


Well the day has finally come me and Rylan are finally going to be free of these four walls and bars of this fucking prison we’ve been planning our revenge. I just can’t believe fucking Marcus he hit me over the back of the fucking head with a 4b4 ass hole. Me and Avery were just getting better acquainted, though it may have not looked like it. I so wanted to fuck her and she had to make me fucking angry. I will have her and I will fuck her. I don’t give a fuck if Rylan disagrees though. I hate the bitch for everythng she done to me I’m still going to fuck that tight pussy and have her screaming my name she’ll see who is the real man and no one can stop me but Ry of course unless we share. I like that idea. I know he still has feelings for her even if he hates her, he lusts over her and I know he jerks off over her photo. Yes he has a photo of her despite how much he hates her. He’s never once forgot about her, you could say he’s obsessed with her.

I must admit she is easy to get obsessed over if Marcus has never have found out where I took her at that god damn party I would’ve fucked thst pussy dry and made sure she knew no one else was going to fuck her but me. I was going to make sure she left that Noah guy for me. But of course that didn’t go to fucking plan as per. I made sure I drugged her drink enough she knew what was about to happen to her so I could fuxk her senseless and claim she knew what she was doing when I told her precious boyfriend she was cheating in him, but Marcus had to go and fuck all of that up for me didn’t he? That cocksucking ass hole is going to pay. First we are going to find Avery and drug her and kidnap her. She's going to regret the day she ever crossed me. Then I’m going to take Marcus down once he sees the photos of Avery I’m going to send to him he’ll come running then BAM! GOTCHA! I smirked evily this was a great fucking plan he won’t know what’s hit him, neither will Avery.

Let the games begin.