
Awakened Bloodline System

Eons ago, during the war that broke out between the werewolves and other beings like witches,Vampires and humans, the Queen of the Witch race placed a curse on the bloodline of the werewolf’s Alpha in her strongest form.The curse continued for decades without a member from the royal lineage been able to break the curse.After the werewolf race was eliminated, some surviving members escaped and lived among the common planets of the human being s. After the elimination of the werewolf race the Vampires became the strongest race but with the lowest population that ruled over all the planets.Placing bounties on werewolves,they were eliminated one by one.In fear some chose to marry humans whiles others decided to die fighting. Centuries later,There were now fewer werewolves living, but the werewolf haunting had subsided.A boy was born from Sera-Almighty Alpha's genuine bloodline,his parents had told him he would grow up to be just as powerful as they are. However, it wasn't long before they perished away with nobody understanding what had happened to them.Studying his parents as he grows he knew there were much to learn,but now they are dead, All that was left of him was some cash, a house, and a glass container that looked like red rubber and contained a red liquid that flowed like a jewel.People looked down on him because he was weak and lacked talent. They planned to harm him and beat him whenever they had the chance. Leo was enraged by everything, and when he comes home, he causes a mess.He had sustained a tiny cut whilst attempting to break a rubber glass jar.Through his wound, the liquid from the jar seeped into his body.Straightforward until he heard a voice, he was slightly Uncomfortable. “Bloodline Awakening” “Failed......” "Awakening bloodline....." “Failed..........” The moment he heard "Awakening bloodline..." again after feeling dizzy and seeing this, he initially believed he was having a hallucination. “Successful....” After hearing the final voice, he passed out. All in his life all he wanted to accomplish was to become stronger and protect those closer to him. Join the fun as Leo uncovers his families secrets as he continues to grow stronger.......... **novel cover by Daoistmmyflf**

Night_Dreamer_ · Fantasy
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Chapter 4 A new world

"They've got to give me some good news today," A boy spoke while hurrying along as though someone was following him.The boy appeared to be robust and had yellowish-cut hair, a handsome face, and an ordinary body frame.The boy was called Leo.

He was in deep thought when he overheard someone ask, "What are you up to?"

He looked up to see a girl with brown hair that was curled covering her portion.He shrugged, seemingly unaffected by the girl's beauty, and said, "What!, you want me to tell you?, it's a secret."He moved a step closer to her before carrying on.The girl stood there pondering what to do next.She noticed him leaving before she could say anything.

"Waiiiit!! Hold on,why are you leaving me here" The girl asked

Decades have passed since the fight between the werewolf race and the witches,currently referred to as mages.Humans,Vampires, and werewolves battle had shaped the universe.Following the war, a lot of developments and new technology were introduced into the world.With the assistance of humans, who after the conflict grew very close to the witches,now commonly referred to as mages, the witches have been expanding their planets and this made the vampires were very frustrated and unsatisfied with their connection with the humans,but because of their small population, there was nothing they could do to stop them from being together.Tray, the son of the werewolves' leader, vanished into thin air following the explosion that obliterated their world.

She started pursuing him on foot. They had been on lookout for all werewolves, thus there were rewards for anyone who could provide crucial information on them.But that seems to have dwindle down as their are scenarios of werewolves been spotted.

"Why are you following me, Zena?" Leo questioned.Feeling awkward because he got side tracked by the female who was following him.

"Leo, tell me the truth," Zena said as she stopped walking and reached out to touch his clothing. Leo stared into her eyes as she continued, "Are you really going there again? It's been a year since you started going to cathtown."

Leo lowered his head and murmured, "So do you also believe they abandoned me and moved on?" as tears started to form under his eyes.

Leo's parents have reportedly passed away, but he still believes that they abandoned him because they thought he wasn't as strong as them,he was going to be a burden.He has been looking for them on his own for a while now without success.

"Leo! They didn't leave you behind." She called out to him."Leo, no parent would ever leave their child."

Leo's heart skipped a beat as he thought, "What if they found me annoying? What if they knew I would be a weak boy?" He questioned as he fell to the ground and looked at Zena with his eyes watering.

They are dead, so you don't have to worry about them leaving you, so let's go back, Leo. She approached him and gave him a hug.Leo, everything will be well, so it's okay. She muttered.

Leo's parents were well-liked in their community.They were powerful individuals who were also included among the strongest individuals in their planet. They were searching for an object called crystal that had been sought after by all three races.The purpose of the crystals was kept a secret so that only the leaders and well-liked individuals knew.

They stood up and made their way back to their residence. Leo's parents were said to have passed away when he was eight years old, and he would turn eighteen next week.Since Zena's mother had been caring for him since then, their bond had grown so close that they were able to confide in one another. After a while of walking, they arrived at their houses, and Zena walked to her house while Leo went to his flat.They lived in the same city.

After the war, a lot of things changed. The world now had buildings and cars, and all the races were now coexisting together.

Leo entered his room, went to his mini-kitchen, and then grabbed something from his cabinet.

He said, "Mother! Father, this is the only thing you left me personally."Before his parents passed away, his mother had given him this and instructed him to keep it at all times and lead a decent life.

"You always say I'll be great when I grow up, but look at me now!!, I don't seem to be what you said I would be.I am unable to meet your expectations.

He approached a portrait on the wall and gazed at the image, remembering the times he had spent with his parents.He began to cry "Mother" as he stared at the image in the portrait.

After going to her house,Zena went straight to their living room to find her mother for a talk.

When one looks closely, one can observe that Zena has an undeniable resemblance to the woman with she was conversing with.

"Mother, why is it that you always compliment Leo's mother but never even mention his father?"Zena enquired.

She scowled at her before diverting her gaze

"I want to ask,What happened today?" She questioned really.

"Leo still believes his parents are still alive, Zena said, shaking her head. This effectively cured the woman's anxiousness.

"If it were just his father, I'd think he was still around." Before talking, she lowered her voice and said, "But his mother might be dead, actually dead.Yeah, that's right.

What her mother meant when she said that his mother might actually be dead and that his father might still be alive baffled Zena greatly.She continued saying, "Mother, what do you mean, do you know much about his father," as her final words.

Just keep your distance from him, please.Never try to fall in love with him; keep your distance. She told her without responding to her query. Zena sat there carefully considering what her mother had said while attempting to interpret it.

"Get a head start on bed; you have school tomorrow." Zena was still thinking as her mother left the living room.

She asked, "Hump, what's wrong with her," and then got up and went to her bedroom, brushing it off.

She yawned, "Hope tomorrow brings a better day, haah."