
Awaken: Jujutsu Kaisen

Tezuka was a normal American teen who had a love for softball and anime. However, after one of her brother's crazy science experiments she is transported into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. ~Updates weekly~

KidaJ_ · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Warm water ran down Tezuka's hands as she stared at the red liquid pooling into the drain. After they had defeated the cursed spirits, Nanami discovered that they had been human beings, not cursed spirits. He didn't know how it was possible, hell none of them did. But they had taken lives of three innocent human beings. The blood that covered her hands was the blood of someone who didn't deserve to die. Someone who could've had a family back home waiting for them. Two little kids...

"Hey, you almost done?" Yuji asked snapping her out of her thoughts. They had called a coroner that specialized in cursed bodies. She had taken the bodies back to the lab while the three of them went back to Nanami's apartment to get cleaned up.

"Uh yeah," she said quickly whipping the tears forming in her eyes with her shoulder. She scrubbed fast and hard trying to get the red stains from her hands. It wasn't coming off. More blood pooled in the drain, but her hands were still red. Tezuka scrubbed harder, scratching the sponge across her skin.

"Hey," Yuji said grabbing her hands with his own. "What are you doing?"

The look on his face showed genuine concern. She looked down at her hands to realize she had been scrubbing so hard that the blood was her own. She stood there starring, she hadn't even felt the pain of scratching herself, just the fear and disgust she felt for taking a human's life.

"I'm fine," she said and set down the sponge. Yuji turned off the water and looked at her hands. He grabbed paper towels and blotted them against her hands soaking up the water and blood.

"You don't look fine," he remarked peeling back the towel to reveal small scrapes along the palm of her hand.

"I just scrubbed to hard, that's all." she said.

"There was nothing you could have done." he said. She looked up at him confused, his expression turned dark. "Their bodies had been filled with too much cursed energy. They couldn't handle it. There was no going back for them."

"They probably had families at home," she said.

"Yeah," Yuji agreed. "Probably," he paused. "But we saved that family from seeing their loved one as a monster."

She stared down at her hands tears again filling her eyes. What if they had kids at home? Those kids would grow up not knowing what happened.

"We killed them," she said, her voice cracking. "We killed innocent human beings."

"No," Yuji said pressing a fresh bandage against her hand then wrapping it around her hand to stay in place. His warm rough hands brushed her own sending a tingly sensation up her arm. She didn't understand why but she had the urge to feel his warmth around her. She wanted to be engulfed by his assurance. "They died because their bodies couldn't handle the cursed energy like yours and mine can."

"I ripped off its head," she said again as tears ran down her cheeks. What if that person had been Zakai, or her parents?

"You didn't kill it," Yuji grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him, her cheeks stained with tear tracts. His messy pink hair was heavily hanging over his head, drenched in rain water. His brow knit together and his deep brown eyes filled with concern, tears lining the brims of his own eyes. "We didn't kill them," this time he said it in a softer tone, the sharp features in his face softened and his lip was slightly trembling. She blinked and a tear ran down her face as she nodded. He let go of her chin and brushed away the tear. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have grabbed you."

She didn't say anything, instead she grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her until her chin could rest on his shoulder, though she had to stand on her toes. He stood stiff for a second, then wrapped his large arms around her body, resting his head on hers.

"Were gonna kill this son of a bitch." she said in his ear.

Yuji nodded.

They went back to Gojo's house not long after where they spent a couple days training... At least that's what Gojo called it. They watched movies while trying to keep cursed teddy bears from punching them in the face. Tezuka called it cruel and unusual punishment. Nanami hadn't found out any more information so both Yuji and Tezuka focused on their training, each day getting better and better. They both had a new found determination to find and kill whatever monster was turning humans into those awful beasts. This mission had taken an emotional toll on the both of them, though she knew Yuji didn't want to admit it. They hadn't done any physical training rather than the usual to keep their muscles in shape. Finally, Nanami showed up with a map and a tape.

"We've narrowed down where the creature might be staying." Nanami said pointing to three dots on the small map of the prefecture. Tezuka examined it as she stuffed cereal into her mouth. Nanami had knocked on the door pretty early and neither of them had been awake let alone got dressed and ate breakfast.

"Great, so we're going to bust in and rip this thing apart." Yuji said jumping up.

"Wrong, there's still some missing information. The mission I have for you two is this boy." Nanami said placing the picture of a teenage boy in front of them on the counter. HE had sad green eyes and long black hair that covered half of his face. "This was the other boy at the theatre, turns out he goes to the same high school as them. Your mission is to find him and figure out what he say that day. Any information you get from him can help us find the culprit."

Tezuka nodded and finished her bowl of cereal.

"The boy hasn't been in school for a couple of days so Ijichi will take you two to find him." Nanami said. "Hurry up and get ready he'll be here any minute."

Tezuka nodded and put her bowl in the sink. She ran upstairs, showered, and dressed. When she came back down, Ijichi and Yuji were already waiting.

"So how are we going to find this kid?" Tezuka asked as they walked out to the car.

"First were going to try his neighborhood, then the school." Ijichi answered. The three got into the car.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Yuji asked quietly.

"I'm okay," she lied. Guilt still resided in her along with the pain she felt when her parents passed. "You?"

"I'm ready to catch this guy," Yuji said with a positive smile that made one of her own form. His positivity made her heart feel warm and her mind at ease. It was nice to know someone that could actually make her relax instead of stress out even more. They drove into town until they reached a suburban neighborhood with clean concrete walls holding up almost perfect looking houses and apartments.

"There he is," Yuji pointed. "But he's not in his school uniform."

"Apparently he's missed quite a bit of school," Ijichi said.

"Well, neither have I," Yuji said. "Speaking of which, how is everybody?"

"I hear they're doing very good," Ijichi answered.

"Ah, I can't wait to see them again. Fushiguro is awesome, but kinda shy and quiet. You'll like him Tezuka. Oh, and Kugisaki is cool... sometimes. She's kind of annoying, but she can be cool." Yuji said. "I can't wait for you to meet them,"

Tezuka nodded. She wasn't interested in making friends, she just wanted to go home. She didn't know if she could ever open herself up to trust anyone after Halle and Sebastian. The two people she had trusted the most, who had been the only ones there for her when her parents had passed away.

"So now that we've found him what do we do?" Yuji asked.

"We use that," Ijichi said. They looked to the passenger seat to see a small yellow creature with wings in a cage that was glowing red.

"What is that?" Tezuka asked.

"A flyhead, it's a low level curse that we're going to use to attack him." Ijichi answered.

"Huh?" Yuji asked.

"One of four things will happen. One: he's a normal human being and wont even see the curse and well save him. Two: he can perceive the curse but has no means to deal with it and again well save him then we can question him about the theatre. Three: he uses jujutsu and we restrain him."

"Restrain him how?" Yuji asked.

"Any means necessary," Ijichi said in a serious tone. "The fourth option: if he has powers equal to a grade two sorcerer, then we retreat and call Nanami."

Tezuka felt the hair on the back of her neck stand. This kid was serious business and they had to be careful.

"Let's get out and walk from here," Ijichi said pulling over. The three got out of the car and Yuji carried the fly head. It was an ugly little creature wit really big eyes and teeth and didn't shut up. The three began walking down the side walk following Junpei. As they walked down the street, Tezuka couldn't help but feel that many eyes were watching them. She felt almost exposed as if these people knew she didn't belong here.

They followed Junpei down the streets and into some allies. Eventually the people died off and there wasn't a soul in sight.

"You think now is a good time?" Tezuka asked.

"Yes, let's do it quickly." Ijichi said. Yuji nodded and did as told opening the cage.

Tezuka looked out to see Junpei approaching a heavy seat man that was sweating profusely.

"Wait there's a person!" she exclaimed though it was too late. The fly head burst out of the cage and right towards Junpei. Before she could blink, Yuji ran after the cursed spirit. He jumped up and grabbed it tumbling into a light post right in front of Junpei. Quickly, Tezuka ran after him.

"You okay?" she asked helping him up.

"Yeah, I'm good, he saw it though, he can see the spirit." Yuji said quietly.

"Where did you come from?" the large man asked.

"Hey I have a few questions for you." Yuji approached Junpei ignoring the large man. What was Yuji doing? He was going to give us away!

"Excuse me we were talking." the man said.

"I'm sorry sir it'll just be a moment." Tezuka said.

"Hey you're just some stupid kids-" The man started. Before he could finish, Yuji dropped down and grabbed the man's pants pulling them to the mans ankles.

What the hell was Yuji doing?!

"Hey!" the man cried in embarrassment. Yuji ripped the pants off the man and turned then ran down the street. Tezuka couldn't help but laugh as the large man fell to the ground then scrambled to his feet chasing after Yuji.

"What was that all about?" Junpei asked.

"My friend is a bit of an eccentric." Tezuka said turning to the boy who she could tell was quite amused. "I'm Tezuka."

"Junpei Yoshino," he said. "You know he could've just dragged me away."

"Ah where's the fun in that." just past Junpei's shoulder to see Yuji walking towards them.

"That was fast," Junpei said what she was thinking. Hiss endurance and speed must be phenomenal. Not even a bead of sweat was on his brow as he casually put his hands in his pockets. Tezuka noticed his calm yet confident posture.

"Want to take a walk?" Yuji asked Junpei.

"Yeah sure," Junpei answered. The three walked down the street and kept walking.

"Hey why don't you try calling Ijichi?" Yuji asked Tezuka.

"I don't have a phone," she said.

"Oh right," Yuji said sheepishly then pulled out his phone handing it to her. He was still holding the fly head.

She took the phone finding Ijichi in his contacts then dialing his number. It rang and rang and rang. No answer.

"Hey you know what, I recognize you." Yuji said.

"Me?" Junpei asked surprised.

"Yeah you were at the theatre when those bodies were found." Yuji answered. Tezuka looked at him alarmed. Was he really going to question him now? The phone kept ringing with no answer. The three approached the river and walked down the steps leading to it.

"Yeah I was," Junpei said.

"You didn't happen to see anything like this there did you?" Yuji asked holding out the fly head.

"No I didn't, I just recently started seeing those." Junpei answered. Tezuka tried to hide the confusion on her face as she tried to dial Ijichi for the fifth time. Still no answer.

"Well those are all the questions I've got." Yuji said plopping down on the stairs next to Junpei. "But say you don't mind waiting for another guy do you? He's kind of like our boss."

"Not at all," Junpei said which surprised Tezuka. If a random stranger came up to her asking about deaths, she'd book it as fast as she could. The phone hung up again and she handed it to Yuji. She joined the two on the steps.

"So what was playing at the theatre?" she asked.

"Oh it was an old movie you probably don't know it." Junpei said.

"Try me," Yuji smiled.

"Human Earthworm," he answered.

"What! That movie was so boring!" Yuji said.

"I know!" Junpei exclaimed. Tezuka assumed that this earthworm movie was supposed to be a knock off of the Human Centipede which was in face the most disturbing movie she'd ever seen. However she stayed quiet and let the two geek out.

"What about you Tezuka? Have you seen it?" Yuji asked.

She shook her head. "I don't go to the movies much,"

"What why not?" Junpei asked.

"I just never had the chance to go," she responded. Yuji eyed her curiously. In truth she'd never gone because it was too stimulating for Zakai, he freaked out even when they were little. Sometimes her dad would get off work early and sneak her out of school and they'd go see the latest movie in theatres. She hadn't gone since they died.

"We should all go," Yuji said.

"I don't know-" Tezuka began.

"Come on it'll be fun! Junpei, next time you go, let us know."

"Of course," Junpei said.

"Here," Yuji said handing Junpei his phone. Junpei put his number in then handed it back to Yuji.

"Junpei, what are you doing here?" an older woman's voice sounded. The three looked at the top of the stairs to see an older woman who looked much like Junpei staring at them.

"Mom," Junpei answered.

"Who is that? Friends of yours?" the woman asked.

"We just met," Tezuka answered. "But I think we're going to be great friends!" She had to make it seem like nothing was weird.

"That's great sweetie," she smiled holding up a hand with a smoking cigarette. "Why don't you invite your friends over for dinner tonight. It's been awhile since you brought a cute girl home." She laughed and took a puff of the cigarette though Tezuka could tell this deeply bothered Junpei. He clenched his fists looking down at the ground. He then snapped his head up to look at her.

"Mom you promised you wouldn't smoke anymore," he said angrily.

"Oh right," she laughed. "I did say that didn't I?" She put out the cigarette and put it away in a pouch in her purse. She then walked down to the three. "What are your names?"

"I'm Yuji Itadori, and this is Tezuka." Yuji said.

"Nice to meet you guys." she said. "Well how about it? Want to come over for dinner?"

"Mom stop," Junpei exclaimed.

"Wed love to!" Yuji exclaimed as his stomach rumbled.

"We'll that settles it. Is there anything you are allergic to?" she asked and the two shook their heads. "Fantastic!"

The three followed Junpei's mom. Tezuka hung back and pulled on Yuji's jacket.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" she whispered.

"It's just dinner," he said. "I've been watching his body language and I know the kind of guy he is. He seems a little lonely. If we befriend him, maybe we can help him."

Yuji was right. He did seem like a sad kid. Tezuka took in a deep breath and followed. Not to long after they approached a brown wooden house. It looked modern with a touch of traditional Japanese. They walked up the steps and took off their shoes at door. They walked inside. It was a cute house with hard wood floors and white walls. Junpei's mother went to the kitchen as Junpei gave them a tour of the house. It reminded her a lot of her grandparents house.

"So where are you guys from?" Junpei's mom asked.

"I grew up just a couple blocks from here," Yuji said.

"Oh wow, who knew you lived so close. I guess it was destiny for you two to be friends." Junpei's mom giggled. "What about you sweetheart?"

"I'm from San Diego, California." Tezuka answered.

"What?" Junpei asked. Both Junpei and his mom looked at her in surprise.

"Wow! I could hardly tell!" Junpei's mom said.

"My grandparents grew up here, then moved to America." Tezuka said.

"That's so interesting," Junpei's mom awed.

"So what are you doing here?" Junpei asked.

"I'm living with my cousin for a little bit," Tezuka said remembering Gojo's story.

"That's brave of your parents to let you live in another country for a little bit." Junpei's mom smiled. Tezuka tried to fake the best smile she could.

The three kids sat at the table conversing about movies. Well, it was mostly Junpei and Yuji explaining movies to Tezuka since she hadn't seen them, she had never even heard of them. An hour or two later, Junpei's mom put dinner on the table. Dinner was full of many laughs thank to Yuji. Tezuka admired how he could talk to people he barely knew so easily. She also admired his ability to get anybody to laugh. His face and body seemed to come alive as he told his stories and he would make his voice change in the most amusing ways. For a couple hours she forgot she was in strangers house, in a strange city, in a strange country. When dinner ended however, the reality came upon her. Junpei's mother had fallen asleep at the table after too much sake. Junpei moved them away to his room. She could tell he was embarrassed.

"Dude your mom is cool," Yuji said.

"I guess," Junpei said. "What about you guys? What are your parents like?"

"I don't know," Yuji said though he said it in a cheerful way. "I don't really remember my mom, but I do have a few memories of my dad."

"What about you Tezuka?" Junpei asked.

"My parent's died a couple years ago." she answered somberly.

"Oh," Junpei said. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking."

"Car accident," Tezuka responded. "That's kind of why I don't go to the movies anymore. My dad used to take me all the time before he died. I haven't gone since."

"I'm sorry," Junpei said and Tezuka shrugged.

The sound of Yuji's cell phone ringing broke the awkwardness. Junpei walked over to the TV and took out a movie from its case.

"What are we going to watch?" Tezuka asked sitting on the floor next to Junpei.

"I was thinking Ringu." he answered.

"What's it about?" Tezuka asked.

"It's about a video that curses people. If you watch the video you die." he answered.

"Ah, okay," she said.

"Hey I have a question for you," Junpei said.

"Of course," she responded.

"You guys are jujutsu sorcerers right?" he asked.

"Yup," she answered.

"Have you ever had to kill someone?" he asked.

Tezuka thought back to yesterday. "No," she said.

"You know, someday you'll have to fight bad jujutsu sorcerers. But what will you do?" he asked. For some reason this question bothered Tezuka. Why did he want to know about this?

"Just because someone is a bad person doesn't mean they deserve to die." she said. "If I kill someone then that makes me no better than them."

"What are we talking about?" Yuji asked approaching them.

"Nothing," Junpei stated and Tezuka looked at him curiously. Junpei loaded the DVD in the TV and the three of them sat on the couch to watch the movie. Not long into it Tezuka fell asleep. Yuji looked down at her soft features as she lay on his shoulder. He was surprised that she could fall asleep during this movie and laughed it off.

"So are you guys like together?" Junpei asked Yuji, noticing Yuji's stare.

Yuji shook his head. "No it's not like that."

"She's really smart," Junpei said. "And she has a big heart."

"How do you know?" Yuji asked.

Junpei smirked. "You can tell just by talking to her." Yuji was taken back. He had talked to her plenty of times. He knew these things about her. She was the most beautiful, big hearted, strongest girl he'd ever met. But Junpei didn't even know the things she had been through.