

The court case

Day 4

Avery Collins

Everyone was sitting in the courtroom. It was now the second day for Avery Collins to take the stand and continue to tell her story to the court. Avery sat nervously on the stand she had been in a meet-ting with her solicitor for four hours last night after court to go through what she was to be expected in court and to go through her story of events once again before calling it a day and heading home she had gone back either Matt to his and Shawn;s home where she’d be staying for the duration of these next two weeks for the courses and verdict, her legs bouncing up and down wondering what shit his solicitor would speak out of his mouth. Mr. Harfard has warned Avery that Mr. Greeves was sly and would stop at anything to make his plaintiffs look the good guys and her the bad. ‘So moss. Collins today I would like to talk to you about Mr. Thompson.’ He looked at her through his ice coloured eyes and his big dark eyebrows.