
Chapter 64

I knew I said I would deal with the hypocritical woman but I never thought about what I would do before that.

I arrived at the school only to get summoned to the principal's office. I kinda expected that but honestly, I wasn't ready for it.

"Miss Dale, there has been a lot of complains coming from parents and it is not in your favor." The principal began.

I stood before him with a calm and relaxed expression. Standing beside him was the vice principal who had made a few advances on me over the year but I always brushed him aside with a sincere decline.

He felt humiliated and vowed to rip off my good teacher mask.

Seeing him so smug reminded me of how much he hated my guts.

"I know how much you're dedicated to your work and the kids love you but we can't ignore the request of the parents." The principal stated.

"So, should I write a letter of apology and apologize to the parents?" I asked, completely forgetting a worst case scenario.