
Awaken of the Vampire King

Long ago, three races were at war: vampires, werewolves, and humans. The king of vampires possessed power none could rival, turning the ties of the war in the vampire's favour until he got betrayed by those closest to him and was thought to be dead. 5000 years have passed, the war is long over, and his name is nothing but folklore and old myths. Until he awakens due to an unpredictable factor, now 5000 years later, he strives to use his power to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. He must now set on challenges that will come his way to achieve his goal and reclaim his title as the true one King!

Velocity10 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Who are you, Cecilia?

Chapter 1: Awakening.

P10: Who are you, Cecilia?

It was night and we saw Cecilia sneaking around the campus to avoid being spotted by patrolling guards.

She wasn't wearing her uniform to prevent the people outside from knowing that she attended the academy.

"How did you know she was going to be here?" Leyla asked.

I understood where Leyla was coming from. I did not explain to her how I knew that Cecilia would be out here at this time nor did I give her an explanation why we needed to observe her.

"During the class when she shot me with her look of anger and frustration, I took it upon myself to find out what I did to upset her by reading her thoughts," I explained to her.

"Her thoughts?" Leyla had a suspicious look on her face mixed with confusion.

I thought she might have the wrong idea, so I began to tell her the full picture.

(Hours ago in the class)

Why did she look at me like that?... Let's find out.

I used the spell nite to peer into her thoughts.

"Again one of those know-it-all brats– I hate being here in this boring class, with this boring instructor and with these boring people. I can't wait until night falls to sneak out and meet with them," Cecilia thought to herself.

So that was the reason for her gaze…I'm just a 'know-it-all brat'.

What I found more interesting was her wanting to sneak out at night to meet 'them'.

(Back inside the library)

"So you're saying she will meet people outside the academy?" Leyla asked to make sure that she got everything right what I just explained to her.

"That's right," I replied.

Cecilia made sure to not be seen until she reached the gate.

Now she faced the hardest part which was getting past the two guards outside the gate.

"What will you do now?" I mumbled to myself.

She cast the spell nul which turned her invisible.

"She vanished?" Leyla said in shock.

"No just turned herself invisible," I replied.

Despite her spell, I still saw her.

She tiptoed out the front gate ensuring that her footsteps wouldn't make a sound alerting the guards.

"Let's go," I said to Leyla.

"Wher-" Leyla was unable to finish her question by the time I cast luniun teleporting us outside the academy.

" Next time please give me a heads up," Leyla said.

We were outside the academy.

I teleported us to the top of a building close to where Cecilia was.

She stopped using nul and began to head toward the centre of the capital.

We followed her close by on top of rooftops.

Cecilia regularly checked behind her to ensure that she wasn't being followed.

Eventually, she reached a narrow alleyway with people seemingly waiting for her.

"Hey Fram," One person said to her.

She didn't use her real name to most likely hide her identity as a noble.

"Hey guys," Cecilia or should I say Fram replied.

In total, there were 5 other people, 3 of them were boys and 2 of them were girls.

They were all slightly older than her, it was clear that they were thugs and didn't play friendly with the law.

"Glad you came," Boy 1 told her.

Boy 2 wrapped his hand around her shoulders walking her forward to the others.

"You guys have no idea how long today was," She said with a relaxed tone.

"Hahaha, that academy you attend is nothing but a circus," Girl 1 said while drinking a cup of wine.

"Why don't you just quit?" Girl 2 asks while smoking a pipe.

They knew that she went to the Magic Academy.

"I wish I could but my family would kill me if I quit," Cecilia replied.

Leyla showed concern for her.

"Why would she meet those kinds of people?" Leyla whispered.

"If we keep observing them we will find out," I replied.

Cecilia chatted with the others for some time mostly about how dreadful her life was at the academy.

Then she got offered a drink.

"Here you go," Girl 2 said, pushing a cup in Cecilia's hand.

I noticed something strange…

"Leyla, let's get down there," I told her.

"Huh?... Okay," Leyla agreed with confusion.

Cecilia took the cup.

The others had a look of eagerness as they waited for her to take a sip.

As she was about to take a sip, the cup inches away from her lips I called out from behind.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you," I told her.

She turned around.

The others were surprised and frustrated.

"Who is this bastard?" Boy 3 asked, grinding his teeth.

Ceclia was not expecting anyone from the academy to be here.

"He's a classmate who just got lost," Cecilia replied.

"Drop the cup, there is magic inside the cup that activates when you drink it," I warned her.

"Nice try," Cecilia was in disbelief.

"Why won't you see it with your magic eyes," I told her.

Cecilia focused magic in her eyes and looked at the cup.

"What?!" She asked in shock, dropping the cup.

The five got even more frustrated with me.

"Why did you ruin our plan?!" Girl 1 yelled.

Cecilia faced the group.

"W-What plan?" Cecilia asked, her eyes were wide open and she began to slowly distance herself away from them.

"I guess the jig is up," Boy 2 said.

Tears began to build in her eyes.

"What jig?" Cecilia asked.

It wasn't hard to understand what these thugs were after.

"It's obvious that they know your true identity, they acted as your friends to lower your guard and when the time was right to kidnap you and ask for ransom," I explained.

"You punk," Girl 2 said with deep anger.

I went to the cup Cecilia dropped and picked it off the ground.

"That cup is laced with the spell tronos a spell that puts the victim in a deep sleep for hours," I showed Cecilia the bottom of the cup where a small magic circle was drawn inside.

"Mixed with the drink and a single sip would have been enough to knock you out for hours," I explained to Cecilia.

"That's just cruel," Leyla said, holding her hands to her mouth.

Cecilia's tears ran down her cheek.

"I thought you were my friends," She said as more tears began to slowly run down her cheek.

"You were never our friend…we just thought of you as a source of wealth, since you are a member of the Bloodfallen family," Girl 1 said laughing.

"HAHAHA!" The others laughed at her.

"If it wasn't for this jerk we would have been successful," Boy 3 said pointing at me.

"That's right, looks like we need you to pay," Girl 2 said smirking.

Cecilia did not speak; it was as if she was frozen in time until she asked one short but fair question.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why what?" Boy 1 said smirking.

"Why did you play with my emotions like that?" Cecilia continued, the tears in her eyes not stopping to build up.

"Like we said, you were just a tool for cash," Girl 2 said.

That's right," Boy 2 said with an evil smile.

"All I ever wanted was to have friends, my parents are the heads of the Bloodfallen family. They were strict and demanded nothing but perfection in academics and magic. Since I could crawl I wasn't allowed leisure activities nor was I allowed to have friends because my parents said it would hinder my progress—" Cecilia was then rudely cut off.

"Boo Hoo!" Boy 1 interrupted while laughing.

"No one cares what you say," Girl 2 laughed.

Cecilia's tears began to run down her cheek.

Furious I raised my arm at those five.

"I think you need a time out," I cast the spell dementros which was the spell of time to freeze them in place.

Unable to move and speak I made sure they listened to Cecilia's story without them interrupting.

Cecilia, unphased by what I did, continued to tell her story.

"I had to study and train till the sun rose and night fell day after day—" Cecilia's tears began to multiply.

"When I met you guys a week ago having fun I was thrilled that you invited me to talk with you and do things friends would," Cecilia's tears dropped on the cold floor.

"That's just—" Leyla couldn't find words to describe the cruelty.



"Perhaps I am destined to be all alone," She said, wiping her tears.

"No, you're not!" Leyla yelled, running up to her and grabbing both her hands.

"Huh!" Cecilia's eyes and mouth opened wide; she was caught off guard by Leyla's sudden approach.

"I'll gladly be your friend, please don't think that you need to be alone. I don't care what your family tells me and I don't care that you are a noble…If you accept my friendship I'm sure you will find what you were looking for," Leyla wiped off all Cecilia's remaining tears.

"Please do," Cecilia replied and began to slowly smile.

"Is there room for one more friend?" I asked Cecilia.

"You also want to be friends with me?" Cecilia wanted to make sure.

"Of course," I reached out my hand to her for a handshake.

We shook hands to seal our friendship.

"By the way…What did you do to them?" Leyla pointed to the five who were still frozen.

"I just froze them in time," I replied.

Leyla was surprised that such a thing was possible. She wanted to ask more follow-up questions but I had something else to do.

"Leyla, I will teleport you two back to the dorms, please take care of Cecilia, she had a lot to deal with today," Leyla wanting to know more about my time spell knew that I was right and Cecilia came first.

I cast luniun teleporting them back to the dorms.

Now it was just me and the five thugs.

I lifted dementros.

"What was that?" All of them asked.

"That should be the least of your concerns," I told them.

My eyes began to glow orange and fear overwhelmed them at the sight of them.

"What are you doing?" Boy 1 said in fear

"Stay away," Girls 1 and 2 said on the verge of tears.

I came to deeply hate betrayal and that influenced my next action.

"So what?" Boy 2 said with a shaking voice.

"I'll make sure you will never betray anyone again," I said.

I tapped the ground gently with the tip of my foot.

"AHHH!" followed my silence. .....

I obliterated those 5 out of anger. There was nothing but blood stains left on the walls and ground.

But I didn't want to kill them permanently.

I cast the spell elixis, the resurrection spell.

With only their bodies destroyed and essences fully intact I was able to resurrect them.

"AAAAA!" They all screamed in fear.

On the floor in fear and confusion with shaken-up voices, they asked questions.

"We were just dead?" They asked each other.

"We all died by him…and brought back to life?" Girl 2 asked.

"I-I know we were," Boy 3 said.

"Listen to me closely," I told them standing before them.

The five looked up at me.

"If I ever hear you trouble anyone ever again then I'll be back and the next time, I won't be this lenient," I said,

"We-We understand," The five of them nodded.

"Good," I cast the spell luniun and was inside my dorm room.

I lay on my bed.


"What an eventful first day,"