
Awaken of the Vampire King

Long ago, three races were at war: vampires, werewolves, and humans. The king of vampires possessed power none could rival, turning the ties of the war in the vampire's favour until he got betrayed by those closest to him and was thought to be dead. 5000 years have passed, the war is long over, and his name is nothing but folklore and old myths. Until he awakens due to an unpredictable factor, now 5000 years later, he strives to use his power to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. He must now set on challenges that will come his way to achieve his goal and reclaim his title as the true one King!

Velocity10 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A new Teacher.

Chapter 2: Mystery.

P3: A new Teacher.

It had been a week since the incident caused by Professor Edmar, and the students who were abducted made full recoveries being grateful to be alive.

The news that Edmar was the one responsible shocked all the students and teachers and to be frank caused minor distrust between students and teachers.

Our class had been taught by substitute teachers this past week. However, we were told that today we would get a special teacher.

The class was understandably curious about who this "special" teacher was.

"Who do you think it will be?"

"No clue,"

"I heard this person is famous,"

The gossip certainly spread like wildfire.

Leyla, Cecilia and Esteban did not shy away from speculating either.

"Who do you think it will be?" Cecilia questioned tapping her chin in thought.

"Only time will tell," I replied.

I already knew who this teacher would be…I sensed the same presence during the time I confronted Dracula.

Moments passed and the door to the class opened.

The students went quiet, took their seats and looked at the person walking in.

"It's her?"

"I can't believe that one of the three would be here,"

"She's gorgeous,"

"She is our new teacher?"

The students mumbled and whispered about her.

I looked toward Leyla who's eyes sparkled in admiration.

"Who is she?" I asked Leyla.

Leyla at first didn't hear what I asked.

"Sorry…This is Lady Elizabeth Gastella, she is one of the three that Dracula had taught directly for the past millennium, she is famous for her beautiful appearance that matches her might,"

So, in other words, Dracula used the opportunity to send in one of his direct disciples to keep an eye on me. Well played.

Gastella made her way to the front table.

She immediately made eye contact with me, she did not forget what I did to her comrade. I sensed the intent to kill and deep hatred from her toward me.

She faced the class.

"Listen up students!" She announced.

The whisper among the students stopped instantly, her aura coupled with her reputation strook slight fear among the students. Her entire persona was all about respect and discipline.

"I'm sure you heard by now the fact that your previous professor was involved in serious crimes. That said we can't dwindle on that any longer so I don't want to hear that fool's name ever again from your mouths nor your thoughts!" She said, grabbing the sides of her table.

Certainly an interesting way to open up a speech.

"I was asked to lecture your class because in just 5 weeks you will be up against humans and werewolves in a magic combat tournament and I will not allow you to disgrace the academy which you all know was founded by our King Dracula,"

I'm sure the last sentence was directly aimed at me to tell me directly that Dracula was the King and not me.

Dracula certainly knew how to use his pawns correctly. I'll give him that.

"From this moment on you and your groups will no longer have sessions in the class but rather in the Colosseum. You can't expect to grow just by reading textbooks all day!"

That might have been the smartest thing she said thus far.

"Make your way to the Colosseum this instant!"

She didn't even introduce herself to the students like a normal teacher would have but given her reputation she didn't need to and she knew that.

The students all stood up from their seats and left the class making our way to the Colosseum.

While walking out of the class I felt the same hateful gaze from Gastella who stood at the front with her arms crossed.

We were inside the Colosseum and each of the groups took different training zones.

Myself, Leyla, Cecilia and Esteban also took a zone for ourselves.

"Where is Lady Gastella?" Esteban looked around for her.

She had not yet arrived even though it had been a few minutes.

We looked at the other students who were just as confused.

"Let's just practice ourselves," I told them, it was no use to wait for her.

"What should we practice?" Cecilia questioned.

I thought of something.

"Let's practice casting speed. Cast the same magic over and over and try to be faster with casting the spell than the previous," I told them.

With nothing else to do the three of them cast magic spells.

Leyla cast the water spell wotros.

Cecilia cast the fire spell Isahel.

Esteban cast the lighting spell electroz.

The other students also began to practice upon looking at the four of us.

"Come here," The voice of Lady Gastella called out in my mind.

She wanted to be alone with me.

I gladly accepted her invitation.

"I need to leave for a moment," I didn't tell them the reason for me leaving.

The three didn't look worried but rather curious.

"Don't keep us waiting long," Cecilia said jokingly.

I teleported to the source of Lady Gastella's telepathy magic spell nagiri.

The source came from the rooftop of the academy.

"I didn't expect you to track me down this quickly," Lady Gastella said from behind.

I turned around facing her.

"You didn't do a good job of hiding," I replied with a slight mocking tone.

"I'll cut to the chase. I'm sure you know the real reason why you were asked to come here,"

Indeed I knew the reason.

"I'm sure you want to know why Dracula is obsessed with me," I answered.

"I was asked to observe you by my King. Normally I would have found this kind of task boring but when it comes to you…I still remember the way you defeated Hingrus so easily,"

That must have been the name of the muscle head I knocked out unconscious while confronting Dracula.

"I asked you here to tell you this. No matter who you are, you are nothing in front of King Dracula. I as one of the three disciples I will destroy any threat that comes across my King," She said with determination.

"You haven't got the power that is capable of destroying a threat of my calibre. You don't have the power to face the True Vampire King," I replied.

Hearing this, Lady Gastella became enraged.

"Let's see if you can back up what you just said," Her red eyes began to glow.

She cast Isahel, 12 magic circles in orange colour appeared and each of them shot beams of fire at me.

The beams approached me…

I activated the aura of nullification.

As a result, the beams of fire and the magic circles were destroyed instantly.

Lady Gastella was visibly shocked.



"How can you wield this ancient and powerful ability?" Her eyes were opened wide.

I was the one who created this technique so of course I can use it.

"Malicious King…you are not allowed to live!"

She summoned a black magic sword and launched toward me.

She swung her sword at me.


"What?" Lady Gastella was once again in shock.

I blocked her blade with my arm.

"My sword can cut through everything in the world! How come it won't even land a scratch on you?" She questioned.

I waved my arm pushing her backwards creating distance between us.

"Being able to cut everything in the world is not very impressive,"

Lady Gastella would have liked to continue our little sparring session but if we used more magic we would have grabbed the attention of the entire academy.

"I will report this to my King," Lady Gastella told me.

I had no reason to stop her from doing so.

"Do what you must. I am not frightened by your King, a King he might be but not the King of Vampires rather the King of lies and betrayal,"

I triggered a nerve to say those words about Dracula.

"At the end, you will be on your knees begging for mercy,"

She vanished using luniun.

I made my way to the Colosseum where Lady Gastella was in the centre observing the training sessions.

"Where have you been?" Leyla showed concern for me.

The other 2 also seemed worried about me.

"I was just taking care of something,"

Once again that hateful stare of Lady Gastella was directed at me.

Late at night

Inside the castle, Dracula was sitting on the throne.

"So you took it upon yourself to confront Cassius?"

Lady Gastella was kneeling in front.

"Yes, my Lord. I wanted to know the reason why you were so fixated on him,"


"Did you find the answer?"

"Yes, my King. He's a threat who must be eliminated immediately!"

"You will not lay a hand on him until I say otherwise. Continue to teach his class and report anything suspicious to me,"

"Yes my Lord,"


Lady Gastella left the throne room.

"Why kill him when I can let him live knowing he will never be able to reclaim his lost title and will forever be my shadow,"