
Awakened ascendancy:The rise of Alex Whitaker

In a world where every individual awakens to a unique talent with ranks ranging from G to SSS, Alex Whitaker finds himself with an unremarkable E-rank potential. Ridiculed and underestimated by his peers, particularly the arrogant Kael Astralwind, Alex struggles to find his place in the prestigious academy where talent determines one’s future. However, Alex's fate takes a dramatic turn when he discovers the mysterious Demon King System. This powerful system grants him unique abilities and the capacity to view others' stats, elements, and physical attributes. Even more astonishing is his encounter with the Limitless Seed, an artifact that unlocks boundless potential, enabling him to surpass his initial rank.

Idahosa · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8:Talent awakening ceremony

### Chapter 8:Talent Awakening ceremony

The academy was buzzing with excitement as the Talent Awakening Ceremony approached. This event would determine our peak potential, ranging from G to SSS. The anticipation was palpable, and I felt a mix of nerves and excitement.

As I walked to the ceremony hall, I noticed groups of students whispering and pointing. It was hard not to overhear their conversations about Kael Astralwind, the proclaimed genius with S-rank potential. His arrogant demeanor was becoming more insufferable with each passing day.

Entering the hall, I found a seat next to Lyra. She smiled reassuringly. "Nervous?"

"A bit," I admitted. "But more excited to see what happens."

The ceremony began with the headmaster, an imposing figure with a stern expression, explaining the process. Each student would step onto the Awakening Stone, which would reveal their peak talent rank. The atmosphere was tense as names were called one by one.

"Lyra Starfire."

Lyra walked confidently to the stone, placing her hand on it. The stone glowed brightly, and a holographic display appeared above it.

**Lyra Starfire: A-rank**

The hall erupted in applause. Lyra's face lit up with a mix of pride and relief as she returned to her seat. "Not bad, right?"

"More than not bad," I said, genuinely happy for her.

"Kael Astralwind."

Kael sauntered up to the stone, exuding confidence. As his hand touched the stone, it glowed even brighter than it had for Lyra. The display showed his rank, causing the room to gasp.

**Kael Astralwind: S-rank**

He smirked, soaking in the admiration and envy of the other students. Returning to his seat, he shot me a condescending glance. "Let's see how the commoner fares."

I ignored him, focusing on steadying my nerves. My name was called next.

"Alex Whitaker."

Taking a deep breath, I approached the stone. As I placed my hand on it, I felt a surge of energy. The stone glowed, but the display was less impressive than Kael's.

**Alex Whitaker: E-rank**

A wave of whispers and laughter spread through the hall. Kael's mocking laughter was the loudest. "An E-rank? How pathetic."

I clenched my fists, frustration boiling inside me. But I refused to let Kael's words get to me. As the ceremony continued, I tried to focus on the fact that rank wasn't everything. I had the Demon King System, a hidden ace no one knew about.

Later that day, as I walked back to my dorm, I felt a strange pull. Following the sensation, I found myself in a secluded part of the academy grounds. There, half-buried in the dirt, was a small, glowing seed. The Demon King System reacted immediately.

**System Update:**

- **Item Acquired: Limitless Seed**

- **Effect: Grants limitless potential, allowing the user to surpass their initial rank.**

My heart raced. This was it. This was the key to overcoming my low rank and proving everyone wrong. I quickly absorbed the seed, feeling a surge of power course through me. The system updated again.

**New Ability Unlocked: Limitless Potential**

- **Effect: Removes rank limitations, allowing for continuous growth.**

I smiled, a newfound determination burning within me. I would surpass Kael and anyone else who doubted me. With this power, I would reach heights they couldn't even imagine.

Returning to the academy, I noticed Kael and his cronies bullying a younger student. Fury boiled over. I approached them, my presence drawing their attention.

"Leave him alone, Kael."

Kael sneered. "And what are you going to do about it, E-rank?"

Activating my Demon King's Authority, I felt my power surge. I could see Kael's stats and knew his weaknesses. I stepped forward, my voice cold. "Try me."

Kael's smirk faltered. He seemed unsure but didn't back down. "Fine, let's see what you've got."

The confrontation was intense. Kael's abilities were formidable, but with the Limitless Seed's power enhancing me, I managed to hold my ground. As we fought, I felt the system tracking my progress.

**System Update:**

- **Strength: +2**

- **Agility: +1**

- **Endurance: +1**

The fight ended in a draw, but it was clear to everyone that I was not the weakling they thought I was. Kael's arrogance took a hit, and he glared at me with newfound respect and animosity.

As the crowd dispersed, Lyra approached me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, still catching my breath. "Yeah. Just needed to prove a point."

She smiled, a glint of admiration in her eyes. "You certainly did. What happened back there?"

"Just... a revelation," I said cryptically.

With each passing day, the Demon King System would help me grow stronger. And with the Limitless Seed, my potential was boundless. The academy was just the beginning, and I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Anyone else feeling excited? I know I am!!!

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