
Awake in Grimm

Eli Streets was a normal person until one day he woke up without even realizing where he was. The next thing he knew he was a Zauberbiest in Grimm, the weirder thing was that he was working in the same law firm as Adalind Schade. With new memories about his new job and life he needs to navigate how he is going to live. With an anger inside of him that he can hardly control he needs to choose a side before things are to late, or does he? Eli is in for one hell of a trip when he get accustomed to this new life, hopefully he comes out the other side better then ever. I own nothing but my OC and ideas, everything else goes to the respective creator.

Pink_Ghosty · TV
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13 Chs

011- Goodbye... See You Again.

They all sat around the table an hour later eating the lasagna, Eli had made a tofu spinach lasagna for Monroe which he made for himself once that he just found to be divine. "How is it, this is only my second time actually making that." Eli asked him as they ate.

"It is good, this sauce taste amazing." He complimented with a smile.

"Yeah this sauce is good, what did you put in it?" Liz asked looking over at him as she ate another mouthful.

Eli swallowed what he was eating before answering her, "And let you be able to make it yourself? Please, if you want it again then you are going to need me to make it for you."

She grinned at that before going back to her food. The rest of dinner was made with light conversation them both getting to know Monroe some more who was just an awesome guy. He really was a lot like Don, even if he was a Blutbad.

Monroe offered to help with the dishes but they denied him since he was the guest, Liz didn't even help she sat at the counter while sipping her whine. Eli rolled his eyes at her while cleaning them, he had a dish washer but he liked to wash them off first before putting them into the dish washer.

"Really?! You are just going to sit there and watch me, it isn't that hard you know?" He said while raising a brow at her.

"Well you have it all worked out, you are a great dish washer. I am just going to sit here and relax while enjoying my wine, it is sexier seeing you stand there and wash them. Try wetting your shirt some." She said with a smirk looking right at his white shirt.

He rolled his eyes at her while listening to Monroe's laughs as he walked into the room, he shot the man a glare, "What are you laughing at, I am not just some piece of meat you two."

"Haha she is just funny. I should be taking off now it is getting late. The clock has a lot of work done plus I saw that some of the wood needs to be restored, but I should be able to finish it by tomorrow." He said while walking closer to them.

Eli nodded at him, "I will be here all day tomorrow so just call before coming, just tell me if you need anything."

He nodded back, "Alright well you two have a good rest of your night. It was nice meeting the two of you, Elizabeth it was nice seeing you and I hope you come back soon."

"It was good meeting you too Monroe. I will try and come back as soon as I can but work has been building up some for me so it might take awhile." She said sadly while twirling her wine.

"Well just come back as soon as you can then. See you two later." He waved at them before walking to the door and leaving, since the elevator didn't need a card to go down they didn't need to follow.

"Are you going to miss me too?" She asked as the room went quiet.

Eli looked at his watch, the time was just a little after six he would need to take her to the airport soon for her check in time, "If I didn't need to drive you to the airport I would show you just how much I am going to but unfortunately we don't have time for that. How long do you think you will be gone?"

She paused a moment before talking, "Well my client base actually builds up depending on the situation, it is hard to find someone like me out there. At the moment I need to be away for at least a month or two doing these new jobs, if nothing else pops up then I will be back around then."

Eli knew her words were true, Hexenbiest made the best potions and she was one of the best in how potent they were. She made good money from it too while also making a lot of connections, he could see the enjoyment of it too since she got to travel around a lot.

Hearing that it was actually uncertain when she would come back hurt some, he knew that he had to deal with it though he wasn't going to ask her to stay. One since it had only been three days that they have known each other and two because she really liked the travel so he wouldn't take that from her.

"Alright well---" He went to say but she cut him off.

"I know I will stay safe out there, I haven't been in trouble once since I do everything I can to be cautious so you don't need to worry." She moved around the island leaning against his back, "Are you going to find someone else to sleep with while I am away?"

"Are you?" He countered, it wasn't really a relationship but he could see the merits in asking. Sometimes people didn't actually enjoy their sexual partner sleeping with someone else even if it was a fling, he could see why she was asking him about this but he also wanted to know.

The room went quiet a moment the only sound being his hands moving as he washed the dishes, "No I won't. I will be to busy to do it, plus even after all this time I don't really do this casual thing like we have been doing." she finally answered holding him a little tighter.

"I honestly don't know. I usually only sleep with one person at a time when I am in a relationship, but seeing as this isn't one then who knows." Eli answered, it sounded like an asshole thing to say but it was the truth which he prided himself on always telling.

She didn't talk but also didn't move away from him still holding him close as he kept washing the dishes, "Well make sure you always wrap it up then. Also I know this is just a fling but can you keep them out of here? I have come to like staying here while I am in town so can you keep them away."

She sounded nervous while saying that, Eli could hear that it was dripping in her voice, "You don't need to worry about that...... You are the first woman to stay here, all my past relationships I have kept them away since I don't like them in my personal space. You are the first woman I am comfortable actually being here."

"Really?" He could hear the hopefulness in her voice, it was a complete opposite of when she was confident around him.

"Yes really. I don't like lying so trust me when I tell you that." He said while finally finishing the dishes, he dried his hands before turning around and hugging her close. While waddling he walked her over to the stool she was sitting at, he lifted her sitting her down before putting his forehead against hers.

"I do trust you. It is weird saying that out loud though, I don't get close or this comfortable with people this quick at all." She said rubbing her cheek against his own, his stubble tickling her some.

He smiled while rubbing his hands up and down her sides, "We should get you ready, you have to be at the airport soon."

She sighed but agreed with him, he took her hand leading her to the guest room where her bags were moved last night after everything that had happened. "I am leaving this one behind, all it has are some clothes in it. Since I will be stopping at home first I won't need them." She told him pointing to a blue suitcase.

Eli raised a brow, "And I am just okay with that?"

"Of course you are sweetheart." She said with a smile while patting his face and walking past him, he could only shake his head.

After she walked out he took the blue suitcase moving it out the room, he sent her a mini glare while pulling it towards his room, he didn't want to leave it sitting there. He could leave it in there but he didn't want anyone to mess with it, he sometimes had either Don or Scott stay over after they had a night of drinking after a football or basketball game.

Going back into the living room he stuck his tongue out at her when she gave him a triumphant smile, "After three months those are going in the trash or I am giving them to your son." He said rolling his eyes at her.

She laughed a little before moving closer to him gripping the front of his shirt and pulling him close, "I think they will stay in there as....long.....as.....I....want....right?" she whispered huskily while teasing him, she kept going from inches to kissing him to moving further away from him.

Eli felt the tent in his pants and so did she, "You are a real tease you know that? What am I suppose to do about this."

She finally kissed him hard before moving back, "Well you have hands right? Or you could always take a cold shower, but for now come on I have a plane to catch."

Staring at her leaving form Eli really wanted to wrap his arms around her and drag her into the room, of it wasn't for the fact that they did need to leave then he would do just that. He slapped her butt as he walked past her after locking his front door, she only laughed while following him.

In the elevator she leaned back against him while he was holding her carry on bag, other then her purse this was the only bag that she had with her. Eli wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her close to him, his thumb was rubbing against her stomach as he held on to her.

Kissing the top of her head he sniffed her hair, the two started swaying together as they stood there the only sound coming from the elevator music. They were just enjoying the silence of the ride down, it wasn't helping his hard on go down though since she was rubbing her butt right against it as they swayed.

He knew that she was doing it on purpose though since she laughed a little hearing his growl, she didn't stop though but kept moving it either faster or slower. She finally stopped when the elevator came to the garage floor, she laughed as she walked away from him making him want to just strangle her.

Lifting up her carry on he followed her but didn't go to his red Audi, instead he went to the SUV he had it was a Jeep Grand Cherokee. It was actually a modified car that he spent a lot of money on, if no one was an expert on cars they couldn't tell how much work was done in it.

It was a midnight black with bullet proof windows, everything else was armored up so that not even armor piercing bullets could get through it. This cost him a lot of money, he only bought it because it was a fantast of his, this also showed him just how much money he made working at his law firm.

When he found out about it in his memory he was shocked but a little happy, he hasn't driven it just because he also really loved driving his Audi since it was not a SUV.

"Were taking this one." Eli said while leading her towards it when she was still walking to the Audi.

She paused before talking, "Are you telling me I have been wasting money on a cab when you had this!"

He shrugged while smirking at her as he put her bag in the back, "You never asked, I would have let you use it but you never asked if I had another car."

She glared at him as they got comfortable in the car, he turned on his music while ignoring her glare at him laughing in his head. The drive was a quiet one as they listen to the radio, it was a sad drive though since the air inside the was tense knowing that they were getting closer and closer to the airport.

When they finally did arrive there was still and hour before her plane took off, since it was a domestic flight she still had plenty of time though to go there. The two both ended up letting out a sigh as they looked at the doors leading inside, Eli wanted to follow her in but he would still eventually need to let her go on her own.

Without talking they both got out the car him grabbing her carry on, "Well I didn't think he would show up to meet me, I figured he would be to busy on his own work."

Eli followed her line of sight and saw the same man who was following them on their sushi date, her son Sean, at the moment he was standing at the doors watching them. "Should I leave you two?" He asked while stopping some feet away from the man.

She stopped next to him while looking between the two, "No you don't need to, if you want then you can meet him right now."

Standing there Eli didn't know what to do, on one hand he still wanted to walk her to her gate, while at the same time he didn't want to meet this guy. Sighing he looked down at her, "I honestly don't want to meet him at the moment, he seems to not like me at the moment. Maybe because we are sleeping together, anyway we shouldn't meet at the moment."

She looked sad, he thought it was because he didn't want to meet Sean but her next words made that thought go away, "I understand, I honestly don't think you two will get along anyway. I also would still love to see you walk me to the gate but it doesn't seem that he is going to leave until my plane takes off, which ruins that plan."

He chuckled lightly, "We could always have those end of the movie moments where I run to your gate and tell them that you are the girl on the plane that 'I just need to get to get to before she leaves, because she stole my heart.' Or something along those lines."

She laughed moving closer to him, "Oh how romantic." She faked swoon as she laid her head on his chest, Eli could see out the corner of his eye that Sean was glaring at them. He laughed along with her while ignoring Sean, leaning down he took her lips kissing her lightly he couldn't do their usual kiss with all these people around.

She pulled back letting out a reluctant sigh, "You don't need to say it. I know you have to go since he is still standing there, just call me when your plane lands. I don't follow reports for them and would hate to see that yours crashed with me only finding out a day or two later." He stopped her before she could say anything.

She nodded while actually sending a glare to her son who looked shocked for a moment, "I guess I should get going." She didn't move though but hugged him.

Eli put his arms around her slender waist while holding her close, he took one last whiff of her cookie smell it was something he was going to miss. Although upset that he had to he finally pulled away from her, they looked each other in the eyes seeing the sadness in both of them.

He leaned down kissing her again, "Go before I don't let you. I am dangerously close to pulling you back into the car."

She let out a soft smile before taking her carry on and walking away, Eli watched her walk over to Sean with reluctance in his gaze but he didn't try and stop her. Sean sent him a look which he ignored since he was watching her, she looked back sending him a smile before she walked away, Eli didn't even start to leave until she got lost in the crowd.

Although not in a relationship he couldn't deny his feelings for the women, over the past three days she wormed her way into his heart. Sighing he got into his car before taking off, the car seemed lonely without her next to him humming lightly to the music playing.