
Awaken of the Vampire King

Long ago, three races were at war: vampires, werewolves, and humans. The king of vampires possessed power none could rival, turning the ties of the war in the vampire's favour until he got betrayed by those closest to him and was thought to be dead. 5000 years have passed, the war is long over, and his name is nothing but folklore and old myths. Until he awakens due to an unpredictable factor, now 5000 years later, he strives to use his power to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. He must now set on challenges that will come his way to achieve his goal and reclaim his title as the true one King!

Velocity10 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Time is running out.

Chapter 2. Mystery.

P5. Time is running out.

The news of Leyla defeating Randol spread quickly. It had not even been a day and already it became the number one topic of discussion.

We had a day off. Lady Gastella had other matters to attend which usually meant training but I decided to skip training for the day.

I had been pushing the three of them hard lately plus I wanted to reward Leyla for winning yesterday's match.

In the end, I planned on visiting the Capitol, mainly the slumps for Leyla to spend time with her mother.

I was getting ready in my dorm.



I opened the door and was greeted by: Esteban, Leyla and Cecilia.

"Good Morning," I greeted.

Leyla looked especially happy today. Part of it of course had to do with Randol's defeat but I imagine the main part was because she would visit her mother today.

"Good Morning, hope you slept well," Leyla responded excitedly.

"I did. How are your injuries?" I questioned.

"I'm fine, I feel better than ever," She replied.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," Cecilia said impatiently.

"Let's get going then before Cecilia's mood is ruined," I said with a smile.

Cecilia turned to face me.

"Do you want to see me in a bad mood?"

"I'd rather not," I replied with a smirk.

I closed my door and we left the academy.

While walking I noticed that Esteban was extremely quiet even by his standards.

Something was going on with him. Although his hair hid most of his face there was no denying that something was troubling him.

While walking through the corridors everyone stared at Leyla and whispered about her.

"Did you hear her defeating Randol?"

"I couldn't believe it at first,"

"Do you think she cheated?"

"Randol must be devastated,"

Cecilia placed both her hands on Leyla's shoulders.

"Looks like you've become famous," She said with a smile.

Leyla who wasn't used to getting this much attention was slightly embarrassed.

"Please stop it, Cecilia," Leyla mumbled to her quietly.

Cecilia laughed, she amused herself by embarrassing Leyla.

Suddenly I felt something strange.

I looked at Esteban who walked behind us. I saw a black feather landing on his head.

I stopped walking.

Esteban was confused as to why I suddenly stopped.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

Cecilia and Leyla also turned around to see what was going on.

Esteban didn't notice the black feather on his head nor did anyone else.

"What's the matter, Ilyas?" Cecilia asked also with confusion.

I faced her taking my eyes off Esteban.

"It's nothing," We continued to walk.

I glanced at Esteban to see that the black feather was gone.

It was not the first time seeing this phenomenon.

It's him.

When we arrived at the slumps, the people seemed more cheerful these days. That's because I regularly came here to heal the sick and give them strength. It was the least I could have done for these poor people. The slumps showed me how much I let my people down a sin I could never fully repay.

"The atmosphere is different from what it was last time," Leyla was positively surprised.

Cecilia shared Leyla's opinion. "I agree. The people seem more alive and well,"

Like they were in sync, both of them turned to face me at the same time.

"You had something to do with this didn't you?" Cecilia said with a suspicious tone.

I didn't tell them because I wanted them to focus on their studies and I didn't want them to see me in pain and sorrow as I was constantly reminded of my failure.

"I did. I couldn't let them live like this?"

Leyla had a tear slowly running down her cheek.

She had one thing to say. "Thank you," her gratitude was more worth to me than any amount of gold.

I looked toward Esteban who remained quiet.

Now two black feathers are falling around him and once again no one saw them.

I needed to keep an eye on Esteban until he showed up.

We arrived at Leyla's home and saw Leyla's mother doing laundry.

She had a bucket of water where she washed her clothes.

"Mom!" Leyla rushed to her mother.

Leyla's mother stood on her feet.


Leyla hugged her mother tightly.

"I missed you, mother," She said with tears of joy.

This was the first time in a long time seeing her mother fully recovered.

I understood where her tears came from.

"Leyla, you've become so beautiful," Her mother said, holding her cheeks to see her face.

Leyla's mother looked at us.

"Greetings friends of Leyla's. The first time we met I didn't have the opportunity to introduce myself—I am Holie Gilfelia. It's a pleasure to meet you," She bowed her head.

The three of us also bowed out of respect.

"It's an honour to meet you. My name is Ilyas," I introduced myself.

"I am Cecilia Bloodfallen. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance,"

Esteban, who was shy, also introduced himself. "Greetings Ma'am, I am Esteban Acrose," He said with a quieter tone.

Now four black feathers were falling around him which no one was able to see.

He is getting closer to him—-don't worry Esteban when he shows up he will need to face me before he can lay a hand on you.

"The pleasure is all mine," Holi said.

I looked at the bucket of water and the pile of clothes that had to be done.

"Sorry for disturbing you in the middle of your work," I apologised.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'll get to them later,"

"Mom please let me do it," Leyla said eagerly.

"No need Leyla. I am no longer ill please don't concern yourself with that anymore," Holi held her hand.

"Let me," I said.

I cast a magic circle, and in an instant, all the clothes were cleaned with magic and restored like they were brand new.

"How did you do that?" Cecilia was amazed.

"It's the restoration spell retor. Magic which restores anything to mint condition depending on the size of the object to be restored it becomes more difficult as the size and mass increase,"

"That's very useful, you have my thanks. I wish you could visit more often," Holi said jokingly.

"There was no need for that," I walked toward Holi and touched her forehead with the tip of my pointer finger.

I placed the information on how to cast the spell directly into her brain.

"Now you can use the spell yourself,"

Holi was a little dizzy afterwards which quickly subsided.

"Are you okay Mom?"

"I-I'm fine. Thank you, Ilyas. I appreciate your gift," She had a bright smile on her face.

She invited us inside.

We sat at the dinner table where Holi cooked us a feast.

"Please enjoy,"

We dug into the delicious food.

"How have your studies been going?" Holi asked.

"Great Mom," Leyla replied.

Leyla did not mention the incident between Randol and her. I guessed that she didn't want to concern her Mother.

"I'm so glad to hear your life at the Academy is going well," Holi said with relief.

"I'm so grateful to see you made such close friends. I am equally grateful to you all for being friends with my daughter. My greatest wish came true, which was to see my daughter being happy. I am especially grateful to you Ilyas for saving me, for allowing me to spend more time with my precious daughter,"

Leyla grabbed her mother's hand.

"There is no need to thank me. I am pleased to see you and your daughter this happy this is more than enough as a thank you,"

Cecilia was more focused on her palet than what was going on.

"This is delicious," Cecilia remarked.

Holi giggled. "I was also a chef before Leyla was born. I love cooking,"

The food was indeed extremely tasty; the food she cooked far surpassed anything during the Tragic War era.

In fact in the thousands of years that I have existed, it was the best food I have ever eaten.

"The food is incredible," I complimented.

Esteban, who remained quiet, spoke about the food. "The food is delicious Ma'am,"

Esteban's tone of voice seemed off almost like something was troubling him.

"Are you okay Esteban?" Cecilia asked with concern.

Esteban lowered his head looking at the food.

"I'm fine Cecilia thanks for asking," As he said that, 10 black feathers which quickly doubled and kept on multiplying dropped around Esteban which no one but me saw.

Tears from Esteban dropped on his plate. "I'm grateful that my last meal is this delicious,"

This sentence stunned us all.

"Last meal? What is going on Esteban?" Leyla asked with concern.

Cecilia got up from her seat to get closer to him.

As she was about to place her hand on his shoulder. "PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME!" He got up from his seat and stormed out of the house.

"Thank you all for being my friends," He said with tears running down his cheek as the black feathers continued to fall around him.

We never saw Esteban be this vocal before it caught us all off guard.

"Esteban wait!" Leyla yelled out.

The three of us ran out of the house to follow him.

The night had already fallen since we spent hours with Holi.

Esteban stopped in a low-populated area sitting on a bench.

"You guys should not have come," Esteban said, sitting on the bench with more and more black feathers falling around him.

"What's the matter?" Leyla was deeply concerned.

"He made a time deal with the Celestial of time," I said.

Esteban was surprised that I knew this.

"How did you-" His words were caught off as we saw Esteban be teleported away.

"Where did he go?" Cecilia said with great concern.

"Don't worry," I cast Luniun and the three of us were teleported into a space which was surrounded by countless clock faces floating all around the space.

"Where are we?" Cecilia asked.

"This is the space which is purely made up by the authority of time. The domain belongs to none other than the Celestial of time Zazaba,"

We saw Esteban on the ground unconscious with a golden hooded figure with black wings hovering above him.

"How did you enter my domain?" Zazaba asked.

I stepped forward and told Leyla and Cecilia to stay behind.

"Get away from the boy," I said with a threatening tone.

"You dare to- '' I cut his words short, casting a powerful fire beam pushing Zazaba back away from Esteban.

I quickly grabbed Esteban and brought him back to Cecilia and Leyla.

"Keep an eye on him. I will teleport you guys back to Transylvania. You can't remain here any longer your essence would be lost in time if you do," With that I teleported the three of them back.

"You will pay for this foolish Vampire,"

"I'll make you pay for laying a hand on my friend,"