
Episode 3 The lamp thief

"I am a natural born oddball or so I have been told, I can't say I understand, but that's what everyone tells me", a man thought to himself while he lifted his hand in a form of him holding a cup. "what are you doing professor?" said a woman beside him, "imagining some sake" he replied, another man was confused on what he meant by imagining sake and the professor explains how the imagination is a power greater then reality, the woman then explained she wanted to thank him for his advice on her skin care with a box of food, "people call me professor, its just a nickname I have never gotten a job I guess you can say living is my job" the professor thought to himself, "for you insomnia right?" the professor said to the man, "yes no matter how many sheep I count I can't fall asleep" the man replied, "not sheep...instead uroleucon nigrotuberculatum...give it a shot" the professor said, "this is how I live my life but things have changed" the man thought to himself.

Picking up a phone on the ground the professor came across the same slots game and sunglasses flew to his face and it has been nothing but trouble for the professor, his house gets earthquakes and some thief had stolen his lights, while he was walking he saw a kid drop his ball under a bridge, he smiled and said "avatar change", "YO DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY...AVATARO....SARU BROTHER...YO LOOK AT THE PECS" the gun said, Saru brothers then picked the ball up and threw it at the boys and recited a haiku "spring already eh? Is it really spring ? thats truly spring."

while drawing manga Haruka is upset because she knows people are going to think its plagiarized and the door bell rang revealing it to be Tarou delivering a package for Haruka aunt, "can you pay for the delivery fee and wash the dishes" her aunt said, "I'm working on a new manga" Haruka replied, "what? you're going to plagiarize again" she said, angry with her aunt Haruka saw Tarou just standing at the door and asked if he wanted to do the dishes and he agreed, while washing the dishes he suddenly got handcuffed. "I've got you now, black bear the delivery thief" Haruka aunt said, "not me I'm with polar bear" Tarou said. "I'm sorry" the aunt said. Haruka asks what's with this black bear, "he's a thief that targets delivery companies lately he's always stealing lights" the aunt said.

at the cafe Haruka asked Tarou if he has ever delivered to a person called momoi tarou, wanting to introduce himself he tried grabbing his name tag realizing its missing and Haruka said it was alright and to not bother and that he would call him polar bear and asked if she could tag along with him during his work, the black bear then robbed a house of all its lights and a woman dressed in full white sat on his van, he was shocked as he did not know who the woman was, the woman smiled and said "work a little harder and you will be free".

While delivering packages Haruka and Tarou faced some difficult customers one of them brought Haruka inside his house, "she's cute come play with us" a man said clearly harassing her but Tarou stopped them but was punched to the floor Tarou then picked up a peanut and flinged it at the both man knocking them out, Haruka thinking she was the one that knocked them out she smiled and said "your weaker then I thought" saying it to Tarou while smiling and Tarou explains he doesn't hit people, at the professor house Tarou is helping him install lights since the black bear stole all his lights while the professor explains why the black bear is stealing lights.

Tarou dropped Haruka home and finds a van full of boxes confused on why there's still so many and Haruka then realized that the black bear took her lights and found Tarou name card on her floor. "why didn't you say you were momoi Tarou" Haruka asked him," you never asked" he replied while chasing the black bear van, the black bear then saw them chasing him so he starts speeding up, "take the wheel" Tarou said and Haruka looked confused, "alter change" he said," YO DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY AVATARO DON MOMOTARO YO BEST IN THE WORLD, YO DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY TOQGER...DON TOQ MOMOTARO" the gun said and then Don momotaro cut the black bear's van tire and then was soon revealed that a monster had possessed him and summoned low level monsters and Tarou transformed into Don momotaro and he started laughing, Haruka looked at him then looked at the ground and looked back up to find him gone soon the low level monsters attack Haruka and she transforms into Oni sister then Don momotaro rode in to the fight with his motorcycle and attacked the monster head on and Inu, Saru and Kiji brother spawned and started helping, "EHHH now there's a gorilla?" Oni sister said, "a monkey, actually. The japanese macaque and are you a rabbit?" he replied.

The woman in full white stood on a building saying how cute the monster looked and waved her hand on the same wrist device and was giving white armor. "lets try this one" Haruka said, "avatar change" Kiji, Saru brother and Oni sister said. "YO DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY TOQGER NOW TRANSFORMING YO EXPRESS SENTAI" the gun said and the three pull out another and shot all the low level monsters in one shot. "Companions lets finish this" Don momotaro said, "DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY MOMOTARO SLASH MOMOTARO SLASH FINISHING TECHNIQUE MOMOTARO SLASH" the sword said and wanting the strike the monster the lady in the full white armor blocked it and kills not only the monster but also the human it possessed, Tarou filled with rage attacked the woman for killing the black bear instead of defeating the monster the woman was skilled in sword fighting and archery and she then escaped by using a jump pad. Finally knowing who Tarou is Oni sister pledges loyalty to him but she got kicked by Tarou and attacks on the rest of the Donbrothers.

Next time on Donbrothers

Kijino: my next job will be working to help revive an onigiri shop Momoi is also helping and he's super talented but also a little too strict

episode 4 The onigiri oni....will be our title

(this is basically what happen in episode 2 of Donbrothers this is a story based of momotaro, donbrothers is owned by toei and I just want to share the story to those who don't know super sentai I think donbrothers is a great start for new sentai fans)

(where can you watch donbrothers full episode every sunday/monday : toku.fun