
Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord

Ozai already after succeeding to the throne of Azulon, his ascension as Fire Lord was more than perfect in his eyes, satisfied with himself and anxious for the arrival of the Sozin meteor, the victory of the fire nation in the 100 year war was a matter of time . While in a meeting with his generals to overthrow Ba sing se, a messenger shamefully enters the meeting, desperate to deliver a message. With nothing to waste time on, Ozai ordered the shameful messenger to be removed from his path. - Fire Lord Ozai. – The soldier knelt, using his strength to prevent him from being dragged. – I deliver an urgent message from Katsu. For a split second, Ozai's angry face calmed down, but he quickly regained his composure, extending his hand to receive the scroll from someone special to him. As he read, his serious expression softened. A small part of his humanity was stronger than the acting, lies and conspiracies. Katsu, a woman who managed to catch his attention at a military party, where several political and military figures from the Fire Nation gathered, was seriously ill, to the point that possibly by the time this message arrived in her hands she would already be with the spirits. However, what overshadowed the news of Katsu's death was the revelation that he had a son, more specifically a first-born son, a little older than his son Zuko. This news impacted his heart, under normal conditions he wouldn't have minded, but the meeting he was in was already lasting hours and his mind was already starting to lose focus. A bomb like that thrown in itself would inevitably affect him and now an anomaly existed in this world.

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Water & Fire Part 2

Two weeks ago...


- It's a cold night tonight. - Said Kanna, the grandmother of Katara and Sokka. She watched as the tribe members helped each other through the day.


The cold at the South Pole was harsher than usual, and everyone had to pitch in to survive the harsh snowstorms this time of year. Of course, after Katara and Sokka left the village to help the Avatar save the world from the oppression of the Fire Nation, the delicate situation everyone was living in became even more apparent.


Living in such a hostile and frigid environment benefits water benders, but since there were no benders in Wolf cove, everyone had to rely on traditional survival methods.


Sokka was in charge of the food, and he was very good at leading and teaching the younger ones, someone who developed a sense of leadership at an early age when his father and the strongest men in the tribe went to war.


As the only one who could harness the powers of water at the South Pole, Katara made a huge difference in Wolf cove. Even though she lost control of her powers at that time, she always learned from her mistakes and improved to help the village.


Kanna was very proud of her grandchildren, even if they were both missed, they were undoubtedly needed more to save the world, especially Katara, who had undeniable talents and was for some reason a relief to the matriarch.


- Elder Kanna, you better enter the hut. This is one of those dangerous nights. - Said a boy holding a spear. His body was clearly shivering from the cold and some mucus came out of his nose.


- Don't worry, I'm not that cold. - Kanna admitted indifferently, as she had a bad feeling since the beginning of the day, a feeling similar to the day the Fire Nation attacked the village.


- You are not old enough to underestimate your body. - Said the young man, trying to convince the oldest woman in the tribe.


- For your information, this old woman has survived worse nights than this one. - Kanna referred to herself, remembering her past in the northern tribe.


- *sigh* All right, but if you get sick, they'll blame it on me later. - The young man blurted out, remembering how worried Sokka used to get when someone got sick for stupid reasons.


Kanna watched the sky as the snow fell in greater quantities than usual. The South Pole was suffering from the endless twilight, or polar night, an event when sunlight doesn't reach the south for months. At such times, wolf cove and the other villages are constantly under the cover of darkness and vulnerable to wild animals that are ready to attack at a moment's notice.


Kanna hated these dark times at the South Pole and sometimes felt homesick. For southerners who had never been north, they couldn't imagine the kind of spiritual connection they were missing. Kanna was born at the North Pole, so her connection to her spiritual parents, La and Tui, is natural.


Each time of the year when the two original spirits physically visited their children in the North, Kanna felt an anguish in her heart, a sense of loneliness, and sometimes envy for the inhabitants of the South Pole who never had this special connection. Deep in Kanna's heart, the South may be the sister tribe of the North, but that doesn't mean they have the same privileges.


A small golden light appeared in the dark sky, looking like a small sun illuminating Wolf cove. Kanna and other people outside their homes watched the fascinating light with curiosity. From a distance, it was difficult to tell if it was a star in the sky or a spirit wandering the mortal world, but that conclusion was quickly discarded when everyone heard a roar and the golden light in the sky grew stronger.


- BEWARE! - Kanna shouted as she saw the golden light approaching like a giant fireball.


Kanna's warning wasn't enough to get everyone to move, as many were unaware of the impending disaster. A large fireball crashed into the village's main igloo, causing an explosion that consumed the ice structure along with the people inside. The shockwave from the impact sent Kanna and the people flying in the opposite direction, next to some ice houses, all stunned and disbelieving at the sudden explosion.


As Kanna's eyes opened, she momentarily remembered the day the Fire Nation invaded Wolf cove and caused the death of her daughter, Katara's mother. Before they could try to comprehend what had just happened, they all saw a large winged creature rise from the flames, spread its imposing wings to the sky, and open its eyes to reveal a pair of scarlet eyes that glowed malevolently.


Chieko revealed herself in her dragon form, watching each human like a worm to be crushed. The malice and evil emanating from her eyes was a clear sign of her intentions, with the Wolf cove being her primary target as she sensed the residual energy from the Avatar's presence.


The golden portal that connected the mortal world to the dragon realm of Dawn allowed dozens of dragons of many different colors to emerge, all roaring in a declaration of war, many of them spitting fire in different directions from the South Pole, causing the darkness of the continent to slowly be covered by the light of hellish flames.


Chieko watched the despair in the eyes of the humans with satisfaction, an almost poetic reversal of how she had felt when her home and sisters were destroyed at the beginning of the Eclipse War. Chieko's war-torn mind didn't want to kill the humans with her flames, she wanted to cause as much terror as possible, using her claws and her precision to play.


Chieko's eyes scanned each human, looking for the one who had the most contact with the Avatar's energy, and fortunately for her, her real target was alive; it would be a disappointment to kill her main prey if he died because of her forced landing.


Kanna was paralyzed with fear; a normal human or elemental bender would never be able to move under the pressure and murderous intent of a giant creature in front of them. But the real horror would begin at that moment when a golden light covered the body of the giant creature and was replaced by the presence of a girl with white hair and an appearance opposite to the intimidating one from seconds before.


Before anyone could say anything, Chieko used her superhuman speed to pierce a boy's chest with one hand and rip out his heart, causing everyone to become terrified and panicked. The heart beat desperately trying to pump blood over the dragon's hands in human form, she seemed amused and mesmerized by each beat that the heart tried to fight in vain.


The boy who'd lost his heart couldn't breathe, not to mention the intense pain in his chest that made him kneel in agony until he finally died in front of all the survivors of the fireball's first impact.


Chieko's small blood-covered hands played with the heart that had finally stopped beating and working, and when the scarlet eyes saw this, Chieko simply threw the heart away with disinterest, while looking at the terrified people who couldn't. even move.


One by one, Chieko dismembered, pierced, crushed or devoured each person in the most disturbing way possible, leaving only the innocent and naive Kanna last, making her witness to the massacre and traumatizing her for the rest of her life. The small human-shaped dragon's body was completely bathed in blood, even her albino hair, which contrasted perfectly with the scarlet eyes characteristic of celestial dragons.


- Why... why... why.... - Kanna repeated her words anxiously, trying to convince herself that she was in a senseless nightmare. - This can't be happening.


- Hahahahahaha, that's what you get for helping the Avatar. - Chieko quickly grabbed Kanna's wrist, causing her to scream in pain as she felt her bones being crushed and pierced through her flesh.


With a simple motion of brute force, Kanna's arm was ripped off, causing her to scream until her vocal cords were damaged. The mental and physical stress caused Kanna's old body to collapse, going into shock until it finally died.


Chieko observed the piece of flesh in her hands and threw it to the ground to crush it with her feet, making a "crack" sound in the female dragon's ears. Chieko's happy expression disappeared and she returned to her classical, refined mood that hid her sick fascination with violence.


A boy fled from Baía do Lobo with tears streaming down his face. He was patrolling around the tribe and when he saw the fireball falling from the sky towards his home, he quickly ran to help his family, only to see a violent and one-sided massacre. He knew it was impossible to defeat the monster that had massacred his family, so he fled aimlessly, trying to avoid being seen as the dragons flew in and set the snow-covered land on fire with red flames.


He entered a small cave and lay down in the fetal position, crying without the comfort of seeing his family and longtime friends. His pain was far from over, however, when a female figure covered in blood and ash appeared at the cave entrance, causing him to freeze in fear.


Chieko had used her individual ability to detect human thoughts in the area and found the only and last survivor within Chieko's detection radius. A psychopathic expression flashed across the woman's face as she took very slow steps to make the man flee so that she could have a little more excitement in her hunt.


The boy, without realizing it or being driven by desperation, took the opportunity to run out of the cave, provoking a malicious smile on the lips of the female dragon, who was eager to continue her game.


The boy from the southern tribe ran and fought for minutes, using all his physical strength to escape, his lungs and legs aching from the effort, his breathing fluctuating and his tears wouldn't stop falling. The mountains and icebergs were covered in flames, as if the south had become hell itself.


A part still covered with snow in the direction the boy was running began to take on a female form, a mixture mainly of water, which of course frightened him because he was mentally incapable of thinking rationally. At the sight of a girl-like creature made entirely of water and ice, he fell to the ground, believing he would be killed, but before he could retreat in the opposite direction with La's manifestation, Chieko appeared with a serious expression, staring at the Ocean Spirit.


The boy stood between the two female entities, one intent on saving one of the last survivors from the south and the other intent on killing the human in the most painful way possible. A duel with a clearly defined prize and goal for both women.


- Spirit and Goddess of the Ocean, La. - Chieko said mockingly, confident of winning this contest.


- Goddess of peace.... no.... Goddess of violence, Chieko. - La said disappointed, remembering when Chieko was a pure and innocent girl thousands of years ago. - Haruki had the audacity to let you loose in the mortal world without supervision?


- Why not? When it comes to an execution, who else could do it but me? - Chieko laughed and used her power to evaporate the blood that covered her body. - Do you think you can protect the human from me before his annual hibernation?




Next chapter: Water & Fire Part Final