
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Mission Accomplished

It's already weak since that lake incident happened Ryan has been avoiding Iannae lately. She does not blame him, it's Inanne who hurt him first .After stabilising his mana. Inanne fainted which is partly the aftermath of using her normal to opposite strength. Necrosis powers are for destruction, not for remedy. She is not a spiritual mastery holder. Who is a consultant in medication and healing?

Even though Iannae's eyes were closed. She woke up from her siesta near the lake . Ryan was sitting next to Inanne . Iannae wanted to soothe Ryan about her premature behaviour but his face relinquished it, his tone and looks seem really dull and amazed respectively. It makes it hard for Iannae to speak up to him. She could not help herself in avoiding the guilt for almost killing Ryan while attempting to apologise to him .Whenever Iannae tried to approach Ryan .He always steadily excused or ran himself . He hasn't said a single word about yesterday night.

Iannae mumbled 'How? Am I supposed to win his sincerity and sacrifice him afterwards on the given time that's what Iannae most yearned for almost since five years and to increase her worry further that incident day happened to be tomorrow .When everything is perfectly fine and under control.

She could not gasp. How did Iannae get that red eyes fabric? perhaps it's someonel

Who knew about Iannae's existence as Samantha .She does not get that who wishes to harm her? After wearing it. Iannae recalled just meeting Ryan in the garden but what they talked about it's still a glitch in her memory. She needs to find out who is the real culprit, the fact that she got hypnotised and lost her influence over her body. Is not something she can shake off easily,put that matter on hold .

she 'sighs' tiredly and walks away from the entrance of the prayer room.

Ryan was hiding behind the bushes and admiring Yana from a distance and said "Yana must be thinking that I am avoiding her because of the lake incident but in reality the reason why? I am avoiding her, it was something else. Back at the lake incident.

Ryan doesn't know what happened to Iannae which made her behave like this. He sees nothing out of place, it's just her eye fabric which is red in colour .She usually prefers black or grey fabrics, basically fabric which are dull in colours, so that her covered eyes don't get much attention from the veneer...

Ryan is unsure whether he made the right decision or not but it is better to try once rather than admit guilt forever.

Before saying a single word Iannae summons four magic circles at a time. Ryan has no way to avoid it because all the existing directions cover through the magic circles . . . Iannae summons 'Thermally hot lava' from them just after two minutes 'The lava' began to pour out of the circle.

Ryan pulls his divine awning on but it's useless against such an extra elevated degree of spell. . Ryan smirks because it's all what he wants. . .

There is lava everywhere in the air. Iannae thought Ryan must be burnt to death.

Perhaps, Ryan pops out of nowhere and summons lightning bolts through three mystic loops and fights 'heads on' against Iannae. Iannae wondered How can he escape

Inanne could not grasp earlier how Ryan evaded her deadly assault? Then she smells dry soil from him, and Inanne bites her lips .She knows how he escapes by digging a crater inside the ground. It makes her frustrated.

She now analyzes the privileges that Ryan already snatched and hid under from her before the lava came in contact with the surroundings which help him to escape from her spell . . .unharmed.

Ryan thinks inside his mind 'Although Iannae is not entirely sane and can't see either ,her abilities are no joke.

In between the fight, Iannae summoned the dark hole itself which swallowed all the lightning bolts. Ryan's magic circle vanishes away and his summoning leaves to waste.

Ryan knows that there is no way he can win against Iannae. He needs to function more cleverly than heavily. He used his surroundings as an opportunity to distract his opponent.

Ryan dives inside the lake and influences the water in it. He can also control divine energy so it's not that tough for him to manage the lake water. .

He smash the bridge over which Iannae is standing as per the result she falls down and gets drenched in the lake water due to the spell she gets seized within the steam gasps of water that are influenced by Ryan.

Iannae doesn't like these worthless insignificant clever gimmicks. Instead of struggling. She makes a tornado by twirling her left hand inside the water and mumbling the spell at a regular pace. Soon Ryan has no control over the water.

Now he is stuck inside the water and can't control his junctures. Iannae knocks him out of the lake through water tides. He gets whacked by a big stone and get heavy wounds over his forehead that starts bleeding as if it will never stop.

It gives rise to Iannae heretofore her salinity. She even doesn't remember what she is doing outside the temple wearing a black nightgown .When she feels Ryan's energy within the surroundings and the smell of blood coming from near his head,she panics. Iannae rushed towards Ryan's lifeless body .She carefully rolled his lump of flesh. and touch his wound. She just wants to cry. Ryan got a serious injury but How?. . .then she remembers what happened a while ago. It's all because of her that Ryan is in an incredibly susceptible circumstance.

Tears flowed down her cheeks. She pours all the mana over Ryan's head to alleviate his wound.

The wound soon evaporates as the mana begins to encompass it. Ryan opens his eyes feebly. He takes his hand closer towards Iannae's sights and pulls off that Red fabric from her eyes. and said. . "Mission accomplished" and goes back to doze off.

To be continued