
Awaken, Lifomancer !

In his quest to create Life, Jack broke a taboo and became cursed in return : He would be forced to spend his life alone as an immortal being. To add salt to the injury, his family was murdered before his very eyes and his magic sealed away. After spending millennia awaiting in his prison underground, The Lifomancer is finally free and he's out for blood ! Follow our ruthless, a bit crazy MC in his quest for revenge and freedom alongside his unfortunate companions ! AN : English isn't my first langage so I hope you can forgive me or give me pointers to improve myself. Thanks for your time and hope you enjoy my story, every review is welcome :D

123412344321 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

And Blood Flowed Part 2

Crawling silently, the two girls finally arrived in line of sight with the bonfire. Around it, many muscular orcs walked around, some ravenously eyeing the full boar cooking on it. They all were males around 2.10 meters high with sometimes a simple clothing to protect their private parts.

Their race was a part of the humanoid branch of the monsters and thus they appeared from the ambient mana from times to times. The only particularity was that unlike other monsters they could also reproduce themselves by copulating with other races. The cries coming from the different huts confirmed the duo that the part they feared the most had already happened.

Feeling their blood boil, they crawled faster around the camp and found another guard. Evelyn tugged Laena's shirt sleeve to tell her that she was going first. She took her time to weave her spell, glaring at the bored orc it the meantime. When he was about to yawn of boredom a ripple of air came in his peripheral vision. Then, the world turned red and he tried to scream. Surprisingly, the only noise he made was a bloody gurgle.

While their victim was drowning in its own blood after having its wrist and throat sliced, the young girl turned and gave a thumbs up to her companion. 'I did it ! I killed one of these fuckers ! I hope you're proud of me mama, papa. Soon I'll avenge you all !'

Laena could only smile weakly when she saw she the storm in her friend's eyes. She couldn't help but feel empathy for her and soon their bloodthist resonated with the feather on their head. They didn't see it but strands of darkness extended themselves from the shadows, patting them with fatherly concern and hungrily looking at their enemies.


During this time, in a cold cave under a rich manor, a few mans discovered the ravenousness of the Darkness Maw. At first it simply looked two veil of black matter extending themselves above and under them. Then, they felt it.

They felt this coldness, this void that awaited them and they couldn't help but feel a primal fear and run for their lives. However, they discovered that there was no more light where they were and that the walls were closing in. A few seconds later, tortured and muffled cries came from the inside of the spell just before it disappeared into thin air.

The middle of the room was now empty with weird fangs marks on the roof and the ground. The table, men and plaything were no more as they had disappeared into the darkness. The shocked faces of the other slaves in their cages were lightened up by the flickering light of the remaining torch in the room. When Jack turned toward them with dead eyes, a few managed to get a hold of themselves and said :

"Thank you sir magician !"

"You are our savior !"

"I'll finally see my family agai-"

"No, you won't." The immortal replied without an once of pity and shot a bolt of ice in the hopeful elf's head. Panicking, the other prisoners started to scream of terror when they noticed that their hero wasn't going to save them.

"Why are you doing this ?" Someone pathetically cried out.

"Because I have no interest in helping you." Jack coldly stated while reaping the other's lives. "You aren't particularly strong, interesting nor loyal. You are all useless to me."

After a few dozen seconds, the only sound remaining in the cave was the blood dropping out of their bodies. Washing the place from all the carcass without flinching at the smell nor the sight, the immortal was frowning a little because of the waste of manpower he had just done.

'I know I couldn't help it but still, it's a shame to have to murder so many potential pawn.' A grunt left his lips while he was burning the last bodies. 'I'm happy with my two students and it is enough for me. Crippling myself with so many dead weights would have been useless.'

After having climbed the ladder, Jack welcomed the fresh air and continued on his way. His next victim was the apprentice mage on the first floor so he made his way toward the restroom. The house was so filled of useless and show-off expensive items that his bag soon became heavy. Sighing, he thought that it was a shame but left some golden items and took the books.

Finally in front of the small magician's room, the immortal smiled evilly and knocked. Waiting for his prey to wake up, he wondered what the result would be if his student fought this small prey.

'Evelyn has already a better mana affinity than this one... Well, time to see if the mages of this era have some guts too.' He thought when he saw the door opening.

"*Yawn* Who dare to wake me up at such an hour..." A young man in night robe said, lazily looking at Jack in front of him. "Are you a new butler ?"

"No, I'm here to slaughter you all." The immortal announced with a sigh.

Even if he had washed away all the blood he had on him the smell still remained. Seeing that his prey didn't notice such a huge hint disappointed him nearly as much as the reply he heard.

"That's a nice joke but still, what do you want this late ?"

Jack didn't reply and glared at the mage, waiting for him to do something else than being stupid. After a few second the kid finally understood the situation and blurted out :

"W-who are you ? Wh-what do you want ?"

"You... Why don't you fight back ?" The immortal asked, nearly face-palming himself.

"O-Oh Earth p-please appea-"

"Okay that's enough. Tell me, is there a competent mage in your damned family ?" Jack asked after having kicked the kid in the stomach. If he had allowed him to finish such an unstable spell his prey would probably have committed involuntary suicide.

"Wh-why would I tell you this ?" The pitiful apprentice said. He also tried to mutter his spell again but two blazing red eyes locked his and made him cower in fear.

"You're going to speak, don't worry. The only variable is the degree of pain you will feel."

"O-ok... My brother, George of Daberon is a well known tier two earth mage. W-will you let me go now?"

The hope in his eyes disappeared nearly as fast as his body turned into ashes. Looking for valuable things in the room to drown his disappointment, Jack sighed.

'So this is what mages are worth now. I wonder what was this tier thing, maybe I should have asked. No, that would have been a bad idea. I think my patience would have been broken before I got useful answers and anyway books don't lie.' He thought while looking at his latest acquisition called "The basis of Magic".

'At least if they are all this weak it will be good for me as they won't be too much of a challenge but... I don't know why, it feels wrong. This continent should have more powerful beings and humans to protect themselves from the dangers...'

After a dozen minutes of murdering while he was thinking about this intuition he had he finally left the Daberon manor and went away with his bag. There was no one left in the house and it was eerily quiet. The next bunch of guards never understood what had happened here, and they simply believed that the Phantom Reaper had appeared again.

During this time Jack had left for the slums and cleaned a small hut of its occupants. Hiding in the shadows with such a load had proven to be quite a pain but he still managed to get there unnoticed and quickly went down to work. He opened a hole in the ground and tossed his loot inside, closed it and hoped that nobody would start digging here. Satisfied and tired, he finally went back to his room and slept quietly, wondering how his students were doing.


The girls had managed to silently eliminate all the sentinel around that they found. Now, they were looking for a way to enter in one of the wooden hut without bringing any attention to them but they didn't found any. The area was well lit thanks to the campfire and the noise coming from the primitive house disturbed them even more. They both wanted to run in the middle of the place and slaughter the orcs but knew that it was a bad idea.

Then, their peaceful planning time had been interrupted by something unexpected : A loud and guttural scream came from the left of the camp and all the orcs started to move, getting their weapons. Panicking, Laena looked at Evelyn and said worryingly :

"What do we do? They probably found a corpse, it will be nearly impossible to assassinate the others !"

Evelyn replied by showing the same ravenous smile their teacher did when he was talking about slaughter : "No need to assassinate them, now that they are packed let's get them all !"

"That's stupid AND crazy ! We need to retreat and come back tomorrow !" The elf retorted.

"And leave those women to their hell one more day?" The small girl growled with her gaze locked on the camp.

Her argument touched a sensitive cord in the elf's heart and made her agree.

"Let's make them pay."

Together, they walked toward the bonfire and the closest orc. He evidently saw them and screamed in a low voice :

-"Chief ! There are two women free here !"-

An instant later a silvery figure moved and he felt something cold and hard piercing his lung. Lowering his gaze he saw a small elf holding a long and thin sword that was currently in his body. Feeling humiliated of having been wounded by such a small girl he tried to punch her and roared. However, his mighty war cry turned into a gargling sound and his fist missed the nimble swordswoman.

An instant later he felt an intense pain in his stomach and saw his entrails spilling out. Looking up he saw the same two emerald eyes glaring at him with spite and disgust. The orc wanted to break her, see her crawl while fearing him. Yet, the only feeling fear was him as his vision blackened.

"Fifth one down." Laena announced while walking toward three new preys that were charging her. She felt safe as she heard her small friend starting to sing in her back. She saw a Wind Blade fly vertically next to her and the effect it had on the orc that was about to hit her.

The three orcs plan had been simple : They wanted to ram into the two small girls with enough strength to kill them. Yet, one of them had been cut by a spell and his body became two halves. Just before the other two touched her Laena jumped on the side, turned and pierced the closest one's flank with her sword.

"Burn." She muttered and her weapon glowed, carrying her will and melting her victim's flesh. The orc writhed in pain and fell on the ground while the last one continued his stampede toward the small girl singing in the back. However, something had cut its legs and if fell miserably on the dirt. While Laena was ending her prey, Evelyn crouched and glared at the survivor in the eyes.

He couldn't see any light in her blues pupils. All he saw was a darkness comparable to the night sky before his life ended abruptly. The closest hut's door opened and two orcs got out completely nude, wondering what was happening. They froze a little when the two girl's gaze ended on them and they felt their killing intent. The one the closest to the entrance tried to go back inside but fell on the ground with a deep cut bleeding on his whole torso.

The other one tried to run toward his other tribe members that were coming toward them. Seeing the five best fighter of his village trying to help him gave him a little hope which unfortunately disappeared as fast as it arrived. A fiery white blade was protruding from his torso, giving him the feeling that somebody was cooking his lungs and insides.

-" Rok'Gar, noooo !"- One of the five orcs coming screamed while Laena's victim became limp and fell on the ground.

"Ohoh~ Looks like this is the elite of this village." The elf said while feeling her bloodthist rise. The five hulking mass of muscles coming to her had wooden clubs and more clothing than the others. The one in the middle, presumably the chief was even wielding an iron double headed axe.

When she felt a ripple of air move next to her she rushed alongside it, lunging toward her enemies. Raising his axe, the orc managed to parry Laena's strike and saw his brother next to him fall on the ground. Turning his head to see what had happened, he saw blood gushing from his friend's neck as only a few tendons kept it all together.

While he was distracted the elf had to dodge the many clubs coming toward her. Bending her body, she managed to dodge two strike but had to parry the last one. The strength behind the club tossed her a few meters away, coughing some blood. Another Wind Blade flew, cutting clean one of the orc's arm and leaving a deep mark on another one torso.

Raising up weakly, Laena took this chance and opened the one armed orc's belly before having to roll to avoid the incoming axe. She was still on the ground when she saw a club close in on her right and pulled her arms close to her face, hoping that the hit wouldn't kill her. Yet, all she heard was a pained grunt and Evelyn's song next to her.

Getting up quickly, she understood that her friend had jumped in and deviated the hit with wind to protect her. However, this took quite a toll on the young girl as she looked quite pale with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. The orc next to her looked confused, wondering why his club was pushed away like that. Evelyn used all she had and, while coughing blood, she sang her last note while casting a Wind Blade.

Hearing the *thud* that the head made when it fell on the ground, Laena was already about to strike the other wounded orc when again, an axe swing interrupted her. Falling back, she evaluated the situation.

They were next to one hut and nearly twenty meters from them was the bonfire. Around it, a few orcs were moving and seemingly coming toward them. Maybe there were even more in the huts as she couldn't see inside of it. Behind her, a corpse carpet had been laid as the grass was turning red from the blood that had flowed. Her companion Evelyn was quite tired and had pushed herself too far to save the elf.

Furthermore, there were still two orcs a few meters from the two girls.

'Well, this is bad.' Laena thought before charging again, hoping to reap those two lives before the others came.

Huge chapter here, I'm quite curious to hear what you think about it.

Today's music is In Flames - Like Sand.

Have a great day :D

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