

If Mary was born lucky, would she have had a different life? Would that really change who she was?

Estherio · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 18: Handsome and his Beast

Kelvin pushed Pete hard again which almost caused a fight if his friends hadn't intervened.

" Don't do this here kelvin, it will only cause Melinda's family huge damage" Derek silently told him

" Don't fucking get close to my girlfriend ever again" Kelvin warned him

" Damn her" Pete angrily said to him before making his way out of the crowd

" Did he hurt you?" Kelvin asked Mary as he took her by her hand to check if there was a scratch on them

" Am okay, am sorry for almost ruining your happy moments" Mary apologized

Claire signed and left followed by her boyfriend who has been pestering her.

" Let's dance" Kelvin said as he reached out his hands to her

" Sure" she responded as she held his hand.

" Don't you think she is strange?" Claire asked Timmy

"Come on Claire, you don't have to find fault on anyone you dislike " Timmy told her

" I am telling you, she is a strange one. Come to think of it; Kelvin is one of the few persons in the world that wouldn't pick a fight with anyone but he has been loosing control of himself these few days he had met this unknown girl" Claire said

"Are you jealous that she is been treated nice babe? They are new to relationship and it is bound to be that way. Remember when we first met? I am your first too and we were just crazy about each other " Timmy said grinning in between his teeth

" Whatever" Claire said pushing him slightly.

Kelvin noticed Mary had been distracted from their dance

" Are you sure you are okay?" Kelvin asked her

" I think Claire hates me, she probably thinks I am not best for you" Mary said looking worried

" You worry too much babe, I am the one in a relationship with you not my friends, and beside; Her relationship with Timmy isn't perfect, they have their ups and down" Kelvin told her

" How long have they been together?" She asked

" Four years, they have been in relationship ever since our fresh man year" Kelvin told her

" Do you think they would end up together?" She asked curiously

" Every since Timmy started messing up, I don't know about that anymore. But I know they still love each other and they are both my friends. I wish Timmy could come clean " Kelvin said

" That's sad" Mary said

" Enough of them, let's join the table over there and have more fun" Kelvin said

Mary looked towards the direction of the Table filled with people playing cards and drinking. Timmy was there too and one could tell that the fun over there wouldn't be completed if Kelvin the fun master wasn't there.

" Okay" She said as if she was forced to do so

" Thank you babe" He said giving her a peck on her cheek. Mary wasn't happy that Kelvin had chooses to spend time with his friends once again. She frowned her face and looked around the Club until her eye met with Claire who was drinking at a corner.