

A boy Natsu who didn't have any powers was bullied a lot because of that. Now an unfortunate accident happened to Natsu which caused him to be transported to another dimension and now he must find his way home and for that to happen he must first become strong. Join Natsu in his adventure to becoming an unrivaled hero.

IOWO · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


As he entered into the forest to hunt that night, he was a little bit scared hearing and knowing that he's an F rank.

He decided to set a trap for the strongest and fastest beasts and then drag it to his house so that he can train with it any time without stressing himself to come to the forest.

He dug a hole and weaved the vines in the forest and then threw it into the hole. He covered the hole with weak branches and then threw leafs on them, making it blend with the forest.

"That should do it, there's no way the strongest beast won't fall inside my trap", Natsu said as he became proud of himself.

Natsu has done research on all the beasts in the forest and determined which of them was the top 10 most powerful, more like the top 10 that will improve his strength.

He then went into the forest to find the beast, the first one he found was a beast that was like a bull but had a rhino's horn on its nose. Natsu was excited as he got it's attention, he first wanted to check how strong it was so he decided to fight it before running away.

He ran towards it, the beast on the other hand saw him running to it and decided to dash towards him. It was immensely powerful, it ran and hit Natsu which threw him away.

Natsu tried to get up and then he saw it charging towards him, he immediately jumped towards the corner and dodged it's attack.

Adrenaline was much in his body so he didn't feel the pain yet, he decided to run towards his trap and eventually reached it.

The beast fell into his trap and he was so happy because it tried to escape but couldn't.

He immediately covered his trap back so that another beast can be able to fall inside.

He left to get other powerful beasts that night and eventually got the nine strongest beasts that he wanted. The first one was the bull with rhino horns, the second was a half elephant half hippopotamus, the third was a half lion half grey falcon which is mainly known as a Griffin, the fourth was a half vampire bat half inland taipan, the fifth was a half panther half eagle, the sixth was a half monkey half scorpion, the seventh was an half blue ring octopus half fox,the eighth was a half grizzle bear half tiger,the nineth one was a half kangaroo half gorilla and the final one was a mixture of a cheetah, peregrine falcon and a jelly fish.

The tenth and final one was called jeleatcon. When Natsu saw the jeleatcon he was stunned by it because it wasn't just fast but deadly.

"How I'm I going to capture this, with the state I'm in", Natsu thought to himself. Natsu was seriously in a bad shape at that, he had blood flowing on his face and had lots of scratches and cuts on hus body not only that he also had a claw scratch on his black cloth which blood was also flowing from.

For the other animals he captured they all almost killed him, he tried luring them into his trap using his blood and other things they liked but none of them were easy for him to defeat more like lure them into the trap.

Some of the animals weren't really gigantic as he thought they would but this one made him surprised because although it's fast and strong it was like all these normal sized animals with a cub beside it.

He immediately thought to himself, "If I can capture the cub, it will be very easy for me to lure the big one, but how?"

He hid himself and tried going close to the cub, eventually he was successful in holding the cub and started moving towards the trap.

As he turned the cub towards him he was really stunned by it and said, "Wow you look really cute!" While he was saying it the cub was looking at him weirdly trying to recognize him and unfortunately couldn't and let out a loud noise.

When Natsu heard this he immediately started running as fast as he could because he know it's family will come for it.

As the animal sound echo's round the forest the animal beside it immediately turned towards the noise, it then checked around it and as it saw that the cub wasn't there it immediately started heading towards the noise.

"Damn it, what am I going to do? If that thing catches me I'm doomed", Natsu thought.

He was surprised because, he has just approached the trap and the animal beside the cub hasn't yet approached him, meanwhile the cub was silent and bending it's head left and right.

He was surprised with how peaceful the cub was so he decided to look around and as he turned back he was shocked close to death to see two animals which were bigger than him looking at him and an animal which was the size of an adult cheetah.


Natsu screamed as he was frightened with how close they were and how they're going to kill him.

"I'm dead alright", Natsu thought as he immediately had a crazy idea as he was frightened.

He started stepping back slowly and dropped the baby in the middle of the trap, and then walked slowly away from the baby, the beasts then looked at Natsu as the beast that was the size of an adult cheetah approached the baby, the other two big beasts stayed behind to watch them.

"Shit! I can't believe that they are smart, what I'm I going to do now?", Natsu thought to himself as he was thinking of closing the trap.

The small one went towards the cub and smelled it, it then stopped and stood there looking at the cub. One of the other big animal went and did the same thing the small one did, so the other one was confused and also went and then after doing the same thing looked at Natsu and began to become angry.

Natsu immediately dropped the cage over them which trapped only three animals. Natsu was shocked by this and then decided to recount, he saw that it was only three animals and then decided to look up.

The other big animal was flying over them and was really irritated and angry with Natsu, it then dashed towards him and almost sliced him into two as Natsu was unable to bearly dodge it.

The fight was almost like the fight between the liagole but this time there were no fire and talking just brutal beating and the urge to survive.

( I'll let you all imagine the fight maybe during the animations and manual we might show the fight between them [ ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ(⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)(⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)(⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)].

Anyways Natsu eventually drove the jeleatcon to another animals territory which caused a fight between them and made Natsu able to escape.

He was wondering how he would drag all the animals home, he eventually started dragging each of the them gently but it took him like two days before he got to his house.

He was really tired and hungry not just that he felt like he was about to die.

He put every animal mostly beasts in there new home, he went and took a shower with so much pain on his body and later treated his injuries after he finished bathing.

He was really tired but remembered that he hasn't gone to the old man's shop in a while and then went there.

When he arrived he acted as his usual self not to bother the old man.

"Good evening sir, how was your day", Natsu said.

"I'm good, where have you been all this while", the old man asked.

"No where really, just resting in my house and decided not to come out to avoid being called a failure", Natsu said.

The old man looked at him and said, "Then your in luck, the guild will be running a test for all the newbies to determine what a persons rank truly is, so don't be stressing your self worrying because you have a chance to prove that your not a failure and it's holding today".

"Why does it have to be today of all days" Natsu thought.

The old man looked at him and said, "Are you okay". "Yeah", Natsu replied.

"If that's so then start going towards the guild, meet new people and rest well so that you'll stand a higher chance of not being called a failure the old man told Natsu".

'But what about working", Natsu said.

"Don't worry about that, you have missed three days of work so today won't be any problem", the old man said.

He immediately told Natsu to start moving.

"Fine fine, I'm going", Natsu said as he started leaving the shop.

When he arrived at the guild and saw lots of people in it, as most of them where newbies.


"Let's get this day over already", Natsu said to himself as he went to a corner to rest.

No one noticed Natsu bandages because he wore a white long hand cloth inside and wore a black jacket on top, which made his inner cloth blend with the bandage as the cloth itself was hugging his body. He also wore a black trousers with a white socks and black shoes.

Incase you're wondering where he got all those money to buy this things, don't forget that his working and his boss is nice to him so he borrowed a lot from him.

Okay so after a while passed a loud voice was heard in the back group, "Okay newbies, I hope your all ready" .

As the newbies began to get ready, Natsu still remained calm and not excited but instead nervous.

"Okay everyone, this is what we're going to do. We are going to have different series of tests and at the end we will take only those who are qualified to be a Hunter or an Adventurer".

Natsu was surprised because he was wondering how an F rank like him will be able to qualify and not just him people were murmuring about it.

"What does he mean by only those who are qualified and how do we know how to qualify for it", as different people started voicing there questions and complains.

"I don't care what you all think really, and I promise you all that I actually don't want any newbies, so I'll definitely make this exams hell for you all", the instructor said.

Immediately the instructor said that all hell broke loose as people began to scream and yell about how they don't like what the instructor said.

Natsu stood up from where he was with all the noise they were making and shouted "Will you all just shut up your mouth and stop talking like fools, I thought you're hear for an exam and not to joke around". Everyone stopped and looked at Natsu and was stunned to hear him say that.

In another room different from where the newbies are, people were seated on a chair. A voice came out from there and said, "I like this kid, who is he"? The secretary replied, "That's an F rank boy and his name is Natsu".

"Did you just say an F rank", someone else said.

"Yes sir, he is the first F rank we have ever seen".

Meanwhile, Natsu was still trying to face the fact that everyone was looking at him weirdly.

Immediately a voice laughing at him which came out from the crowd said, "Isn't that the F rank kid", and immediately everyone began to laugh at Natsu.

"What does an F rank really know, I'm sure he's here to just get in our way", people said as they were laughing.

Natsu was embarrassed by this and just sat back down.

A voice came from the background as a gigantic door was opening, "Contestants begin".

Immediately people started running outside the hall before the door closes.