
Averials Bond

Rinn Richards is a hybrid, one of only two of them that are like them and her twin was other. They were separated at birth rinn on journey to find her sister as well spoiling her father plans. Rinn is a princess warrior of a demon clan enemy to rest world. She befriends Lycan king through his mate who once was her best friend. Only to find out their son was chosen to be her soul mate. Can he save her from herself? Raider Wardwolf was confused on his father play on words about his mate. Like how does his father know who his mate is? why wouldn't he demand her presence? Instead he tells his son to go find her. Once he finds her he doesn't realize how much she would turn his world around.

Laura_Tischler · Fantasy
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10 Chs


During the next 4 years Rinn moved around hiding her sister in various location one times she hidden for year as Rinn was captured and tortured. During her capture one demons apparently found a drug that weaken her body and magic was also close to her father his job was to break to be a good daughter and return home and empower her clan. Let say so far it wasn't going his way. Mentioned Sora and her lover fell at the hand of her father. The demon laughed cruelly repeated they were no longer living.

"WHEN!" I screamed out getting his attention leaving nasty smirk on his lips.

" Oh ho... did I strike a nerve.. soulless eye return with fight. well miss princess... about week ago they just buried then fortnight." his cackle ground on my nerve.

small sly smirked moved over my lips as I shifted in the chained causing them rattle. my voice chanced as I let out a soft purr. "Come here... Tell me more" I lured with my vampiric power. I could feel his eyes ran over me in the tatter black gown on my moon kissed flesh. horny demons were easy lure with my voice.

"Sir... dont.." one guard grabbed his should as he rolled off.

"Don't you wanna taste too?" I whisper seductively as he nodded quickly moving toward me. "Well unchained me for we can play" I kept my tone in very seductive way once one chains where off. my eye went pur black as low primitive growl left my lips ripping second chain from wall. Before guard realize what happen my snaked out black claw ripped into his throat ripping it out as black blood spray over my face as I turned my attention stupid noble licking the blood slowly from my digits. "You are idiot and gullible." I growled as he ran for the door black anglic wing stretched infront him stopping the man from leaving as he cringe.

"I wouldn't touch those if I were you" I snarled as he reached toward her wing the went to leave as he rushed through some of my feather cause me to wince as razor sharp blades like wing sliced male as he ran. glancing back see if I was still standing their of course I wasn't there anymore. "Aw don't you wanna play anymore" she purred at him slamming against the wall as I wouldn't tip my head as down sinking my fangs into his neck roughly and as painful as I could make it. Demon blood was nasty in my opinion but i was weak and need to feed bad.

Rinn took the cloak off the dead demon as she scoffed at the body. "ugh...you reek." She clasp the cloak around her shoulder. she found her way out of run down dungeons she open the door she stared at black sky's as cloud rumble angrily. she was still to weak teleport she opened her wings taking flight she was thankful for dark sky hide her form. she flew to the toward lycan castle in distance by the time she got there rain had come down pelting her body.

Landing infront the two tombstone she caressed her hand over sora name. her shoulder slumped as she whispered. "I should've been their." hearing foot step before man yelling "Who are you?" growl sent shiver down her spine. "soon pup" she whispered as she disappeared.

Raider was heading to his parents grave again. His heart ached painfully of their deaths it had only been few days since they were buried. The feel need see his parents grave weighed heavily on his heart he caught faint sent of blood and acid in the air as he neared closer he got under that scent was gentle sweet lavender he smelt once before long ago. The figure he saw touching his mother grave gentle angered him and sadden him as well. Feel pull toward this person causing eruptly call out only see then suddenly disappear before his very eyes making stand there dumbfounded. "How... the...hell." closer to Graves he could smell sweet scent stronger his father told of him some people had magic strong, or other had abilities. Fact was very rare find those with many between the two.

Raider noticed the feather on the ground he had never seen anything like it. Twirling in between his fingers that scent was so strong on it. "Was this one your so call friends father? Why did they run?" he sighed confused. He brought his finger over the sides of feather brushing his finger over it only growl in pain when it cut him. "weird." he mumbled taking it back to palace Remember what his father told him. ~your mate existed find her.~ "maybe time refocus on that." he took scent in of the feather cause his mouth to water. "Who does this belong to?"

now path is laid out time for the real fun.

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