
Awakened Horror: Evolution Wonderland

[Warning: Mature Content] "He's deemed as the villain… but what if his actions were just misunderstood?" __________ [Rabble band of outcasts!] Calm witch~ "I've got a dissociative personality disorder, but I can separate them as individual entities!" Mischievous warrior~ "I've got a high level of potential, I'm a man from hell after all." Bored trickster~ "I've got many stunts up my sleeves, I can make you moan and bleed at the same time!" Me~ "I'm just an honest FBI trainee." ________ In the spirited underside of a world shadowed by the Abyss, Roman, a promising but untested FBI trainee, stumbles into a chilling nightmare. An inexplicable phenomenon unleashed bloodthirsty creatures unlike anything the world has ever witnessed, and in the chaos, Roman finds himself infected. His search for answers throws him into a perilous alliance with a rabble band of outcasts – a calm witch with secrets of her own, a mischievous warrior scarred by encounters with the Abyssal darkness, and a bored trickster hiding a surprising depth of knowledge. Haunted by visions of a looming apocalypse and whispers of an ancient prophecy, Roman must unravel the true secrets of his infection before it consumes him and unleashes the full, chilling might of the Abyss upon the world. The Abyssal stain wrenches within him, a dark melody whispering promises of power and destruction from the very depths of hell. But can Roman resist the Abyss' seductive pull? As his power grows, the line between a protagonist and an antagonist blurs.

Dreamylad · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 022: The Void's puppet- part one.

Thin, bony fingers scraped against the window frame, a chilling counterpoint to the first slivers of golden light peeking through the grimy glass. Panic, sharp and icy, tightened its grip on Thomas's face as the Trickster's mocking words echoed in my mind: 'Closer than you think…'

With a desperate shove, I sent Thomas tumbling off the mattress and onto the floor, shielding him from the skeletal figure now perched menacingly on the windowsill. Its empty sockets glowed with an unnatural hunger, and its limbs, brittle and white, tapped impatiently against the wood and glass.

"Out… Now." I whispered, a surge of courage momentarily pushing down the knot of fear in my gut. I snatched a dusty bag from the floor and began stuffing it with medical supplies and water, working silently despite the hammering of my heart. "Back door."

But Thomas, his eyes wide with terror, remained frozen. "Grace?" he rasped, his voice barely a whisper.