
11. Chapter 11

Chapter 11) Mediation Part 2

Lori blinked. "Say what now?" she asked, a little confused. "You're mad at...yourself? Why?"

"Because, I should have stopped it from happening." Luna replied, looking down at the floor.

"Well I shouldn't have done it in the first place!" Lori said in return. "We can't be wasting our time on what we think we should or shouldn't have done. All we can do is accept that what happened has happened and that we can't change it now. It isn't your fault, okay?"

"I know it isn't my fault!" the brunette spat. "But I still should have done something! I know I could have! I was downstairs the entire time you were biting his head off and part of me wanted to just go up there and tell you off for it! I knew I should have stepped up for my little bro, but I didn't!"

Rita cleared her throat, gaining the attention of Luna and Lori. Luna found her mother's eyes on her and she apologized for raising her voice again. It wasn't that she wanted to do it, she just wasn't aware that she was doing it until after it had happened. That and it was helping her to feel just a little bit better. It was like there was a whirlwind raging inside of her and she was letting it out little by little. She just wished that she could get it all out at once.

...maybe...maybe she could.

"Mom, could I be excused?" Luna asked, somewhat timidly.

"That depends. Why do you need to be excused?"

"I, uh...I want to go scream."

"Excuse me?" Rita questioned with one eyebrow arched.

"I just want to vent. Y'know, get it all out?"

"Oh, that's what you meant. That's a good idea, actually. Hold on a second. I'll be right back."

Rita stepped out of the room for a moment. When she returned she had a throw pillow from the living room. She handed it over to Luna who took it without question. It hadn't crossed her mind to do it this way, but she definitely liked the idea.

Luna faced Lori, staring at her older sister with an undivided focus. Her brow furrowed as she recalled the incident from the preceding day. The words Lori had used on their brother sounded in her memory as clearly and cruelly as they had the moment they had left Lori's mouth. And when Lori had slapped him, Luna remembered that sound too since it had caught her attention so quickly. She had sat upright and looked over towards the stairs, worry and curiosity mixing within her. But before she had gotten a chance to stand up, she saw her brother tumbling down the stairs, making her freeze with shock. Even though she had just seen it happen, she couldn't believe it.

And then there was how scared he had looked after he got back up. Luna was so grateful that he was able to stand, but then he ran, as though his life depended on it, straight out the door. It made Luna's blood boil. It made her stomach churn as she felt her anger returning and growing. She clenched her teeth, grinding them as her nails dug into the throw pillow.

Now with the fire back in her belly, Luna was ready to let loose. She inhaled deeply through her open mouth, until she felt her lungs fill to the point where it almost hurt. Then she pressed her face into the soft pillow and emitted a primal scream. The pillow was barely enough to muffle Luna's cry, which lasted over the course of ten seconds before she needed to breath in again. After that she let loose a second scream which was followed by a third before Luna finally stopped.

"Well, do you feel better now?" Rita asked after allowing Luna a moment to catch her breath.

Luna nodded. "Uh-huh. Thanks."

"Good. Now, do you have anything that you would like to say to Lori?"

The rocker nodded again and sat back down, still holding the throw pillow. She hugged it to her chest, squeezing it tightly. Her eyes stayed focused on the table for a moment and then they moved onto Lori, more sadness in them now than there had been anger before.

"Just...just don't ever do it again, okay? Promise me that and I'll start keeping my cool. Even if you do something that really ticks me off, I'll try not to let it get to me. As long as it isn't anything like what you did yesterday."

Lori moved her chair over next to Luna's so she could sit beside the other girl. She placed her hand onto Luna's shoulder, their eyes meeting.

"I would never want it to happen again, Luna. Believe me, it's literally nothing that I will ever be proud of. I screwed up big time and I'll do everything I can to make up for it. But I can't promise that I won't ever lose my temper again. What I can promise is that the next time I do get angry, that I'll do better to control myself. Mom had me signed up for an Anger Management Class, starting tomorrow."

"And she's going each weekend for as long as the counselor deems necessary, right Lori?" Rita said.

"Yes Mom." Lori replied. "And the first thing that I'm going to do there is tell the counselor what I did to our brother yesterday. Well, her and a bunch of total strangers, which really freaks me out by the way."

Lori paused, allowing Luna the chance to respond. But Luna stayed silent, processing her older sister's words and unable to find any of her own. For the first time since the incident that had occurred the previous day, Luna was seeing past the impulsive and angry actions Lori had made. She felt Lori's hand on her own and felt the older girl give it a gentle squeeze.

"It's okay if you don't feel like you're ready to forgive me. All I want is a chance to earn your forgiveness. Please Luna, I at least should be allowed that much."

"...okay." Luna said after another moment of silent thought. "I can give you that chance. If Linc is willing to do it, then there's no reason that I shouldn't. Besides, it's looking pretty obvious that being on your case isn't exactly doing me any favors."

"Gee, ya think?" Lori asked with a trace of sarcasm. "You even got Lisa and the twins mixed up in it! It's no wonder as to why Lincoln isn't happy with you!"

Luna flinched a little. She didn't need a reminder that Lincoln was mad with her. That wound was still fresh and raw. And it wasn't just that either. Before he had snapped at her earlier, she had been getting the cold shoulder from him all day too. She only wanted to be there and stand up for him, but instead she had found him opposing her. Just thinking about it was enough to make Luna's heart sink.

"Yeah, that may not have been the best idea. It's probably a big part of the reason Linc is mad at me. I really do owe him an apology."

"Well, at least you won't need to work on it as much as I'll have to. But hey, maybe we could start working on that together. Would you be up for that?"

"Totally." Luna said, perking up a tiny bit. "In fact, how about we think up some ideas while we're doing chores? I can play my fave playlist for us to listen to. The same one I listen to when I need to cram for an exam or do homework."

Lori suppressed a laugh. "I'm grounded, remember? No phone, no TV, I'm not even allowed into my own room. Pretty sure that I'm also not allowed to listen to music. But...I did just remember that I do have homework to do. Gonna have to get started on that after the chores. Speaking of which, what do you want us to do, Mom?"

"Laundry for starters." Rita replied. "After that you can both quietly do any homework that you have. Then all you need to do is wash the dishes after dinner tonight. Get through all of that and you'll both be done. But before you get started, I do have something very important to say to you both."

Rita stepped over to her daughters and placed a hand onto each of their faces, gently caressing their cheeks. She looked solemnly into their eyes and spoke in a strong, even tone.

"I love you both. And I will never, ever stop loving either of you, no matter what. But under no circumstances will I let that stop me from doing everything I can to raise you right. Even if I have to start being very harsh with you at times. The two of you have to understand that you're almost adults, especially you, Lori. And if either of you cause trouble, like a fight at school or anywhere out in public, then you may wind up in trouble with the police. Possibly even arrested."

Both Lori and Luna's eyes widened. They gulped simultaneously and waited for their mother to continue speaking, expecting that she had more to add. What they didn't expect was for her to suddenly take hold of their earlobes, pinching them harshly.

"And if either of you ever do end up in that kind of trouble, then you had better hope that you don't get arrested. Because if you do, I will do anything that I can to bail you out. But after that, the punishment I'll have for you will make a night in prison cell look like a day at the spa. Do you understand me?"

The two teens nodded and Rita let go of their ears. Rita then gave them each a kiss on the forehead and turned to leave the room.

"Head down into the basement and get started on the laundry. I'll have Leni bring you both your homework. And if you finish it before dinner, then you can have some free time to yourselves. Just keep in mind that you still aren't allowed to do anything that goes against your punishment, alright Lori?"

Lori nodded, "I know. I'll just find something else to do besides watch TV or using my phone. Would reading be okay?"

"Of course. Just as long as what you're reading isn't on a screen. Also, like you said yourself, no music either. And that goes for the both of you."

"Aw, bummer." Luna said. "For how long?"

"Only for the rest of today for you, Luna. And just so you know, you could have avoided that if you had just stayed out of it like your father and I told you and your siblings last night."

"I get it." the brunette said, letting her shoulders slump. "I brought it on myself when I didn't listen to you like a should've. That's why you want to punish me."

Rita sighed, "Honey, I don't want to punish you. I have to. Because I care enough to do what's necessary to make sure that you grow up right. One day you may be a mother yourself, and then you'll feel the same way I do now. And we can talk more later on if you like, but for now it's time for you two to get to work. I'll send Leni down in a little bit with your school bags so you can do your homework."

The girl's nodded and went to enter the basement while their mother went into the living room. From his place on the couch, Lincoln peeked over at his mother as she walked towards him. She leaned on the back of the couch and reached over to ruffle his hair briefly, smiling a little.

"How are you two doing? Enjoying your show?"

"Ga!" Lily exclaimed happily, pointing to the television screen.

"Yes, I see that sweetie." Rita replied, allowing herself a small chuckle.

"Is everything okay, Mom?" Lincoln asked out of concern.

"Heard some of what was going on in the kitchen, did you?" Rita asked knowingly in return.

"Uh-huh." Lincoln said with a short nod. "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop or anything, but some of it was kinda hard to miss. Both Lori and Luna sounded upset. Are they going to be alright?"

"They'll be fine Lincoln. They're just being teenagers. Life for them can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster sometimes. But don't you worry about it, okay? I'll make sure things work out between them. I promise."

"Can I do anything to help?" he offered.

"Yes. Don't grow up too fast." Rita replied, reaching down to pick up Lily from his lap. "And that goes double for you, baby girl. You're enough trouble as it is. How about we go and take a nice little nap together? Mommy really needs one right about now."

"No." Lily said, smiling up at her mother.

Rita giggled. "Okay, but you're coming with me anyway. Your big brother needs to go bye-bye soon. He's got an important play date with his friends. Which reminds me, please make sure that Bobby remembers that I don't want you out to late, alright? Same as always, be home before the street lights come on."

"Yeah, um...about that." Lincoln said, scratching the back of his head a little. "I know that it's really last minute, but Clyde invited me to stay over his place tonight. Can I? Please?"

"Well...okay. But let me call the McBrides to let them know that you have my permission. Check in with me before you leave, alright?"

Lincoln nodded and thanked his mother. Rita went into her room with Lily to take a short rest, leaving Lincoln alone with the still unconscious Clyde. He gave his friend a gentle nudge and managed to rouse him after a few tries.

"Huh? Wha...what happened?" the bespectacled boy groggily asked.

"Same thing as always." Lincoln answered with a grin. "You saw a certain someone and fainted, again."

"Oh...whoops. Sorry buddy."

"No worries. But I've got good news. My mom said I can stay over tonight. She's calling your dads to let them know now."

Clyde sat up, excitement in his eyes. "Really? Sweet! So, what should we do tonight? Got any ideas?"

"Kinda..." Lincoln said, slight hesitation in his voice. "It's not really anything fun, but I was hoping to ask a favor. Do you think that your dads could help me set up an appointment with Dr. Lopez? For both me and Lori?"

End of Chapter 11.