

What happens when a hero of one world ends in not another world but a completely different universe.how he will deal with it how he survives in another universe find out in the story

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9 Chs


Aahhh my head,where am i,am i dead,no it can be if i am dead then why am i feeling so much pain in my body"said ben as he slowly open his eyes and found himself in a room full of hightech equipment."what is this place?am i on earth?"as ben started to poneder on this thought an women walks upto him "i am glad that you finaly awake"said the women. As ben slowly started to look into the direction of the voice and saw

"Who are you?"asked ben as he slowly started to sit.

"I am the one who should ask you this question?"said the women.

"I am ben tenny...wait you seriously doesn't know who i am,i saved this world thousand of time and the universe hundreds of time and you are asking me who i am?"said ben with a mocking tone.

"Look kid i am come here not to solve your puzzle,just tell me who you are and where you come from?"asked maria with a threatening tone.

"Is this your first time interrogating someone?because yoi are very bad at it, let me tell you what a real interrogation is"sais ben as he slams the omnitrix dail and in a flash of green light transform into


Maria hills eye widened as she saw the boy turned into an 7foot tall humanoid tree as she reaches for her earpiece and said"we are under attack i repeat we are under attack by an alien shapesifter he is in the infirmary cabin."says hill as he started to shoot the alien shapesifter.her eyes widened as she saw that bullet goes through his body without doing any damage.

"Now its my turn"said swampfire as he creates two fire ball in both his hands,and he is about to throw his fireball at the agent when heard another voice from behind stops there.

"Hold there! we meant no harm just put down these fire ball"said nick fury as several agents covering the entire area and pointing there gun at swampfire.

Ben turned an saw

"Who are you guys?and why you are trying capture me?"asked ben as the fireball still in his hands.

"Son we are not trying to capture you,we found you in the sahara desert a month ago you are unconcious and badly injured,we bring here and heal you"said nick as he is trying to clam the situation.

Ben still not believing the on eye men asked

"What do u mean by one month,i was fighting vilgex like yesterday? And where are the plumbers they knew me very well"

"Plumbers?"asked nick fury as he doesn't know that boy was talking about.

"Plumbers are the intergalactic police force,they maintain peace between human and aliens"said ben as he still in his fighting stance.

Nick now realize that its a far more serious situation and says"look we gonna answer all your questions but in return you will also have to answer ours,deal?

Ben now transform back to his human form believing the one eye men."deal.but remember you try to do something fishy with me then i am gonna become your worst nightmare."

All the agents went to their respective works except for nick and maria,as they take ben to nicks cabin,after going there nick brings an device similar to that of an "lie ditector" but more advanced than a normal lie ditector,and place the device in the table where he and ben sit facing each other.

"In case you might be wondering what is this?and why i brought it here?.. "But before nick could speak more he is cut off by ben"its a lie ditector,but its more advance than an normal lie ditector"said ben as nick and maria both was impressed by this boy's intelligence nick should ask him to become an agent of shield,but this is a question he should aks him later because first he wants to know who is he?and where did he came from?since there is no data about him on the SHILD or any other govermental organization."so shall we begin then?"ask nick as he gives two bracelet type device to ben.

"I know why you cant trust me its the same with me but here's a deal you ask me one question and then i will ask you one in this way we both can get the answer we are looking for."said ben in a serious tone.

Nick can see the determination in the boy's eye as he simply nods because he somehow knew that this boy was not harmful but still a gut feeling is not enough for him so he ask the first question"what is your name?"

"Benjamin kirby Tennyson or you can call me ben10"said ben.

Now its my turn said ben as he asks his first question and giving nick those bracelets"Is your agency is a good agency or a bad agency?"

Both nick and maria were confused as this was the first time someone asked him this type of question.as maria was processing about what ben has said,suddenly nick spoke up"it depends on peoples perspective because for someone we are good but for someone(mostly bad guys) we are bad,but SHIELD is a peace keeping organization that protect the earth from various dangers including extraterrestrial like you."explain nick as he give the bracelets back to ben.

Ben only wants to know whether their good or not,because the rest of the answer he can find out himself as he suddely catch something"wait i am not an alien i am an human like you"as the lie ditector said it is true.both nick and maria could not believe what they heard now they have several questions that they need answers."so how do you turn into that alien if you are not an alien."asked nick as he looking at ben with confusion."because of this"said ben as he raised his and showed them and watch like device.

As nick look at the watch in suspicion,in his career he never saw something like this"what it can do"asked nick still looking at the watch.ben simply raise his other arm press the side button on the watch as a few shadow started to pop up as he twisted the dial two three times and then press the dial the whole cabin is engulfed by the green flash of light blinding both nick and maria and when the light died in the place of ben stood a 6.5 feet tall humanoid that looks like made by diamond


Both nick and maria look at the diamond humaniod with wide eyes as they couldn't believe what they are witnessing,then before anyonr can say anything the diamond humanoid press the omnitrix symbol on his waist as he return back to his human self.

After 2 to 3 hours of interrogation both nick and maria came to realize that ben was not from this world,he is from a another parallel universe but some how he came into this universe as ben also realize that this is not his world as there are no plumbers in this world,no alien,and certainly no intergellectic police force.then ben explain how he fought vilgex in his most powerful form and defeat him, but he still cannot explain how he end up in this universe.

"So you fought with a beings who is capable of destroying your universe,and you fought him in a endless void so that no one can get hurt and you somehow ended up in this universe"asked fury as he knows that ben is telling the truth since no one can bypass the most advance lie ditector in this world.

"Yeah its pretty much the whole story"said ben as he takes of the bracelets form his hands.

"Have any idea how can you go back in your universe?"asked fury.

"Well i have one"says ben as he press the button on the omnitrix and started twisting it to find the right alien he was looking for but he cannot find the right alien,"thats odd where is alienx"ben asked to himself.fury was just there observing the situation but he saw ben was panicking and asked"something wrong ben?". Ben look at fury and said"nothing it just takes time to find the right alien"as he continues to twist the dial to find alienx but the suddenly the watch spoke up "PLEASE STANDBY! OMNITRIX IS REPAIRING DUETO THE INTENSE DAMAGE IN THE LAST FIGHT,SOME OF THE FUNCRIONS ARE UNAVAILABLE.MASTER CONTROL ARE TEMPORARILY BLOCKED THE DNA OF CELESTIALSAPIEN IS DAMAGED,RECOVERING DNA TIME IS UNKNOWN."now its timefor ben to panic as he doesn't know how he will go back to his universe.

The end*(end of chapter 2 next chapter meeting with the avenger)

(In this timeline ben never met julie and ship is with Gwen)

so this is my first time writings a FANFICTION so if you want to give any suggestions then i am all ears....