

What started as a simple night-time robbery turned into an experience he'll never forget. Dezhong Prince, a cunning teenager,, spent the last day of an old year robbing a simple store with his friends until he took a detour that changed his life. While moving through, he's met with a beast that torments him throughout the whole night until he receives this: [Congratulations. You are the first to receive The Beast System.] Knowing he isn't the only one with the beast system, Dezhong must now grow stronger for when he encounters the others. However, he's also faced with another quest, [Discover the Shadow King.] Find out more in Awakened: The Beast System. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. -------------- Release rate: One chapter a day(bear with me, this isn't the only novel I have.) This is my first werewolf novel and it's got a lot of references to famous werewolf novels as well so, feel free to comment and let me know whether its good or not. Don't forget to comment, LEAVE A REVIEW, and vote with powerstones. Golden tickets are highly appreciated as well. Join the Discord server for sneak peeks, character images, and have a character of your own added to the novel. See you there.

joshua_jt3 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
427 Chs


Tensions were mounting as The Dragons and CRAIN prepared for a New Year's debut that could possibly lead to their deaths. The CRAIN held never seen before weapons powered by high tiered crystals while most of The Dragons transformed into their mutant forms, ready to attack.

The Dragon mutants consisted of powerful beasts like bulls, tigers, and even a few insects and to make things more interesting, they somehow managed to infuse beast crystals into themselves.

'What the…How were they able to infuse beast crystals into their bodies in their purest forms. That could kill them on spot.' The CRAIN leader wondered as he started narrowing down the possibilities of getting out of this without suffering any casualties.

"Judging by that stupid look on your face," Jin grinned while shrieking, "You've seen a fifth of my people's secrets. You Neveans think that you're superior because of your technology, but…there's a reason The Dragons are feared across the land."

"Actually," The leader spoke. "I had an idea that you would bother to do something like this. You land filth are predictable. Now, for the last time, Jin. Hand over the pendant or else I will lose hell on Earth for you."

"Hahahaha!!" Jin laughed. "We're in RedZone. This is HELL."

Without having to give the word, The Dragons pounced on the CRAIN agents and slaughtered each one of them. Even though the CRAIN had powerful weapons, they did not account for the sheer strength and numbers of The Dragon gang members. However, that didn't stop them from fighting back either.

With their fighting skills and weapons, the CRAIN agents were able to stand their ground while slowly pushing back as well.

'They were over confident.' The CRAIN leader muttered to himself. 'Even with our small numbers, we're able to push them back a little…Huh!! Where does he think he's going?'

The CRAIN leader observed as Jin maneuvered through the crowd and headed to the upper floors of the Dragon's Den. "Stay put and hold your ground. I'm going for Jin." He commanded while pushing through the bloodbath of a fight and pursued Jin. Jin, who was a good meter away from the leader, laughed maniacally while leaping across the balconies in order to lose the leader.

However, the CRAIN leader wasn't backing down either. Even though he had a full body robe on, he was still able to catch up with Jin.

"You're a fast one, aren't you." Jin remarked. "But you surely aren't a smart one. Come on, keep on the chase. It'll help you achieve what you're looking for."

'What is he talking about? What did he mean by me not being smart to…."


The CRAIN leader made an unfortunate mistake and took his gaze away from Jin for a quick moment. Jin had suddenly disappeared and the CRAIN leader was suddenly bashed on his sides by a large man. The CRAIN leader was slammed through the wooden columns of the top floor and was sent tumbling to the floor while Jin grinned without any remorse.


[The Gorilla's Base*BANG*

"Oh!! There he goes, falling again."

"Come on, get up grey hoodie. You can't give in now."

"He was doing so well."

The fight was soon coming to an unfortunate end and the fate of the fight was already set. At this point, Grey hoodie's 'hoodie' was ripped off of his body after he suffered multiple power hits from Kong.

Everyone now clearly saw who was under the hood. A teenage girl with a jagged face, yellow piercing eyes and long brown hair was apparently the fighter who thought he'd be able to withstand Kong's hits.

The girl's body was severely bruised with multiple bruises allover, especially on his face. Her right eye was almost the size of a potato and turned from her pink skin to black and blue. Her nose was dripping with sweat as she occasionally spat out blood.

'A girl?' Dezhong and the others wondered. 'Grey hoodie was a guy the whole time? But…her voice was deep like a guy's. How's this possible?'

"A girl?" Kong too wondered as he watched the female steady herself on the ground. "I see it now. She was using that buggy clothing to cover her body shape. She knew I would go easy on a female but, why did she have to hide just to get a full fight from me?"

"Had…enough yet…Kong?" The girl questioned while barely being able to stand on her feet. Her legs were quaking, her body was screaming in pain, and her energy was starting to fade away.

*TIME'S UP. She's still standing so…I guess she wins?*

"And just in time. Look, she's about to fall." The girl fell to the ground and immediately passed. Having no knowledge of who she was or where she came from, Kong had her taken into her base where she'd receive immediate medical attention for her wounds.

"The fight's over. All of you can go home now." Kong announced and slowly, the crowd started to disperse into the night wondering the same thing, 'It was a girl all along?'


"Finally, the fight's over." Jamal scoffed while trying to start small talk with Dezhong. "It's a shame that I'm going to have to associate with weaklings like you and that girl. At least she put up a fight, unlike you."

[Rage Levels: 20%]

"Hey, Jamil or whatever you're called. I didn't come to make enemies, alright? So please, leave me alone. We're going to be working together. Might as well get along with each other."

"The strong don't mingle with the weak." Jamal replied as he just walked past Dezhong and banged his shoulder against his.

[Rage Levels:40%]

[Warning; Rage Levels can cause you to partially transform. Utilize this knowledge and use this skill effectively.]

'Guess something good came of….'

'Alright Dezhong, good job." Blake and Luke cheered on. "We've gone through the first phase successfully. Luke and I will join in through the lower ranks. Be warned, Dezhong. If you fail to perform, these people will kick you out. It's all depending on you now."

The three friends went over the plan one more time before Luke and Blake left Dezhong behind to meet and discuss with Kong. As soon as everyone who wasn't a member left, Jamal and Dezhong were welcomed into the Gorilla's Pen, the name given to their base.

The two were led to the upper most floor where Kong, Ash, a few other gang members, and the unconscious girl waited for them from.

"Welcome, boys." Kong greeted. "Please, don't bother sitting. I'll make it quick cause it's late. I want you two here early tomorrow so you'll learn of your 'duties.' Remember, there are many who would kill for this position so you've got a lot riding on your shoulders. Get here tomorrow and we'll discuss more. That's all."

"Sir!!" Jamal saluted. "I promise to do my best for you and the Gorillas, Sir!!"

"Calm down, G.I. Jane." Kong teased and everyone snickered, including Dezhong. "Go home and get some rest, NOW!"