

They gathered in Empress Dowager Viona's special room. The room was so spacious it almost looked like a ballroom.

The Empress Dowager made room for a special purpose, and who would have thought that the special interest was for the summoning of a Goddess.

Jeane led them all, as she would be the one to summon the Goddess Freya.

In a place that looked like an altar, Jeane was on her knees, clasping her hands on her chest. She did a prayer to summon the Goddess.

"The Venerable Light, the Compassionate One, the Holy One. Here your servant prays to meet you, and the servant wants to meet you to fulfil my wish. I beg you to find your lost servant." Jeane muttered, praying.

Gabby and the Empress Dowager and their loyal ladies-in-waiting stood behind Jeane neatly.

They have to act as if they are waiting for something that is most in the future for humanity. That's what Jeane explained when she was about to summon the Goddess.

Jeane didn't have long to pray. Jeane's body shone brightly. A flash of light appeared in front of Jeane like a Portal.

Gradually, a wonderful woman emerged. The aura that that woman emitted was very holy, and it could be felt by the Empress Dowager's ladies-in-waiting, who were none other than the Four Phoenix sisters. They, the Empress Dowager Lady-in-waiting, knelt as they sensed the extremely sacred Saintess Essence. As the holder of the Contract of the Four Phoenix Sisters, Viona frowned as she saw that her Lady was kneeling instead of her.

Gabby saw the arrival of Goddess Freya flatly and casually. Before Freya's arrival, she did feel a strong holy Aura, but that didn't make Gabby bow down to the Aura that the Goddess Freya released.

If Gabby could compare, Baba's holy aura was many times farther than the Goddess Freya in front of her.

Shushu and Scarla smiled sinisterly at the arrival of Goddess Freya. 'The love, what the Holy One!' Shushu hissed.

It was different outside the room. Alicia peeked through the small hole in the room door, and he was curious to see what was inside the room. Alicia was forced to find out by himself because Lucia was fast asleep. As time went on, Lucia became more and more childlike because of her curse.


"Jeane" called the woman who was none other than the Goddess Freya.

Jeane, originally downcast, raised her head to look at the Goddess.

"Your Majesty, someone wants to meet you," said Jeane politely. Freya raised an eyebrow at Jeane. "They want to meet you," continued Jeane, pointing at Gabby and her ladies-in-waiting.

Goddess Freya turned to Gabby but fixed her gaze on Scarla and Shushu, who looked at her with a crooked smile.

"Long time no see bitch", said Shushu insulting Goddess Freya.

Jeane, the Empress Dowager, and even the Four Phoenix sisters were shocked to hear Shushu greeting with such disdain. The Empress Dowager coughed until she heard the insults coming from Shushu's mouth.

Gabby raised an eyebrow at Shushu, and she didn't know why Shushu hated Gods from her world so much. Could Goddess Freya be involved in trapping Shushu in the past? I don't know, and Gabby didn't want to think about it right now.

"What are you doing here?" Goddess Freya hissed sharply at Shushu, and she turned to Scarla. "You too," she continued.

Shushu chuckled. "I really want to bury you here, but I can't do it now," said Shushu looking at Freya with a low gaze.

"Tch, a dirty goddess like you, wants to bury me? Seriously," sneered Freya, sneering at Shushu.

Hearing Goddess Freya calling Shushu a Dirty Goddess, Jeane and Empress Dowager Viona, and the four Phoenix sisters turned to look at Shushu.

Once again, Shushu chuckled. "See, you are the holiest, so holy that in your womb there is a life that you don't want," said Shushu. "I can feel it, Freya. Are you pregnant, right? Don't tell me it's a seed from Valhalla," Shushu smiled lopsidedly.

Freya was silent hearing Shushu's words, and she did not forget that Shushu was also a Goddess. Although Shushu was not a Pure Goddess born from the womb of the Goddess, Shushu was a protégé of the Great Old Ones Azathoth.

"Never mind, we already know that you are pregnant. Are you chasing Valhalla this time because of this?" Scarla tried to neutralize the situation.

Scarla did not have a problem with Freya. But as a Demon Goddess, she does not like or be close to the Gods and Goddesses in the Heavenly Palace.

The Heavenly Palace is where the Goddesses in the world used to be, in contrast to the Demon Gods who live freely anywhere, as long as they don't coexist with humans. Valhalla was a Demon God who managed to enter the Heavenly Palace because he was close to the God of Death, Maele.

In the past, Shub-Nigurath already knew of Valhalla's cunning but thought long and hard he tried to approach the Gods in the heavenly palace not to believe in Valhalla. Who would have thought Valhalla could manipulate the situation? He instigated the Gods in the Heavenly Palace to trap Shub-Nigurath to be bound in Hell forever.

Finally, the instigation of Valhalla succeeded in convincing the Gods to trap Shushu by scapegoating Samael, the God of Fate.

When Shushu entered the Gods' trap, Shushu managed to escape because a very dark Essence swallowed him.

No one knows what happened to Shub-Nigurath, not even Valhalla. But with Shub-Nigurath gone, at least for Valhalla, the barrier to his ambition had disappeared so that he could carry out his plans without any distractions.

After the disappearance of Shub-Nigurath, who would have thought that Valhalla would be able to take the heavenly throne from the God of Fate Samael with the help of Yog-Sothoth.

Yog-Sothoth himself is a Servant of Azathoth. Azathoth is the Great Old Ones who gave the Gods the throne. In short, Azathoth could induct who deserved to occupy the throne of heaven.

Azathoth has three Servants, all of whom are Demon Gods chosen by himself. His servants are Yog-Shothoth, Shub-Nigurath (Shushu), Nyarlathotep (Scarla).

Azathoth was so consistent that even though Shub-Nigurath and Nyarlathotep were his servants, they were still not allowed to live in the Heavenly Palace because they were the Demon Goddesses.

Since losing Shub-Nigurath, Azathoth has been searching for his whereabouts, so he doesn't realize Nyarlathotep has also disappeared, and Yog-Shothoth begins to commit treason.