medium-sized mercenary groups.

From the moment the Golden Threaded Frog appeared, I had already decided to take it down, even if it meant revealing my strength. After living alongside the Dragon Clan for a year, it seemed I had also picked up some of their bad habits, possessing a magical core that even the Card Tribe Chief envied, making my allure irresistible.

However, despite my strong urge to charge forward and deal with the frog, doing so would attract too much attention. After much consideration, I finally suppressed this impulse and decided to wait until it came to me.

Once the battle started, I moved around the battlefield, keeping an eye on the frog's movements while casually slaughtering nearby monsters. Even mid-tier monsters were easily dispatched with a single sword strike.

Whenever I saw danger, I would lend a helping hand. By the afternoon, I had gained the favor of many mercenaries.

During this time, I noticed Roger leading members of the Swordsman Guild mingling among the mercenaries. I approached him and informed him of my decision: I might directly kill the frog and leave. We agreed to meet again in a year at the manor I intended to buy.

Though he found it sudden, I had already told him I would leave soon, so he agreed.

When the charging monsters numbered only a few tens of thousands, the Golden Threaded Frog screamed again with a "quack." Twelve high-tier monsters around it immediately moved, charging swiftly towards the city wall.

In just a few thousand meters, they arrived in a short time. I knew I couldn't let these high-tier monsters join the melee; otherwise, the mercenaries and soldiers would suffer heavy casualties. Having fought alongside them just moments ago, I couldn't stand by and watch my comrades suffer. I just couldn't.

So, without hesitation, I displayed my swordsmanship, charging towards the high-tier monsters to divert their attention to me, thereby reducing the chances for others to face them.

At this moment, the mages on the city wall fired again. Until now, the mages had only used magic at the beginning and had not intervened since, only launching a few magic balls in critical situations. After all, magical power is limited; if too much is consumed on these low-level monsters, they would be helpless when the high-tier monsters attacked, potentially causing significant damage.

The danger posed by a high-tier monster far surpassed that of a group of mid-to-low-tier monsters. The mages were waiting for the moment when the high-tier monsters advanced together.

"Raging fire element, heed my request, obey the will of the fire god Dallor Xis, transform into a meteor shower of judgment against evil, and destroy my enemies! Meteor Fire Rain!"

With solemn and sacred chanting, the fire mages began to gather magical power around Duke Yorkse. Under his guidance, a large number of fire elemental magic elements began to converge.

When the chanting ended, a fiery meteor shower appeared above the heads of the swiftly advancing high-tier monsters. Basketball-sized fireballs turned into meteors, continuously falling and smashing onto them. Although these monsters either resisted with their strong bodies or used defensive magic to resist the attack, all of them inevitably emitted miserable screams in the fire rain.

Although Meteor Fire Rain was only eighth-level fire magic, summoned by nearly a hundred fire mages, even ninth-level monsters would be injured if they suddenly encountered it, let alone these monsters mostly being seventh and eighth level.

Seeing their invaluable allies suffer heavy damage, the Golden Threaded Frog screamed again, pushing its limbs against the ground. Its enormous body transformed into a whirlwind and arrived at the side of those monsters with twelve high-tier monsters in a few ups and downs.

It raised its head, letting out a loud "quack" towards the sky. A white arc quickly opened above its head, firmly shielding those monsters underneath—exactly the seventh-level light magic, Guardian of Light.

Though the fireballs continued to fall, they no longer harmed the high-tier monsters below. Instead, the white light shield continuously shook. Under the Golden Threaded Frog's protection, it seemed to be in a good mood, quacking incessantly.

Meteor Fire Rain persisted for a full three minutes. When the meteors disappeared, the ground nearby was riddled with holes. However, the high-tier monsters under the light shield suffered no harm whatsoever.

With a "quack," as the meteor shower disappeared, the Golden Threaded Frog shouted again. Along with its cry, a white light rain fell on the high-tier monsters. As the light rain fell, the visible wounds on the monsters' bodies from the earlier attacks began to heal at a visible speed. This was the seventh-level light magic—Healing Light.

With their injuries healed, the high-tier monsters became ferocious again, roaring angrily and advancing towards the crowd in the melee.

At this point, I was completely surrounded by the monsters.

In fact, attacks from mid-to-low-tier monsters posed no threat to me whatsoever. Whether physical or magical attacks, under the lightness of my body technique, they couldn't touch me at all. Even if struck by them, I wouldn't be harmed. On the other hand, my attacks on them were lethal: my every move employed Yin-Yang inner force, rendering their robust physical defenses useless.

I had long put away the wooden sword; against these monsters, due to their large bodies, the wooden sword couldn't inflict enough damage quickly. True Qi was entirely different: once my inner force entered their bodies, it directly attacked their hearts. Thus, regardless of their size, they were either fatally wounded or injured.

Until now, I had kept my true Qi under control, displaying only blue-level Qi. If there was anything unusual, it was perhaps my speed and the precision of my techniques.

The massive slaughter finally drew the attention of the BOSS. A level-nine lower-tier Venomous Sea Snake slithered towards me. Disappointingly, only it approached.

This clearly didn't meet my requirements. Therefore, I immediately decided to resolve it quickly. With my current strength surpassing that of a Sword God, dispatching a mere level-nine lower-tier monster was not a difficult task. However, dealing with it while controlling Qi at the blue level posed a bit of a problem.

Controlling Qi not only limited my true Qi level, making it less potent, but also greatly restricted my speed. A level-nine monster was already at the level of a Saint, surpassing me in energy. In such circumstances, my Yin-Yang inner force could not attack its heart. Before reaching halfway, it had already completely dissolved within its body's energy.

Three consecutive strikes with Yin palms failed, leaving me gritting my teeth.

'Looks like I'll have to use my ultimate move.' Dodging the snake's venomous gas swiftly again, I thought. At this moment, two fast high-tier monsters had already charged into the crowd. Though they were quickly intercepted by experts, they had already caused a lot of casualties.

After dodging another swift bite from the sea snake, I had already circled to its head. I wouldn't miss such a good opportunity.

Jumping up, my right hand's four fingers pressed together and stabbed fiercely at its neck; after confirming a solid hit, I didn't relax. I curved the first two finger joints, slightly contracting them, and struck again heavily; once confirmed solid, I finally clenched my fist. The third heavy hit landed in the same spot, the "Carefree Divine Fist - Third Style - Triple Stack."

Each solid hit transmitted a layer of soft power. When the three layers of inner force acted together, even though I used less energy than the sea snake, it could not simultaneously resist these three forces, which attacked its heart directly without energy protection. Without energy protection for its heart, it burst under such an attack, and its coiled body quickly collapsed down, its head slamming heavily to the ground, leaving a small pit in the ground.

I casually stashed the sea snake's body into the spatial ring. Glancing around, I found that in such a short time, six high-tier monsters had already charged towards the crowd.

Thinking that waiting for high-tier monsters to come to me was not a good idea, I decided to be proactive. Before I could trouble the high-tier monsters, however, the remaining five were already charging towards me.

Behind me, Grand Swordsman Mark, Lord Chahar and William, Roger, and the female Earth Dragon Knight were all killing towards me. Looks like they came to support me.

The Earth Dragon Knight, running in front, was only ten yards away from me. She had just seen my killing of the sea snake, so it should be completely within her eyes. Fortunately, I had not used combat gas exceeding the blue grade. If I were to have caused trouble, it would have been a problem.