
13. Chapter 13

Chapter 13) Attempting to Reconcile Part 2

Lori dug through the dirty laundry, moving aside various tops and skirts and pants that belonged both to herself and her many sisters. She reached further into the pile, continuing to ignore almost everything else she saw until she at last obtained the item she sought. From the many other articles of clothing, Lori exhumed a pair of bright blue boxers with little sheep printed on them.

"Aha!" she exclaimed victoriously. "I knew there was another pair in there!"

She peeked inside of the boxers and wrinkled her nose a bit. Grabbing the bottle of stain remover, she gave the inside of the boxers a small spritz. Then she put them down to let the remover set and began to add some other items from the dirty laundry pile to the washer. Luna meanwhile was busy sorting through the many pairs of socks that had just been taken out of the dryer. As she heard Lori make her find, she took a moment to look at her sister.

"So does that mean that you're finally gonna lend me a hand with this? Because it's more of a pain than I thought it would be."

"Almost." Lori told her. "I just need to finish putting a few more things to be washed. I'm pretty sure that Lynn had some grass stains on her favorite jersey. She's going to want that clean before her next practice on Monday. And I should double check to make sure that I didn't miss any other pairs of stained underpants. There's usually a few of them between Dad and Lynn. Sometimes Lincoln too, not that he'd admit to it."

"Gross." Luna commented. "I'm really glad that laundry isn't my chore. It's nastier than I would've guessed."

"Well what did you expect?" Lori asked with a giggle. "It's dirty clothes. Some are going to be worse than the others. Including some of your stuff too. Catch!"

Lori tossed a pair of purple, polka-dot panties at Luna's face. The brunette's hand flew up and caught them mid-air. She cast an irritated look at Lori who seemed to be resisting the urge to laugh at how Luna had reacted.

"Dude! Not funny!"

"Oh, relax. They aren't even dirty. Well, they are. But not that dirty. At the worst your stuff just smells sweaty. Mostly your tops."

"You smell my clothes?" Luna asked, giving her sister an odd look. "That's weird, dude."

"I said that your clothes can smell. I never said that I go sniffing them. Maybe if you didn't always leave them on the floor all week long, then they might not smell so bad. You can't tell me that Luan doesn't complain about it."

Luna shrugged. "She hasn't really mentioned it. But she definitely would let me know if she didn't like me doing that. We're pretty good at being honest with each other when it comes to our room."

"I know what you mean. Leni and I are pretty much the same. At least about most stuff. We still have issues when it comes to our wardrobes." Lori admitted before sighing sadly. "I wish I could be back up there with her right now. Even if it meant getting in an argument over who borrowed who's favorite top."

Lori finished loading the washing machine and closed the lid. She went to join Luna in folding socks, but found that her sister was gone. A quick look around let her see that Luna was heading up the stairs. As the brunette reached the top, Lori called out to her. Luna told her sister that she'd 'be right back' and then went through the door. Lori didn't object to Luna's sudden departure. She just figured that the other girl needed a bathroom break.

Meanwhile, Luna had gone up to her room. She grabbed her backpack from its place by the dresser and then turned around to head for the room directly across from her own. The door was open, but she knocked on it anyway. Inside were Leni and Lincoln. She was looking through the closet and he was sitting on Lori's bed with some folded clothes and his toothbrush beside him. When they heard Luna knock, they both turned to face her.

"Hey." Luna said, smiling meekly at her siblings. "Mind if I bug the two of you for a sec?"

"Like, sure." Leni said. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to come in and apologize." Luna said. "And to grab Lori's school bag. We need to get started on our homework."

"Oh, okay. Is it alright if I join you? I got a lot of work to do on my English paper."

"No problem. I doubt Lori will mind. What about you, Linc? Wanna join your sisters for a homework sesh?"

"Can't." Lincoln stated flatly. "Even if I still had assignments to work on, they're in pieces. And in the trash. Besides, I won't be here for too much longer anyways. Bobby will be here to pick up me and Clyde soon and I need to pack a bag. I'll be staying the night with Clyde at his house."

Luna's face fell. "Bummer. Well, how about when you get back? Can we hang for a bit then?"

Lincoln nodded. "Okay. So, I take it that this means that you and Lori are getting along again?"

"Pretty much, little bro. We talked about some things. Still got more to talk about. Same with you. I know that you maybe might want to have a little more time before talking with Lori. But, you and me, we can talk about it, right?"

He nodded again. "Mmm-hmmm. How about tomorrow, after I get back from Clyde's? I should be back by dinner time."

"I've got an idea." Leni interrupted. "How about instead of getting a ride home, the two of you walk together? That way you can talk without anyone around to distract you."

Luna smiled at the idea. "Sweet thought, sis! Me and Linc can take the long way home too. Maybe stop by Flip's for a Flippee?"

"Okay, but only if you let me pay for my own." Lincoln said.


Luna held up her fist. Lincoln did the same and bumped Luna's. Then Luna pulled him in for a brief hug before going over to Leni and giving her one as well.

"Sorry for being a pain in the butt."

"It's okay. I know you weren't trying to be one. And making up with Lori totes makes up for it if you ask me."

They separated and Leni got Lori's school bag to hand to Luna. Then Leni stepped back into the closet, continuing whatever it was she had been doing before Luna had entered. After a few moments of searching she emerged again with a sparkly, purple backpack.

"Found it! Here you go, Linky. You can borrow this until we can get you a new one."

"Thanks Leni." Lincoln said, taking Leni's old bag and putting his things inside. "I need to get going. See you tomorrow."

He hugged Leni and went to the door, waving to his two sisters as he left. Once he was gone, Leni grabbed her schoolwork and both she and Luna descended into the basement. There they found Lori idly leaning on the dryer, multiple piles of neatly folded socks set atop the machine. Her eyes went to Luna as she entered, then to the two backpacks she was carrying and the corner of her mouth curved upward.

"So that's what you were doing." Lori said. "Bringing me more work to do. Thanks for that."

"Anytime sis. I know how much you love doing homework." Luna joked. "And I dragged Leni along too, so we can all have fun together."

Luna stepped over and set Lori's bag down beside her. Her eyes roamed across the dryer's top, counting out thirteen piles of socks total with each pile possessing up to four or five pairs each. But when she had left just a short while ago, Luna knew that she hadn't even found enough to fold ten pairs.

"Dude, how did you finish that so fast?"

"Experience." Lori stated nonchalantly. "I've done this enough times by now to have the hang of it. Which means that I win our little game."

"I don't remember agreeing to that." Luna said before giving her sister a smirk. "But if you say so. You win. And for your prize...You get to help Leni with her homework."

"Yay!" Leni chirped, clapping her hands. "I totes need it! Thank you, Lori!"

Lori chuckled nervously, a cold bead of sweat running down her face. "Um, is it too late for me to forfeit?"

Luna laughed at Lori's question. After a moment, Lori joined it, as did Leni, despite the fact that she didn't get the joke. And once they were done, the three settled themselves down to start to work on their assignments. Lori and Luna took a break when it was time to handle the laundry again, putting in another load to start after they had taken care of the other two. This was repeated again a short while later and then again not long after that. By the time the girls had managed to accomplish about all of their assignments, save for Leni who was struggling. So much so that she eventually just let out a groan of defeat and set the paper down.

"I totes cannot do this right now. Can we just, like, talk for a little bit instead?"

"Hold on a sec." Lori said, reaching for Leni's paper. "Let me take a look at it before you call it quits. What have you got so far?"

She picked up Leni's assignment and glanced at it. It was hardly more than a second later that Lori returned her attention to Leni, who could only offer a sheepish, yet guilty smile in return.

"Leni, you literally haven't written anything other than your name on this paper! What have you been doing this entire time?"

"...thinking?" Leni meekly replied.

Lori slowly shook her head, a small frown on her face. "And when were you given this assignment?"

"Like, yesterday. And I've got until Friday next week. It only has to be three pages, but it has to be written. No typing it on a computer."

"Ugh. Mr. Leviat?" Lori asked. "He's the worst. Do yourself a favor and just ask Lisa for help."

Leni hesitated, the guilt still present in her eyes. "I...already asked her for help this week. Like, every day. I think she might be a little tired of me bothering her for help."

"Dude, why did you need so much help?" Luna asked. "Rough week at school?"

"Yeah, kinda." Leni admitted. "I had a history test on Wednesday. A physics test of Friday. And I had already failed that one once. Plus math homework. It keeps getting more confusing! Did you know that binomials don't have anything to do with buying stuff?" Leni asked, throwing her hands up. "I just don't get it!"

Lori patted Leni's shoulder reassuringly. "I literally know what you mean. I've already done all of it before. But don't worry, I can help you with the paper. Mr. Leviat is a tough teacher to have for English, but since I had his class I know what he expects in a completed paper. We can tackle it tomorrow morning, okay? Let's just chat like you wanted to for now."

Leni's mood quickly brightened, her sunny smile returning to her face. She readjusted herself to make herself more comfortable as both Lori and Luna settled down on either side of her. For a moment it seemed as though she might burst from excitement at any given second. And with good reason too. She had heard a very interesting bit of gossip from a friend from school and she was more than eager to share it with her sisters. The moment she began to relay the story to them she spoke with such fervor that it was similar to how she'd go on about her finds in her most recent expedition to the mall.

The duration of Leni's extensive story kept the three of them occupied long enough to allow the current loads of laundry to finish in the washer and dryer, Lori and Luna tending to them while still listening to Leni. From there they continued to pass the time talking about whatever came to mind. School, music and television, which of their friends had done what, and dating were among the list of things discussed. Eventually their conversation turned towards themselves and their younger siblings.

"All I'm saying is that babysitting is more difficult than you think, Luna." Lori said.

Luna scoffed. "Dude, I'm sorry, but you can't be serious. Only one of us is still actually a baby. The rest of us can look out for ourselves."

"That isn't the problem, Luna." Lori stated firmly. "Think of it this way. You all have me outnumbered and if I don't show some authority, you'll go completely out of control!"

"No way, sis. You're exaggerating."

"I literally am not! And it's not like you would know anyway. The closest you've ever come to babysitting is changing Lily's diapers. And those occasions are few and far between."

"What are you trying to say, dude?" Luna asked, narrowing her eyes. "You think I couldn't handle it?"

"No, little sister. I know you couldn't. But you can try to prove me wrong. If you feel brave enough." Lori teased.

"Oh, so now you're challenging me?" Luna asked, a confident grin on her face. "Well, bring it on! And if I win, you owe me a lunch at the Burpin' Burger."

"Deal." Lori said. "But when I win, you can treat me and Bobby to lunch at the Burpin' Burger."

"Deal!...Wait a sec. How come if you win I have to cough up enough dough for two?"

Lori thought for a moment. "Alright, fine. If you win then I'll pay for you and a friend. Hopefully a boy you like..."

"Or a girl." Leni added.

"Right, or a girl. Speaking of which, when are you going to finally come out and tell the rest of the family that you're bi?"

Luna's face flushed, a nervous look coming to her eyes. "I...I'm working on it! I even told Luan the other day! S-she was cool with it. Just like you and Leni."

"Wow, so now three of the twelve people you live with know your secret. Good progress." Lori said with a trace of sarcasm. "At least tell Mom and Dad. We'll be there to back you up."

"I...I dunno. I mean, yeah, I could...but..."

Lori crossed her arms and waited for Luna to continue. The rocker let her gaze fall to the floor, the nervous feeling growing. She knew that Lori wouldn't let her change the subject any sooner than she'd just drop it. But she really wanted to avoid the subject altogether. She looked back up at her older sister, knowing that her best bet was trying to find the middle ground.

"Okay, I'll tell them. I'll tell everyone, but I still don't feel ready yet. So when the time comes, just make sure that I don't chicken out, okay?"

Lori smiled and nodded. "I promise that I'll make sure that you tell them, no matter how afraid you may be at the time."

"And we'll be there to support you no matter what happens." Leni said, hugging Luna tightly.

"Thanks you guys. It helps to know that you got my back."

"You'll be fine." Lori assured her. "In fact, I say we get the big one out of the way and tell our parents once Dad gets home."

Luna opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by the sound of their mother calling to them. The three looked up the stairs and saw the woman standing in the doorway.

"How's everything going down there?" Rita asked them.

"Fine." Lori answered. "We're just working on our homework while waiting for the laundry to finish."

"Okay, that's good to hear. I just got a call from your father. He's on his way home and will need a little help with something. So I want you two to head out and do that when he gets here. Then you can help him make dinner. Except you, Leni. You just leave that to Lori and Luna."

"Oh, like, okay." Leni said.

"Mom." Lori said. "While you're here, I have a quick question. Just how long do you think I'll be at the anger management class tomorrow?"

Rita shrugged. "I can't honestly say. It depends on how long Dr. Finestein's niece is scheduled to have her room in the community center. Could be one hour or maybe two. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Luna has offered to take charge the next time you need a babysitter. And since you would be dropping me off, I just thought that maybe you and Dad could make the most of it. While I'm there, you two can go and do something to enjoy yourselves and then come and pick me up later. Luna said that she can handle things here until we all get back. Right, Luna?"

Luna nodded. "Yup. I can look after the pack for a little while. No sweat."

"Thank you, honey. That's very kind of you to offer. I think that your father and I will do that. I'll talk to him about it after you're done helping him."

Lori stepped beside Luna, putting her hand on her younger sister's shoulder. "Also, there's something that Luna needs to talk to you and Dad about after that. Something important."

Rita smiled. "If you mean she needs to tell me that she's bisexual, then don't worry about it."

Luna's jaw dropped. "You...you knew?"

"Not until just a few minutes ago." Rita confessed. "I overheard the three of you talking. And it doesn't make any difference to me." She reached out, caressing her child's face lovingly. "All I want is for you to be comfortable with who you are, Luna. And happy with what you do with your life. I won't think less of you, or love you any less, for who you find yourself attracted to. Just as long as whoever it is treats you right."

She kissed Luna's forehead and turned around to head back up the stairs. "We'll tell your father once you've finished helping him. He's got a little project he came up with yesterday. Something to do with our new house rules regarding you kids and fighting. So you two troublemakers hurry up and wait for him out front. He said he would be here any minute now."

Lori and Luna obeyed, both growing more curious as to just what to expect when their father arrived home. The answer came a few minutes later out in the driveway when a gray pickup truck pulled n with their father riding shotgun.

"Dude." Luna said. "Did Pops bring home a wall?"

End of chapter 13.

Just another quick note. Thank you to DarthSidious04 for suggesting to have Luna babysit the other Louds. We'll be seeing a bit of that next time.