
Avengers earths mightiest heroes: Prime

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


" Are you sure, you will not Register Clark?"

Storm asked as the group drank together.

" Do you intend to continue fighting Stark and Shield?"

T'Challa asked.

" Ha! At this point neither concerns me."

Clark said to the four other heroes.

" Must be easy to say that. Especially after what you did ta Sentry. Poor guy never stood a chance. Pass me a beer Johnny."

Ben said to the man before asking Johnny for a beer.

" I didn't want to do that. But I needed to send a message that Stark couldn't force it on me even if he wanted to. He says I think myself above the law. I say I'm following my heart."

Clark said to the others as he looked over his hand.

" Well, you try to be safe Clark. Even if you are strong there is always someone out there stronger than you."

Storm said to the man warning him not to get arrogant.

" You're right Ororo. You always are. Well except when it comes to cards. Read'em and weep. Royal Flush!"

Clark exclaimed as he placed his stacked hand down on the table.

A resounding chorus of groans went around the table.

" AH Come on damnit!'

Ben grumbled

" You can't be serious."

Johnny groaned as he slammed his cards down on the table

Storm simply rubbed T'Challa's back as the man placed his head down in disappointment.

" That's right! Be jealous."

Clark joked as he danced around the table.

Ben and Johnny threw their cards at the man making Ororo Laugh at the three's antics.

" Ah, victory feels sweet."

Clark exclaimed as he took his seat again.

" Yeah yeah!"

Ben groaned as he slumped down into his seat.

" So, I've been meaning to ask where's Susan and Reed?"

Clark asked.

" Oh, uh... Sorry man. Reed came to her and well asked to try and patch their marriage up. They're on a sort of second honeymoon right now."

Johnny explained.

" Well, that was to be expected. He better do things right this time."

Clark said solemnly.

" Clark what is wrong? You seem down."

Ororo asked.

" Just thinking about everything that's happened since this all started. I lost a lot of things important to me. We all have. Just trying to figure out where I go from here. I mean as much as I love being a hero, I can't always be Superman. Guess, I'm just wishing... Well it doesn't matter."

Clark explained to the group.

" Are you alright man? I never seen you get down. It feels weird. Angry yeah. But sad? Nah, this is new. What's up sparky?"

Ben asked.

" Don't worry about it Ben, it was nice seeing you guys again. Ororo, please don't be a stranger give me a call sometimes. You as well T'Challa."

Clark said to the four before leaving the Baxter Building in a hurry.

Ben looked around at the others to see looks of confusion on Storm and Panther's faces. But when he looked at Johnny, Johnny seemed to feel bad for the man.

" Alright out with-it Johnny. What was that about?"

Ben suddenly asked the man.

" None of your business Ben. Trust me just drop it and leave it alone."

Johnny said to the man as he got up to leave from the table leaving the three other members of the fantastic four confused.

" I might as well go see how the X-Men are doing. It's been a while since I stopped by. Heh! Last time I did, I stopped an act of genocide. What will happen this time?"

Clark asked himself as he flew towards Xavier's.

As Clark flew the sound of fighting and explosions could be heard coming from the direction of Xavier's.

' This cannot be good.'

Clark thought to himself as he flew towards the building ready to fight.

" X-Men Take them down!"

Scott yelled as he blasted one of the sentinels with his optic beams.

" Terminate all..."


The sentinel that was speaking was suddenly destroyed by an object flying into it.

" What was that?!"

Iceman asked in a panic.

" You guys look like you can use a hand here."

Clark said to the wounded X-men.

" Non-Mutant threat detected."

The sentinels turned to deal with the new threat but were turned to ash by Clark's heat vision.

" Machines aren't going to be enough to deal with me."

Clark declared.

Clark then turned his attention to those below him. He floated down and stood in front of Scott

" What the hell is going on Scott?"

Clark asked the man.

" There's been a new mutant baby born."

Scott said to the man/

Clark's eyes widened in shock as no mutant has been born since the decimation.

" Are you serious? Scott, this is big."

Clark exclaimed

" But that doesn't explain the sentinels."

Clark said to the man as he gestured to the ruined machines.

" There are others after the baby. We can't let them get to her first. Will you help us?"

Scott asked.

" Of course, Scott. Now, do you know where the baby is?"

Clark asked the man.

" She's with Cable. But they're on the run right now. No one can find them."

Scott explained.

" I'll find them. It'll be pretty hard to miss a man with a metal arm."

Clark said to the man.

" Emma, will link you telepathically with us, that way we can share information."

Scott explained to the man.

" All right, I'll head out. You all stay here and bunker down. I doubt the sentinels will be your only problem."

Clark said to the man before taking off