
Avoiding my Billionaire Patient

London billionaire, Adrian, reprioritises when paramedic Evelyn saves his life. However, Adrian’s new obsession soon becomes his first rejection. Evelyn could never date a patient. Adrian Carter is the heir to a technology empire with sights set on gaining power by marrying an engineering empire heiress. After almost dodging a bullet to the head, Adrian ends up in the comforting hands of Evelyn Winter. Evelyn has worked every spare hour outside of studying to buy her freedom. Now she has it, she’s ready to live a little. She could lose more than her career if she falls into the arms of this patient. Will they both survive if they choose to tempt fate? ~”He raises my hand and I comply with the random twirl he spins me into. A small tug has me landing with my spare hand against his hard chest. The smell of lavender and oak entices me to lean in closer. I gaze up at his childish grin as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, keeping me tucked flush against him. In that moment, the world seemed to start and end with us. “~ [Warning - mature content and graphic descriptions of injury] Hey, this is my first book. I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Please let me know if you need any of the ambulance slang clarified : p The book’s ending will be published on Wattpad under the same title. Please note, the cover was created by myself.

Waddling_Pineapple · Urban
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47 Chs

Twenty-three ~ Evelyn

Yawning, I drag my eyes open.

The sunlight drifting in has dimmed but provides enough light to showcase the room.

Wriggling, I find myself unable to move in Adrian's death grip. My faint must've done a real number on him.

As soon as I came to earlier, guilt and worry flooded my system at the disappearance of Adrian's usual confidence and composure.

My blood ran cold at the sight of seeing him look so broken.

I've seen countless anxious and devastated men and women at work. Whilst it's upsetting, you learn to distance yourself for protection.

But Adrian's expression punctured my lungs with a blade. His prolonged silence twisted it, lodging it in place.

Apart from my therapist, I've never fully shared that side of myself with anyone before. I hate that it manifested like that and hurt Adrian in the process.

Things are simpler when I'm alone. No one to judge or worry about me, so I can do as I please.

Although, the warmth radiating from his embrace, mixed with the oak and lavender fragrance, fills me with a foreign feeling of safety and comfort.

I look over my shoulder to find an icy gaze watching me.


"Hi." His voice is gruff but he forces a smile onto his lips.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just lost in thought." He blinks at me, increasing his unconvincing smile.

I give him a half smile.

Adrian loosens his hold, allowing me to adjust and snuggle against his toned chest.

Enquiring after the time, Ade checks his phone to let me know it's four-thirty.

"I better get ready for dinner, I don't think your top and just undies will fly." I coil one of Ade's ringlets around my finger.

"You're right, you should lose the undies." Adrian states bluntly with a deadpan expression.

I swiftly arm myself with a pillow and go in for the kill.

Adrian folds instinctively as the satin makes contact with his chest.

With a harsh tug, Adrian retrieves the pillow, pulling me forward over his lap.

Mr Buzzy Bee rejoices at the appearance of a devious smile upon Adrian's lips.

But when the pillow smacks my bare ass, the heat shoots straight to my core.

"Adrian!" I gasp.

He chuckles at my apparent surprise before bringing the pillow down once more.

I bite my bottom lip to contain a moan. Why is this hot?

"Let me go, I need to get ready!" I protest with a squeal as I wriggle off of Adrian's lap.

"If you must." One corner of Ade's mouth tilts up and he slaps my ass as I get out of bed and head for the spare room.

The delicious burn lingers on my ass, rolling into my core.

But I maintain my course for the shower because otherwise we won't be going anywhere tonight.

The idea blossoms a smile onto my lips.

After a quick shower, I sit at the elegant vanity. I don my usual makeup and carefully towel dry my hair straight with the help of some hair oil.

I've chosen a bodycon wrap dress for tonight. The V-neck compliments my cleavage without being too showy and the deep red brings out the green in my eyes.

I'm taking on the challenge of the black stiletto pumps.

Slipping them on, I practice walking the length of the room. My normal choice is a wedge or a much thicker heel so I'm a tad wobbly.

I head out onto the uncarpeted hallway to relearn how to walk.

Once I'm only marginally ungraceful, I slide out of the shoes and relish in the sensation of my feet being flat against the ground.

My phone lets me know I still have an hour, so I wander down to the kitchen determined to drown in milkshake bliss.

Instead of yelling through the mansion-sized apartment, I text Adrian to ask if he wants one.

The yes is immediate.

I search the freezer for inspiration. In addition to the mango sorbet, there's chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

Fighting the cramped freezer, I tug the vanilla and mango flavours free.

The fridge is meticulously organised. With a lack of white chocolate, I retrieve the pallet of fresh strawberries.

I set the blender up on the counter next to my chosen ingredients.

After throwing everything into the blender, I add a good measure of milk and a dollop of marshmallow fluff.

I watch in awe as my masterpiece combines. The colour transitions and changes are so satisfying to observe.

The smell of oak, lavender and lemon wraps around me.

Adrian lifts my hand above my head, twirling me to take in my outfit.

"Must we go out?" His rich voice holds a rough undertone.

I nod before pausing at the sight of Adrian in a crisp white shirt, perfectly resting on his broad shoulders and muscled physique.

His black formal trousers highlight his flat stomach.

"You wash up nicely." I shamelessly admire the god leaning against the counter.

The appearance of his adorable dimples only makes him look more endearing. What did I do to deserve you?

Refocusing my attention, I divide the milkshake into two glasses.

Adrian steps behind me, reaching over my shoulder to collect a glass.

He has me in a trance as Ade puts the glass to his lips. His infectious smile grows.

"What's in this?"

"A magician never reveals their tricks!" I tap my nose, "But I will say it's mainly sugar."

I take a sip, closing my eyes to appreciate the fruity mixture. It's definitely one for the books.

"Shall we submit the report?" I want to cast it out of my head and be done with it.

Besides, I have nothing more to add, so it shouldn't be too emotionally demanding.

"Whatever you want Bear."

I make a mental note to ask for the nickname's reasoning at a later date.

My milkshake has almost disappeared by the time we reach the office.

Awaiting the gallows, I watch the world go by through the gigantic windows whilst Adrian reads over the report.

"That reads well. Would you like me to submit it?"

"Please." I refuse to turn round, I want nothing more to do with it.

A second silhouette joins mine.

Hyde park is filled with evening commuters and dog walkers.

The view must be beautiful during Christmas with Winter Wonderful sporting its festive lights and decorations.

"Shall we head off?" Adrian spreads his hand across the small of my back.

I nod, following his lead.

We're still early, but it'll be good to air out the lingering sense of doom in the room.

I slip back into my heels and Adrian dons a charcoal blazer that leaves me gawking like a pig just flew by.

Adrian uses his key fob to select a sub level in the lift.

What in the Donald Trump is this?

The garage is filled with luxury cars of all shapes and sizes.

I know less than nothing about cars, so I couldn't even tell you the make. But, they're all gorgeously slick statement pieces.

"Pick one!" Adrian calls from a small room in the corner.

"Which ones are yours?"

"All of them." I can hear the pride singing in his voice.

I knew he was well-off, but this is insane!

Perusing around the concrete structure, a black sporty number catches my eye.

It's short like me!

"This one?" I wave to Ade.

He retrieves the key from a safe, locks the small room and wanders over to join me.

Walking around to the passenger side, Adrian opens my winged door with a whoosh.

I climb into the leather seat.

The black interior oozes luxury with sassy red detailing.

We glide out of the parking garage and onto the London streets.

I watch the buildings fold past, I've never driven around London as a civilian before.

This sure is different from an old, beaten up truck.

Time floats by as we sit in a comfortable silence with music bouncing around in the background.

We get closer to the Thames and eventually cruise past Big Ben plastered in scaffolding.

Anticipation builds with every passing landmark.

But an unexpected encounter snags me.

The Barbican Centre.

My graduation ceremony is being held there in July.

"Wow, I'm graduating in three months." The words drop from my mouth.

"Really? Where is it being held?" Adrian catches my mental shockwaves.

"Back there actually, the Barbican Centre."

"I can't wait to see you in a cap and gown." Ade smiles at the road as he reaches over to squeeze my thigh.

I blank out trying to process Adrian's words. That means he's expecting to still be with me!

Mr Bee flutters in my chest and I place my hand over Adrian's.

Right now, there's no one I'd rather celebrate with.

Are you a graduate?

Where did you graduate?

Waddling_Pineapplecreators' thoughts