

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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After the speech, Barry Introduced a guy called Myles who will draw out a battle plan. This happened for a few hours before finally closing.

6:00pm, 1|11|3030. The revolution hall.

People could be seen living the hall in groups discussing what happened so far and their opinions. That the end of hall, in the last row trent and wendy can be seen sitting. James isn't there.

Wendy: so where James anyway.

Trent: he said he needed to talk to morgan about something and dashed off.

Wendy: I see, so what did you want to tell me again?.

Trent:(looking away). Oh that.

Wendy: don't tell me you have fallen in love with me and what to ask me out. It is a No.

Trent: no it not even that.

Wendy: okay then what.

Trent:*sighes. I saw it.

Wendy: saw what.

Trent: your memories. I don't know how but after we fell into that trap, I kinda landed in your head and saw a scene in your head.

Wendy: what scene.

Trent: it about your father.

Wendy: I see, you know I always hid that part of my memory deep down in my mind but I didn't know what brough it up. So that it all connected.

Trent: am sorry, I didn't want to tell you but I feel it better you knew. I don't want to bring up your hurtful past.(tries to get up).

Wendy: you know I use to have a sister.

Trent:(sits down). What?

Wendy:(louder). I use to have a sister, very annoying ball of energy but(she paused) no matter what I couldn't hate her. I love her dearly, I usually took the beating alone with my mom when my dad came home drunk. I will hear her cry but tell her it okay, deep down I knew it wasn't and now I don't know know where she is.

Trent: that why.

Wendy: why what.

Trent: you want to help me so badly, because you know what it is like to lose someone you love.

Wendy:(starts crying). I was too weak, I couldn't save her.

Trent:(hugs her). Don't worry I will help you find her I promise.

Wendy: Tracy.

Trent: what?

Wendy: her name is Tracy. Increase you want to find her.

Trent: sure no problem.

They remain like this for a few minutes , unknown to them this caused a huge shift in their friends. They remained like this until BOOM‼️.

Someone lands on the table.

Barry: hey, if you guys are done playing love. We are going to have a party to celebrate our awakeneds revolution and I wanted to inform you personally. It will be my honor to have you guys around.

Wendy and trent separate immediately.

Both of them: sure why not.

Barry: Good, see you around.(disappears).

Trent: that was fast.

Wendy: it super speed. I think the speed of light.

Trent: cool. I wish I had that abilities. Anyway am hungry let go grab a bite.

Wendy: sure, it your treat.

They both leave.

Author: TIME SKIP‼️

4:00pm, 3|11|3030, revolution base.

The last few days were peaceful, trent could finally have time to train and plan properly. He was also able to collect information about many things he wanted to know since he awakened his abilities.

Loud music can be heard in the base.it was quite busy and full today as it was the party to celebrate the awakened revolution. Trent and wendy are seen sitting by the side with soda in their hands. James was taking to morgan.

Trent: it a nice party but I don't feel comfortable.

Wendy: why.

Trent: my friend sammy always use to invite me to his parties. I never went

Wendy: bad for you. You are only a teenager once. But besides that I just sensed a whole lot of frequencies from outside.

Meanwhile out the revolution base.

Metal overload: man, it was hard finding this place. Myles you sure know your stuff, mark sends his regards.

Myles: thanks boss. I don't believe in any revolution stuff, as the strongest we are entitled to oppress the weak.

Metal overload: yeah, yeah. Cut the crap.just tell me how to get in and out.

Myles: it simple. There is a force field barrer which I can open. They are currently at their weak point and heavy distracted so they won't see if coming. Before they realize it too late.

Metal overload: Good job. Hey guys suit up and get him one too.

Myles: what?. No am the underground man I can't come.

Metal overload: sorry bro but we need all the hands we can get to make it work. So better suit up or get killed after.

Myles left to suit up.

Metal overload: remember boys don't engage unless engaged. 45% of the awakeneds here are power buffs. And our target is no ordinary person. Do I make myself clear.

Guards: yes sir.

Metal overload: Good now move out‼️.

At the party.

Wendy: it becoming strong. No we are In danger.

Wendy runs to where the music is been played and turns it off.

Wendy: everybody get the f*ck down‼️.


Everybody is on the floor, most of them injured. Other try to flee the scene. Metal overload walks in with myles besides him

Metal overload: party is over. Now I will advise you to stay where you are because you are surrounded.

Some of individuals try to move but where gunned down immediately.

Metal overload: I warned yah. Now let the party started where the f*ck is trent walker.

At the main building.

Morgan: barry we are under attack.

Barry: what by who?

Morgan: mark's men.

Barry: Damn it(smack the table). Morgan what about the others.

Morgan: everybody is there.

Barry: seems I have to join the party (picks up his jacket). Let rock morgan.

Author: Get ready for ACTION‼️, next chapter. Please review this book if you love it thank you ☺️.