

--- Azruth Empire

Emilio was pacing, worried, knowing that the Folly Kingdom was attacking the Spinx Kingdom under the guise of rebellion. He was most worried that he had forgotten to register for the Tournament, making him afraid of Gabby's wrath. No! What he fears the most is Shushu. Emilio clearly remembers when Shushu trained Emilio to control the Dragon Lord's core causing him to die from Shushu's attack, but Gabby resurrected him.

Joan, who saw Emilio's concern, shook his head. "You don't have to worry about the Kingdom," said Joan. "All you have to worry about is yourself." continued Joan glancing at Tiffany, sleeping on the bed.

Emilio stopped and turned to Joan. "Can you explain this?" said Joan, flatly pointing to Tiffany, who was sleeping.

Emilio was very confused about how he would explain it. Elf, originally an enslaved person, kept following him and asked him to be her Master after Releasing the seal of Tiffany's slave.

Joan looked at Tiffany intensely. "Elves?" asked Joan turning to Emilio and nodding in return.

Joan sighed softly. "I hope you can explain to Her Majesty the Queen."

"She kept following me and asked me to be her Master," said Emilio quickly.

Joan raised his eyebrows. "Is she a slave?" asked Joan. Once again, Emilio nodded his head.

Joan saw Emilio's worried face, and this was the first time she had seen Emilio this restless. "I told you to calm yourself, Emi," Joan said, making Emilio even more worried.

"Joan, if it's Her Majesty the Queen, maybe she can forgive me, but not with Miss Shushu if she finds out I'm finished," said Emilio worriedly.

"For now, you are safe, Emi. Miss Shushu is not coming here. She will lead the war." said Joan sitting on a chair and pouring tea.

"You're not joking, are you?" said Emilio narrowing his eyes at Joan.

"You idiot, when did I ever joke," said Joan drinking tea. "Get ready. Maybe in 3 days, Her Majesty the Queen will be here." continued Joan.

"Ahh, I'm dead. The tournament registration is closed. I forgot to register." said Emilio, frustrated. Joan just shook his head, looking at Emilio. 'Where is his former arrogance?' thought Joan chuckling.

"Sir," said Tiffany, waking up from her slumber.

Tiffany saw the presence of a stranger who was sitting sipping tea spontaneously, jumped up, and took out her Magic Bow.

Emilio, who saw Tiffany about to attack Joan, intervened. "Calm down, Tiffany. He's my brother." Emilio said, holding Tiffany's bow.

"Sir," said Tiffany looking at Emilio.

"Calm down," said Emilio. He knew that Tiffany was very scared when she saw a Human.

Tiffany removed her Bow, and Emilio pulled her hand closer to the shirt.

The three of them sat at the table drinking tea. "Listen, Tell Your Majesty the truth," said Joan openly.

Joan looked at Tiffany and smiled at her. "Sorry to scare you." Tiffany just nodded and lowered her head.

Joan just smiled. "Pack your things. We will stay in the Pavilion I bought," said Joan.

"Why did you buy the Pavilion? We won't be here long," replied Emilio.

"You want Her Majesty to stay at the inn?" said Joan mocking Emilio. Emilio flinched at his stupidity.

"Okay," said Emilio weakly because he was afraid of being sprayed by his Queen.


Gabby, Baba, and Scarla are still on their way to the Azruth Empire by train, They could have used teleportation, but Gabby wanted to enjoy the trip while looking around the city in her path.

Gabby's carriage, which the Dark Knight escorted in human form, entered a small village in the Imperial Territory, but the carriage stopped because in front of it was a crowd of people in the middle of the road.

Scarla poked her head out, looking at the crowd, and saw the Entity being bullied by the crowd.

"Miss, they are bullying Beastman," said Scarla, still looking at the crowd.

Gabby raised an eyebrow at Baba. "Beastman?" Gabby said to Baba.

Baba just smiled. "They're the Demi-humans Miss," Baba replied. "They can change Form depending on their tribe." he continued.

"Come down." Gabby's orders to Baba and Scarla.

The crowd that saw an extremely luxurious Carriage stop made them turn their heads. Baba and Scarla got off the carriage and walked toward the crowd.

The crowd fell silent to see a handsome and dashing man with a beautiful girl walking toward them. They are fascinated by Baba and Scarla's charisma.

"Can you guys not get in our way?" Scarla said, looking at the crowd.

"Who told you to pass through this village?" A burly man replied, looking fierce.

Scarla tilted her head. "Isn't this village a passageway to the Empire? Go there, don't get in our way," said Scarla, but she looked cute.

The people who saw Scarla became exasperated. "Beautiful lady, if you want to pass through this village, at least you have to pay," said another man. "Yeah, that's right, judging by your carriage. You can go after paying or sleep with me" The burly man smirked, looking at Scarla lustfully.

Scarla sighed softly and shook her head. "Looks like your lives are too many," said Scarla mockingly.

Scarla turned to Baba and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm going to the carriage. Please take care of it," said Scarla and only smiled back at Baba. The women who saw Baba smile made them stunned and seemed to want to scream.

"Hey, where are you going, beautiful?" said one of the men about to chase Scarla, who left them.

The man who was chasing Scarla exploded, causing his body to scatter. Instantly the crowd screamed.

"Go, or you will suffer the same fate as him," Baba said, smiling at them.

"You! What did you do to my brother?" said the burly man. "Die!" shouted The burly man attacking Baba using Earth Release. Several Men also attacked Baba but just stood there with a smile. They were very surprised why their attacks didn't hit him.

The women frightened by the fight using Elemental magic left the crowd.

"Can you guys stop?" said a girl behind Baba, none other than Gabby, followed by Scarla.

They were stunned to see Gabby's figure, who looked like a Goddess. Gabby continued walking toward them. Those who saw Gabby walk gracefully toward them couldn't move their bodies, and their bodies seemed to freeze.

Gabby continued to walk, accompanied by Scarla. Scarla just smiled while looking at them, frozen. Gabby was in the crowd and saw a woman hugging a Beastman child. The woman appeared to be injured, especially in the head, filled with flowing blood.

"Please don't hurt my son," said the woman quietly.

Gabby glanced at the frozen crowd around her. "Why are you guys this cruel?"