
episode 2 Big peach, Little peach

"Here you are" Haruka said while handing coffee to a customer, "I have lost everything and that led me to getting a part time-job as a waitress" Haruka thought to herself, "hang on, that's Kitou Haruka" a customer telling to her friends, "the plagiarist?" her friend replied, out of embarrassment Haruka covers her face with a metal tray and put on silly glasses with a moustache asking the owner of the cafe if it was ok to wear it during work. The boss gave a her a big no and was reading the manga that Haruka made asking "You plagiarized this?", "I full power non-stop did not!" Haruka said. "full power non-stop?" the owner replied laughing a little, "right now my hopes are riding on that man in the jail cell" Haruka thought to herself.

In another place

"I need your stamp or signature" the delivery man said, the person who received the package thanked him and was closing the door but the delivery man stopped him. "looks like we got a bond, what happen to your arm?" the delivery man asked. "I dislocated my shoulder a little" he replied. The delivery man grabs the man arm and located his shoulder back into place, "I don't just deliver packages I also deliver fortune" the delivery man said and left.

In that man's flashback

It was revealed that while in a bike store his phone played the exact same slots game and glasses flew to his face making him see digital stairs and doors, while on his way home a gun appeared and shot up into the sky hitting a door and a gear came out of it which made him tall, dressed in a pink suit and gave him wings. "KIJI BROTHER" the gun said revealing this man to be Kiji brother but ever since he became Kiji brother it has been nothing but bad luck for him. His bike got stolen, he was late for a meeting and he dislocated his shoulder but worst of all he was constantly being insulted by his boss being called boring and average which he agrees too revealing that his confidence level is down the drain but his only happiness was his wife Miho, she was beautiful, kind and overall perfect. Even though they have been married for three months he was head over heals for her. While they were walking a truck almost hit them Miho covered her eyes and the man transformed into Kiji brother and saved Miho and himself not realizing what happen she questioned her husband, "maybe god protected us" he said, she replied with a big no and saying that it was the power of their love who saved them both and hugged him, This lucky man who had the perfect wife was Tsuyoshi Kijino.

"come everyone I made lunch for everyone again" said a old lady wearing a delivery person jacket, all of her coworkers jumped in joy knowing they got a free lunch. "Hey Tarou, let's play rock paper scissors for a side dish, let's see how about your tamagoyaki" one of the coworkers said to someone named Tarou. "your on" Tarou replied, the coworker asked what he was going to use and Tarou replied saying paper and surely he used paper making his coworker win a free tamagoyaki and then a second coworker challenged him as well and Tarou just answers that he was using rock and lost and his second coworker got a free tamagoyaki from him. the old lady sighed and said "Tarou, being honest is good and all but when you take it this far, it's downright fool-" "GRRMMMMM" their coworkers clearly taking advantage of Tarou, "Sanea your looking young today, you would never guess she was 40" one of the coworkers said trying to flatter the old lady named Sanea, "do I really look that young, so Tarou how old do I look" she asked. Tarou truthfully said 68 making Sanea sigh and so does his coworkers. While Sanea was in the toilet looking in the mirror she wished that she would be younger but what she didn't notice was that a monster had attached itself to her.

At Cafe donbura

"here is your coffee" Haruka said to a customer. "I have no money " the man replied while drinking the coffee and he proceeded to explain how mankind is too attached to money and said that he shall recite a haiku as payment and the owner said that he would accept it, "Billowing spring wind unable to blow past those who have left us all" the man recited. Haruka went to sit down and take a break and started looking at the news about her and suddenly the man from the jail cell appeared on her screen, "Tomorrow at 3 o'clock, Tarou will appear at the Rashonomiya intersection, Tarou is the strongest out of all, you will kneel to him and pledge loyalty" the man said and vanished.

In the delivery office

"umm who are you?" Tarou coworker asks a lady they have never seen before, "its me Isono Sanae" said the woman that looks like Sanea but a younger version of her which was caused by the monster that leached onto her and gave her, her wish to become younger, In disbelief they think that the woman is Sanea daughter. she laughes and asks Tarou how old she looked and Tarou honestly says 68, after a while Tarou went out to deliver a package "Mr. Inuzuka I've got a package for you" Tarou shouted at the door and a man with a black coat appeared out of the corner saying it was for him and then a police officer showed up and Inzuka threw the package at the police officer and then a second officer came out of the other end of the corridor causing inuzuka to jump off the building and run away but he was able to escape by going through a door which teleported him to another place revealing that he also has the special sunglasses.

at Rashonomiya intersection

Haruka arrives and the clock hits 3 but Tarou droves past her and a man with a spear crossed the street thinking it was Tarou Haruka follows him but was stopped by Sanea falling to the ground miserable because of not looking younger Haruka tries to help her as fast as possible and called her ma'am but Sanea was taken a back by the comment and was filled with rage but made her even younger making her look like she was in her 20's. Haruka was in shock and put on her sunglasses to see a monster attached to her back. Sanea went to Tarou who was delivering a package and asked if he knows who she was and asked how old she looked but Tarou responded with 68 and Sanea asked again and Tarou says 68, filled with rage Sanea attacks civilians and turns into a monster which possess the power of trains, Haruka changes into Oni sister and fights the monster and tries to calm down Sanea and then the man in full blue comes and attacks the monster and Oni sister, then the person with the spear shows up and Oni sisters pledge loyalty to him but to only get rejected "what should I do with her sonoi" the man said to the man in full blue, "do what you like sonoza" he replied, The man waves his hand on the same device as sonoi which gave him a brown armor and attacks Haruka revealing their friends.

Sonoi attacks the monster while Sonoza summons the low level monsters and attacks her and then Kiji brother flies in and attacks the low level monsters and suddenly a short man with a black suit and armor with a dog shaped helmet appears and attacks the low level monsters as well, "INU BROTHER" his gun said. "Now there's a dog?" Oni sisters said, offended Inu brother said it isn't by choice, Inu brother took a gear out of his belt and placed it in his gun, "YO RYUSOULGER... RYU SO COOL YO DINOKNIGHT SENTAI" the gun said which made him a adult sized human and gave him a sword with a dinosaur head as its hand guard, Kiji brothers does the same and instead of a male pink figure he was given a normal sized female physic but with the same weapons, disappointed it a girls suit he was surprised at how powerful the sword was, in the background Tarou appears with the same gun and with a gear with a red suited figure on it, "avatar change" Tarou said. "YO DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY AVATARO....FLOATING AND GOING....DON MOMOTARO....YO JAPAN FINEST" the gun said. Festival music and dancers suddenly appeared and 4 man carrying a platform with a motorcycle on it with Don momotaro saying the same thing as he said when he first appeared he then attacks the monster and both sonoza and sonoi with such skills with his sword it was almost as if he was dancing, he then took out a gear and placed it his gun "alter change" he said and he kicked the monster and fainted on Oni sister but a little peach had appeared in between sonoi and sonoza to be revealed Don momotaro had split from his body and turned small, the rest of the team was worried about his lifeless body while Don momotaro fights both sonoi and sonoza like they were low level monsters and they both retreated knowing they can't currently win.

The monster got up and attacked the rest of the donbrothers while Oni sister is carrying Don momotaro body, Don momotaro went back into his body and choked Oni sister to stop her from moving and grabbed the monster by his legs and took down the monster and then Don momotaro took out his sword saying its time for the finisher, he spins the gear on his sword and a wave of water and three giant gears with bars on them appeared Don momotaro instructed them to spin them and a castle appeared while Don momotaro spin his sword four more times "DON DON DON FLOATING DOWN YOUR WAY MOMOTARO SLASH.....FINISHING TECHINQUIE MOMOTARO SLASH" the sword yelled, "an impeccable peach avatar combat arts" said Don momotaro and he jumped down from the building and slashed the monster in half "DON DON DONBROTHERS " The donbrothers yelled.

Suddenly caution signs appeared around the monster body and it had made the monster into a demon train, Don momotaro rode his bike to stop it and called zyuran tyranno which was the dinosaur robot that the white suited man had summon, "DON ZENKAI COMBINE....DON ZENKAI-OH" Don momotaro said and he proceeded to defeat the demon train and split Sanea as well as another gear fell out from the sky.

In the delivery office

"hey Tarou how old do I look" Sanea asked not remembering what happen,"68 but filled with energy" Tarou said, Sanea was filled with delight to hear that from Tarou, while in the cafe Haruka thought to herself could the red suited man be Momoi Tarou not knowing he was but decided to hope he wasn't, Tarou kept losing in rock paper scissors, Kijino is filled to the brim with work, the man who recited the haiku is looking at how beautiful the flowers are and Inzuka is still running from the police being wanted all over the place

Next time on Donbrothers

debut of saru brothers/blue ranger/monkey brothers

???: I'm natural born oddball, intellectual and purveyor of fine taste, Haruka and Polar Bear Express are after delivery thieves?, fascinating. Allow me to lend my wisdom

Episode 3 The lamp thief....will be our title

(this is basically what happen in episode 2 of Donbrothers this is a story based of momotaro, donbrothers is owned by toei and I just want to share the story to those who don't know super sentai I think donbrothers is a great start for new sentai fans)

(where can you watch donbrothers full episode every sunday/monday : toku.fun