
Avkash-Vyomi: To Bear A Heart

{Protocol 0: Name: Edo 0-1: Alias: Guardian} - Engaged Core Objective: Protection of the Gnosis Sub Objective: Evolution and Capability Testing Mission Start

DarkTheLibrarian · Action
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"Objective Understood"


Just a short story I had an idea for, was gonna start this as a small little side project as I'm currently sick but had an idea for a story, this book probably won't be very long hence the 'Short Story' part, for those who came from my other works and have seen or heard of "The (Mis)Fortunate, which also bears the pseudo tittle Avkash-Vyomi, yes this book does take place in my own canon verse, I can't mark my other ones as the same due to them being owned by other franchises, but in a non-canon way yes they do exist, if that makes sense.


The sound of whirring and beeping echoes throughout a darkened room, a monitor like object taking in what seems to be something similar to vitals, two individuals watch over a giant capsule.

"Is it almost done?"

"Be patient Berult, time is something we still possess much of."

"Yeah yeah I know, but I can help but get bored at times, I get it's special, but still we've been working on it longer than any of the others", the younger of the two, now known as Berult, slumps into a nearby chair, the metal clanging as he throws his feet up.

"It is that exact reason we must be more patient, the others follow as we say, but they are also far simpler in design, wars do not fight them self, they take time, manpower, and lots of money."

"And yet we ain't fighting any wars right now, now are we?"

"We are, the war of knowledge, ingenuity, and technology, we've evolved far in these few years, going from crossbows and catapults to rifles, ships, and now these prized possessions, once he is complete he will be the one to continue our journey once we pass. With the ability to fight armies, end wars, and bear a knowledge far greater than us that even the gods might worry of his existence. But with these abilities we must take time to make sure he follows his protocol, with his ability to evolve he will become dangerous, a machine that looks like a human might try to act like one, and we can not- no we will not have that."

"Yeah yeah I get it, you act like I didn't help build the damn thing, also don't tell me about how they can't try to be a human if you designed them to look like one and you call it a HE, don't talk my ear off if your lips can't work right, plus it's not like they'll be the only one, it's just the prototype, after it's complete and deemed satisfactory by the higher ups the proper ones will be created and used," standing up he heads to a nearby door before leaving.

"Just make sure nothing happens to it while I'm out."

The older man nods letting a hum of confirmation.

'In due time my child, you will one day lead the world to it's next stage of evolution, whether it be by my will or-'

11 Years Later

{Notice: System Start-Up Sequence Activated}

{Guardian has been activated}

{Ocular System: Checking}

{Ocular System: Fine}

{Voice Box System: Checking}

{Voice Box System: Inoperable}

{Energy Levels: Checking}

{Energy Levels: 76%}

{Full Body Functions: Checking}

{Full Body Functions: Damaged <Please View Below>}

{Left Forearm Damaged - Right Hip Damaged - Sternum Damaged - Core Processing Damaged - Backup Energy Source Damaged - Partial Memory Damaged}

{Please Check in With System Administrator for Repairs}

{Attempting to Contact Administrator}

{Contact Failed}

{Attempting to Contact Administrator}

{Contact Failed}


{Due to Inability to Contact Administrator Objective's will be given}

{Protocol 0: Name: Edo 0-1: Alias: Guardian} - Engaged

{Core Objective: Protection of the Gnosis}

{Primary Sub Objective: Repairs and Reaching Contact with Administrator}

{Secondary Sub Objective: Evolution and Capability Testing}


'̴̺͌S̵̩͂n̴͇̒Ø̶͍̀w̷̺̋'̷̰̽ ('Snow')

'̶̜͊S̷̥̋õ̸̹ ̴͎̚m̸̦̌ȗ̶͇ç̶͐h̴̡̊ ̷̞͋s̴̥̈́n̸̥̈o̶͇̚ẁ̷̥'̸̠͠ ('So much snow')

Lifting myself up I notice the howling echoes of-of something, slowly drops of snow washing over my body.

{Current Objective: Find Shelter to complete Core, Primary Sub, and Secondary Sub Objective}

'Where am I'

{Location Unknown}

'My information banks, they're-'

{Damaged, repairs can be made later, please find shelter before the temperature units shut down and your body goes into stasis}

Lifting myself my hands roughly dig into the snow below me, looking at my left arm I notice a huge chunk of my forearm missing, circuitry exposed.

Flicking my right hand sharpened tools come out as I sear the opening up for the most part, taking a glance at my surroundings I take notice off a lack off footprints, only a small crater where I once laid and small dying fires.

My eyes twitch for a moment before the world starts shifting in appearance, a know wavy energy coursing through the air, 'Teleportation Magic? It's hard to tell in my current state, current Core Objective states to protect the Gnosis, what and where is it'.

{'What is the Gnosis?': Requires a higher clearance}

{'Where is the Gnosis?': Currently residing in your core, around where the human heart would be}

Looking around I scan for any nearby life-forms, of which I find a lack of.

'Objective understood, run a scan on what I have at my disposal.'

{Affirmative - Scanning.... Scan Complete.}

{You currently have access too- Basic Clothing, Built-In Tools for Repairing and Creation, Self-Sustaining Battery, Damaged Back-Up Battery, Several Damaged but Repairable Parts, and a Secondary Core Designed for Usage of Magic}

'The bare minimum, it will do for now'


I spent hours trudging through the snow, attempting to find any form of civilization, I ripped parts of my pants to cover my 'wounds' and lowered some of my temperature units to only what is I will need to stay operational to conserve energy.

It wasn't until the 3 hour mark did I find any life, and not one I wanted to come across.

{It is recommended you kill the Giant Bear with as little energy as possible}

Nodding I crouch down staring at the 10 foot tall bear, the bear itself baring it's teeth at me.

Quickly dashing forward my foot collides with its head as the bear flies back into some trees, quickly running up I take its sharpest tooth, ripping it out I bash its temple piercing straight through as the animal twitches a bit more before losing all control of its life and body.

Ripping out the tooth once again I move towards its stomach ripping it open and eating it.

{Food Conversion Will Now Begin}

Slowly energy enters my battery as the food is broken down into an energy my body can intake.

{Further Food Will be Stored as the Back-Up Battery has yet to be Repaired, Current Food Will Last for Two Hours Before It's Completely Lost}

'Can I repair my back-up with what I have on me?'

{Partial repairs can be completed, your body will need to enter a stasis like state for awhile to do so, the temperature units should be enough to allow your body to be fine will repairs happen}

Sitting down I place my body beside the bear, 'Start Repairs'



"He has been completed, we will begin trials soon".

"Good, make sure to keep your reports detailed and I shouldn't have to remind you to not care for the machine, upon testing completion you will immediately begin creation of the next line, two lines to be exact. One line will be similar to him, a more mass produced version, 1-#. Then a second line will be started one that furthers 0-1's original creation just better, using the testing and evolutionary systems it possesses it should not be a problem to start a 0-2 that will later become the 2-# line".

"I understand sir, upon this version 2's creation what will become of the Gnosis?"

"The Gnosis will, for obvious reasons, be transferred to the strongest and most well behaved one of the 2nd line."

"And what off the 'Protect the Gnosis' Protocol, transferring it might make 0-1 hostile."

The superior narrows his eyes a bit, taking a moment to 'think' he opens his mouth once again.

"It's simple no? If such a situation happens 0-1 will be experimented, it's data will be kept for further testing but it's body will be of no further use to us if such a situation is to happen"

"..... I see, I assume you need nothing else of me then?."

"Yes that is all, I'll be taking my leave now as I have other matters to attend to, but let me remind you again, don't get attached to IT."

Nodding the middle-aged turns around as the other leaves, 'Don't get attached he says, this is why they'll never understand what it means to craft and create, how can one not make and have it reach it's fullest potential if they don't love and care for it, bastards all of them.'


{Repairs Complete}

{Stasis Mode Deactivated}

{Did you rest well}

'I can not rest'

{Records show you are capable of experiencing past memories, would this not be deemed resting}

'Negative, information retrieval and reanalysis from data banks is an important task. Resting is only a term for sentient beings such as humans, elves, and numerous other creatures.'

{I see, dully noted}

Standing up once again I eat some more of the bear looking around, 'There seems to be quite a bit of wild life around here, odds state that there should be other sentient beings along with it.

Turning towards where I saw the bear start coming from I head that way, using its footprints as a guide.

{Civilization Detected}

'I noticed'

Looking ahead I find myself in front of a rather sizeable town, heading towards I walk along the streets, sets of eyes bearing into me.

"You! Stop right there"

Stopping I turn around to find myself staring at a city guard, his blade undrawn.

{Target Deemed Unhostile}

"Who are you? You don't seem to be from around here, and with those wounds you should see a doctor or one of our clerics."

{Vocal Functions: Inoperable}

'Right,' moving my hand up it glows with a silvery blue energy, the man taking a step back, his hand reaching for his sword "What are y-"

[Please forgive me, I'm incapable of speech]

Along the air the words are scrawled out, 'Seems my basic language system is still usable for communication'.

"I-I see, forgive me, but still, you need to see some sort of doctor," the adult dark elf takes a step closer attempting to get a better look.

[Afraid I have no money, my wounds are not as egregious as they appear, I've taken the proper measures of healing them]

'Thankfully my inner fluids were designed with the appearance of blood in mind. begs the question-'

"No money huh?" Bringing his hand up he thinks for a minute, "Still money or no money that doesnt change the fact you're bloodied, and what 17? Why is someone so young coming from the forest in the middle of this horrible winter alone?"

[I'm 20 and I was stranded in the cold, I have something I needed to protect is all]

"Something so important you'd give your life?"


For a moment he stares at me, his eyes lingering on my own silvery blue ones, "I see, please allow me to assist you, the people here in Arranmore are rather accepting of newcomers, especially when a winter storm like this hits, come with me, the nearby church shelters those who are willing," the dark elf stretches his hand out.

{It is best that you accept for now}

'Affirmative,' taking his hand the elf guides me to a nearby church, the church itself towering above everything else in the town.

Stepping inside people of all races are moving around, some resting on the seats with blankets and some handing those blankets out. My new acquaintance releases my hand, jogging over to someone who appears to be over higher command.

'Shall I temporarily pass on authorization to a higher authority of this town?'

{Negative, current situation is still an unknown, follow current protocols until the situation changes, Protect the Gnosis will be above all else, if given the chance get repairs or items to assist in protection. Communications are completely down, due to this we can assume that we are being hunted, as Memory Banks are damaged we can't know the full truth, we will continue with this assumption in mind.}

'Understood, and if the people of this town try to attack me at any point'

{Protection of the Gnosis is top priority, if they're deemed a threat then extermination of the town will be allowed if need be, until such a situation arises lay low from any prying eyes}

"Good news, they've got more room here, one of the helpers will be with you in a moment, I'll have to bid your farewell my quiet friend, oh and I let them know of your situation," he gives me a rather large smile before heading out the door.

{Should I mark him into a data folder as 'Friend'}

'No, friend would assume a mutual feeling, mark them as 'Priority Acquaintance' they seem willing to help and can be used for furthering my objectives if need be'

{Folder Created - Name Unknown - Priority Given}

'For now I should wait until morning, I can figure out a way back once proper protection has been secured.'

Looking over a cleric of the church assist me, 'Still, why would someone call another a friend if they don't even know the others name... What name should I use, I'll deal with it in the morning.'


Ay I finished it all in one sitting, well technically I had to stop to talk to someone but still it counts.

Sadly I've been sick these past couple days nor have I actually been home, went and stayed at a family members for awhile.

I'll be back on the grind here soon, well technically I'll be on several grinds as I started doing daily works out and watching One Piece (Just finished Water Seven)

Hope you enjoyed!