
Are you ready?

White Wing Hospital, quiet as ever, didn't prevent Zin from falling asleep as he sat behind his mother who lay motionless on the bed.

It had been more than two years since she moved a muscle, all these caused by a fatal accident which led her into a coma.

"She is lucky to be alive, especially with the deep injuries"

Zin could remember the doctor saying the moment his mother was brought into the hospital.

Looking at his mother's face, he heaved a sigh. Nothing is so heartbreaking as seeing the only person in the world who cared and loved him laying on the bed. Right after his father suddenly disappeared from home, seven years ago, Zin and his mother, a single mom now, tried their best to survive. Luckily, his Aunt helped with sustaining the two of them, she also is to be thanked.

Not only did she give them foodstuff but also paid for his school fees and everything. Half of Zin's mother's hospital bills she paid for and also continued to put in confidence into the boy's heart, words of assurance never left her lips and played the role of a mother day and night.

"Mom, I'll be heading to school now," Zin told his mother, "I will be right back, that's a promise."

Arranging the cluster of lavender flowers in a vase, he picked up his bag, walked towards the door and whispered a low word of safety.

"Stay safe Mom."

Closing the door shut, he moved out of the hospital while rustling through his black hair.


The morning never forgets to give a wave of brightness and happiness and smiles as well. If not for all that has happened, a soul as pure as his won't be feeling down and sad.

Entering the subway, Zin couldn't help but wonder why there were few people today being Monday.

"That's weird," he picked up his phone, "it's 7am, why the county number of people?"

"Well, because it's really early!" A staff member who works at the subway answered his question, "Come here by around nine and you won't see a breathing space. Now use the train before you become clogged up with dirt and stinks."

Nodding to this odd Man, Zin quickly sat in the train, looking at the way the staff stared at him from afar.

'He can't please everyone', he thought, enjoying the spacious ride.



"Okay, that's all for today, I'll see you all tomorrow." The teacher yelled instead of talking as he walked away from the class.

"Looks like someone is being grumpy from teaching an annoying class" a girl whispered to her friend right behind Zin.

Closing his textbook and rubbing his eyes to remove the previous sleep from the teacher's class, Zin didn't hesitate to leave the classroom only to be surrounded by his friends.

"Hey Zin, I want to introduce you to a game of hide and seek" Adrian, a lean boy with a mysterious look on his face said, demonstrating in the worst way ever.

"Stop that! Don't you know you are scaring him!" Juliet, a girl, strong as ever not taking any nonsense warned him.

"Scaring?" Zin asked, totally confused.

"Him demonstrating with all those finger movements"

"Oh, I get-"

"Anyways," Juliet didn't wait for him to continue before speaking up, "We will be playing truth or dare later in the night to see who would be so afraid to stop"

"Again?" Adrian cried out. "We tried playing with a cursed object the other day and I don't want to explain how it created nightmares in my dreams."

"Don't worry, this won't be so scary I promise…"


Starfold Bridge.

"I dare you to scream out to the Darkness, saying you aren't afraid of anything!" Juliet directed her devilish grin to Adrian.


"Wait, why are we under a cursed bridge?" Zin asked as he felt his hair stand.

"Well to create the atmosphere of fear" Juliet replied with another grin.

"Anyways, I won't do it!" Adrian screamed as he hid behind Zin.

"Fine!," Looking for another victim, Juliet's eyes fell on Zin. "Since Adrian doesn't want to fulfill his dare, I'll send it directly to you Zin!"

"Okay? Even though the games doesn't works out like this..."

"Hmmmm.. Yes! I dare you to go into Mount Venon!"
