

The comeback is here! Avvenvita is now once again available to all readers wanting a unique reading experience set in a fantastical world with a complex history and world backgrounds. With fast-paced action and rich, immersive world-building, Avvenvita offers readers a thrilling and unique reading experience that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Don't miss out on this exciting tale of magic, intrigue, and adventure in the fantastical universe of Avvenvita. The stakes are high as Kei, a powerful individual who originated from another world, sets out on a mission to find the crystal of the Void to defeat the Defiant, a legion of malevolent fiends. However, along the way, he will encounter a cast of diverse and intriguing characters, each with their own motivations and secrets. He will also navigate the complex political landscape of Iona. As Kei delves deeper into the mysteries of Zeon and the dark forces at play, he will be forced to confront his own troubled past and the weight of his responsibilities to save his original homeland and the empire itself. Will Kei be able to defeat the crazy cult of Iona and the powerful coven of witches, and prevent the invasion of South Alliance to maintain peace in the empire? What secrets and motivations drive the other characters in the story? And what will Kei discover about his own troubled past as he delves deeper into the magical realm of Zeon? With its richly imagined world and action-packed plot, Avvenvita promises to be a gripping and unforgettable journey for all fantasy fans.

Dnarxus · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Curve 19: Inner Domain; The Beast's True Form

The battle at the southern shore of Kyungsok had come to a close. As the sun began to set on the battlefield, the members of Yul and the inhabitants of Kyungsok began to tend to their wounded and bury their dead. Despite the heavy losses they had suffered, they knew that they had emerged victorious. They had successfully defended their home and their way of life from the aggressive expansion of the South army.

While the majority of the members of Yul survived the conflict, Josun had sacrificed his life in a valiant effort to defend his leader from Omar's vicious assault. Sol Ohjin, as well as the other members of Yul, grieved deeply for their fallen comrade. On the other hand, Yul remained unconscious, succumbing to his injuries.

On the Easternmost island of the mainland of Iona, the Saeho tower stood tall, having sustained minimal damage during the conflict. Unlike the town of Kyungsok, the Saeho tower, an institution for the training of spiritual practitioners and the cultivation of the talents of Iona's youth, was well-equipped to defend itself. Additionally, Yeji's division, as well as Suho's division and the third division led by Toranome Yuki, had combined their powers with the Saeho's forces, effectively repelling the invading South army.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared over the horizon and the battle at the southern shore of Kyungsok came to a close, Yeji and her division, as well as Suho's division, began to gather their belongings and prepare for their journey back to the Zheng Fort. They were exhausted from the intense fighting and emotional toll of the conflict, but they knew that their duty was not yet done. They had to report the incident to their superiors and share the news of their victory with the people of the Zheng Fort.

The third conclave, however, elected to stay behind on the island, to ensure the continued defense of the Saeho Tower, which was the institution for the training of spiritual practitioners and the cultivation of the talents of Iona's youth, against any potential future invasions. They knew the importance of the Tower to the defense and the future of their land and people, and it was a task that they were more than willing to take on. They were determined to keep the Tower and the island safe from any harm, in honor of their fallen comrades.

As they traveled via skywhale, Suho could not help but question Kei about his recent display of power. "I am quite impressed with how you were able to defeat Kaeya Fidel. I had been under the impression that you were unable to utilize your spiritual abilities. Care to elaborate on what occurred?" he queried, his curiosity piqued.

Kei thoughtfully considered his answer before responding. "At first, I believed that Master Yoo had robbed me of my spirit energy. However, as I fought Fidel, I began to sense something stirring within me, and it dawned on me that my energy had been within me all along. I had been under the impression that he had used some form of divination to block my abilities, but it turns out that he had only altered the flow of my spirit energy with one of his cunning spells," Kei explained.

Suho was fascinated by Kei's explanation, and leaned forward to ask more. "Can you tell me more about this alteration of energy flow? How did you manage to revert it back?"

"The key was learning to understand my energy better. I realized that my energy was not blocked, but only redirected in a way that I couldn't access it. Once I understood this, I was able to redirect the energy back to where it should be, allowing me to use my abilities once again," Kei replied.

Suho smiled and leaned back against the surface of the skywhale. "Master Yoo is a master of illusions, not just for me but for many of his apprentices. He had once done the same thing to me when I was still an apprentice. I remember how I cried that day when he blocked my spirit core. Thinking back on it now, it is quite amusing," he shared, a smile spreading across his face.

"He truly is a master of illusions. I did not anticipate anyone being able to deceive me with an illusory spell," Kei remarked in response.

"Really? Are you able to discern illusions effortlessly?" Suho inquired further.

Kei nodded and presented Suho with a demonstration by illuminating his eyes with a deep blue hue. "These eyes can pierce through any and all illusions," he said with a hint of pride.

Suho was impressed, "Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure that ability comes in handy in many situations, especially in battles."

"It has saved me many times," Kei replied, his eyes still glinting with the deep blue energy.

As the skywhale continued to glide through the sky, the conversation turned to other matters, but Suho couldn't help but be impressed by Kei's newfound abilities, and the way he had overcome the illusion cast upon him by Master Yoo. He made a mental note to pay closer attention to Kei's growth as a spiritual practitioner, as he had a feeling that Kei would go on to accomplish great things.

"You remind me of one person, you know?" Suho said, turning to Kei. "There is an individual I am familiar with who possesses an even more remarkable ability to transcend illusions. Among Master Yoo's pupils, this person was the only one he was unable to dupe with his illusions," Suho explained, his tone filled with admiration.

"Really? Who could this person be?" Kei asked, intrigued by Suho's words. He was eager to learn more about this mysterious figure who was able to outsmart Master Yoo's illusions.

"His name is Choi Eunjoo, the Lord of the Breathing Dawn. He is an intimidating and powerful figure, known for his insensitivity and lack of compassion. Despite this, he is unwaveringly loyal to the empire and embodies the strict principles that it holds dear," Suho said. "Although he is Yeji's brother, I find it hard to believe given their significant differences," he added jokingly.

Kei's curiosity was piqued. He had heard the name Eunjoo before and knew that he was a powerful figure in the empire, but he had never had the chance to meet him. "Is he the leader of the first conclave?" he inquired.

"Indeed he is. Eunjoo commands a formidable conclave comprising of elite members, each one of whom possesses the capability to lead their own conclave. So, it is no surprise that his conclave is reputed to be the most powerful in the empire, even more powerful than mine," Suho responded.

"I see. He's that good."

"Yes, he is one of the most formidable figures in the empire. He definitely took after his father, Supreme General Seojun. Eunjoo's ability to transcend illusions is not the only thing that makes him powerful, his mastery of martial arts and his strategic mind are equally impressive. It is said that in battle, he is able to anticipate his enemy's every move and counter it before they even make it," Suho said.

Kei spent a moment to ponder over the information Suho had shared. "If this guy, Suho, who is almost in the same league as me at my full power, admires that guy's prowess and strength, then he's really something to look forward to," he thought to himself, feeling a sense of awe and excitement. "He would be a big help for me in the future. I must befriend that guy somehow."

"But, that could change if you accept my offer to join my conclave, Kei," Suho said, interrupting Kei's thoughts, with a warm smile on his face.

"I'm sorry," Kei responded as he was taken aback by the offer.

"You're strong. I can see a lot of potential in you."

Kei knew that joining Suho's conclave would mean working with an elite group of spiritual practitioners and being mentored by someone who was in the same league as the powerful Eunjoo. But, he had already made a commitment to Yeji, and he did not want to go back on his word. "I apologize, but I have already given my word to Yeji that I would join her conclave. I have made a commitment to her and I will not go back on my word," Kei replied apologetically.

Suho acknowledged Kei's decision with a nod and a smile. "I respect your choice, Kei. However, I must tell you that Yeji's leadership style is reputed to be rigorous and demanding. She holds her members to a high standard, and expects nothing but exceptional performance. But, I have no doubt that under her guidance, you will flourish and bring distinction to the Blossoms of Twilight with your proficiency and expertise of spiritual arts," he said with a mix of admiration and caution in his tone.

As he listened to Suho's words, Fredred overheard their conversation. He turned to Kei and spoke, "Who is Yeji? And what are you saying that you're going to join the Blossoms of Twilight?"

Kei realized that he had forgotten to tell Fredred about his decision. "Oh, I apologize, Fredred. I did not mean to keep this from you. When we arrived at the Guild House and after Master Yoo altered the flow of my spirit energy, I met someone named Choi Yeji. She's the leader of the sixth conclave," Kei explained.

Fredred looked at Kei with surprise and a hint of disappointment. "You just decided on that without telling me?"

"It's not my intention to do that. I didn't know when I would see you again and I had to make a decision on my own," Kei replied, apologetically.

Fredred understood the situation, he knew that Kei had to make decisions quickly, but he still wanted to know more. "Is that everything you'll tell me? What other things should I know?"

Kei closed his eyes and focused his attention, allowing himself to enter his inner domain. As he delved deeper, he was greeted by the sight of Fredred's glowing blue eyes. The domain was an ethereal realm that existed within Kei's mind, and it was where his spiritual companion, Fredred, manifested. The atmosphere was dreary, the ground covered in a blanket of hailstones, yet Kei felt at ease in the chilly surroundings. The lightning bolts that occasionally lit up the sky revealed Fredred's ominous appearance - an enormous wolf towering at over 20 feet tall, with dark grey fur that seemed to blend into the shadows. His fur was thick and shaggy, and his muscles were rippling under it. Spiky black ice protrusions emerged from his back, and a set of razor sharp teeth as long as a grown man's arm. His eyes glowed like blue flames and his breath was a misty vapour that curled and dissipated in the air. His presence was so formidable that it felt as if he was a force of nature, a formidable and deadly being, one that instilled fear. He had a mane of thick fur that covered his neck, and when he moved, it flowed like a wave behind him. His claws were long, sharp and black as obsidian, and his tail was as thick as an oak tree. Definitely a creature of immense power, a being of raw strength and ferocity.

"It's been a while since the last time I saw your true form, Fredred." Kei stated.

"Go ahead and tell me anything I need to know," he answered, his voice was more deep, rumbling and powerful inside the domain, and when he spoke, it felt like a thunderclap.

Kei's expression was solemn as he shared with him, "Master Yoo has uncovered the truth about me, as well as the secret society I have joined."

Fredred looked at Kei with confusion, "What did you say? Why? And what is that secret society you were referring to?"

"The society's purpose is to eradicate all the fiends and disrupt their malevolent plans. They share the same goal as us and I thought that by joining that society, we can use them to achieve our ultimate goal - obtaining the crystal of the Void," Kei explained.

Fredred's expression turned grave, "Kei, it's too risky if there are people who know about your identity. Fiends can impersonate as their kind! You should not trust anyone, even me!"

Kei was taken aback by Fredred's words, reminding him of the warning from the ancient scroll he read that no man could read. But he decided to keep it to himself and refrain from mentioning it to Fredred. He understood the gravity of the situation, and knew that he had to be cautious when it came to trusting others with his secret identity.

With a newfound sense of determination, Kei realized that the most important thing for him to do now was to focus on the future and create a plan of action. He knew that now that his abilities had been restored, he would be able to join the conclave, a group of individuals who could practice spiritual arts, as Master Yoo had promised. Additionally, Kei had seized the opportunity to become a member of the Providence Society, a secret organization that granted him swift citizenship in the realm.

Fredred listened carefully and let out a deep sigh, "So, everything went as planned, then? We'll have to move forward with what's been set in motion. Like you said, we can't change your past decisions, but we can shape the future. Our next step is to begin our search for the crystal while eliminating any fiends that cross our path."

Kei nodded in agreement. "Yes, and the first step involves shedding light to the Divine Order's scheme."

"The Divine Order's scheme?" Fredred rose from his spot on the ground, his interest piqued by Kei's revelation. "I'm all ears," he said, eager to learn more.

Kei told him everything he found out about the Divine Order. As they finalize their plan, a bolt of lightning illuminated their surroundings before everything fade to black and Kei opened his eyes to reality, where he found Suho napping before him.