After devastating events wiped out half of the worlds population and fractured their ranks, Davina Osborne and the remaining heroes struggle to move forward. But they must come together to restore order and harmony in the universe and bring their loved ones back.
Chapter one:
Davina Osborne wakes up to a sound of a snapping noise that fills her ears. She looks around only to see distant planets and twinkling stars in the ink black sky.
She feels her oxygen cutting off from being in space. She uses her power to absorb her in a cloud of blue and takes her to the snap to collect her stone's.
She arrives in a cloud of blue and a little bit of black. She looks around to see that Thanos had actually succeeded in getting his wish with her stone's.
What has he done? She questions a man who has the stone's, but was nowhere to be found.
She looks at a man with a special battle axe that goes along the name of Storm- Breaker. He had already had his eyes on her. He did it, he simply answered with a voice crack at the end.
She can feel the man in her Soul Stone with a reality that wasn't real. He had my stone's and used them for this? She questioned the man, looking at the nearby people turning into ash.
He did, Thor's masculine voice spoke, more strong than the last time. Who are you? Thor questioned after a while.
Someone who hopes to help fix this and to get her stone's back, she answered the question. While looking at nearby people who survived the snap.
The people noticed her as they came to stand by Thor.
Can we get a name, Miss? Captain America asked her.
Davina Osborne, The Creator answered looking at them. I also to have happened to have created the six Infinity Stones. She says with a straight face.
The Avengers look at each other and Thor nods to the others, I mean it's possible. Thor said. She has the same ability as the Space Stone and probably the other stone's, Thor says looking at Captain America.
Captain America who was spoken to by Thor, looks to Davina. Can't you go back in time to make it where this never had happened? Captain America questions, curious has to know why she hasn't done it already.
I can't and it won't avoid this. This would've just happened again but late in the future. This isn't inevitable. If I can get my stone's I can bring back all of the lost in the snap along with people who had died. Only if you get my stone's for me. This deal can last forever, but I must get my stone's back either way. Davina replied back to Captain America.