
Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord

Ozai already after succeeding to the throne of Azulon, his ascension as Fire Lord was more than perfect in his eyes, satisfied with himself and anxious for the arrival of the Sozin meteor, the victory of the fire nation in the 100 year war was a matter of time . While in a meeting with his generals to overthrow Ba sing se, a messenger shamefully enters the meeting, desperate to deliver a message. With nothing to waste time on, Ozai ordered the shameful messenger to be removed from his path. - Fire Lord Ozai. – The soldier knelt, using his strength to prevent him from being dragged. – I deliver an urgent message from Katsu. For a split second, Ozai's angry face calmed down, but he quickly regained his composure, extending his hand to receive the scroll from someone special to him. As he read, his serious expression softened. A small part of his humanity was stronger than the acting, lies and conspiracies. Katsu, a woman who managed to catch his attention at a military party, where several political and military figures from the Fire Nation gathered, was seriously ill, to the point that possibly by the time this message arrived in her hands she would already be with the spirits. However, what overshadowed the news of Katsu's death was the revelation that he had a son, more specifically a first-born son, a little older than his son Zuko. This news impacted his heart, under normal conditions he wouldn't have minded, but the meeting he was in was already lasting hours and his mind was already starting to lose focus. A bomb like that thrown in itself would inevitably affect him and now an anomaly existed in this world.

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87 Chs

Azula's Decision

Pov Azula:


- After a long time, the family is finally together. - Haruki said in his human form. He sat in the lotus position next to the place of honor at the rustic dining table, making room for Kai.


I was a little nervous, the feeling of having lunch with powerful people is something I'm used to, but not when they are all beings who can destroy cities at will. I also sat in the lotus position next to Kai, practically facing Haruki, with Katsu next to me, followed by Aki. Chieko served the food like a waitress, a conventional attitude for her, not caring what the others thought.


It seemed that Haruki was clearly uncomfortable with being in his human form, even if it was only temporary for this dinner, he seemed to be trying to get used to it for longer periods of time. Aki, on the other hand, only cared about eating, but it seemed that her mind was elsewhere. Katsu, my future mother-in-law, was practically happy, smiling all the time. Kai, on the other hand, who had returned to his normal height, seemed to be distracted ever since his bestiality was brought under control.


Everyone wore white kimonos, with only Azula and Katsu standing out because of their black hair. The festive dinner was a clear sign of celebration, free of any obligations as leaders of the spirit world, a day just to be with family. Azula was perhaps the happiest of the group, feeling welcome and far from the pressures of being a princess of a military nation, she was just Azula for now. 


- Are you enjoying your meal, son? - Katsu asked, eating politely, avoiding to use his claws like Aki.


- I never thought I would be able to eat with you again. - It was clear that Kai was happy to see his mother again, but he seemed distant, even though the two had a long private conversation before this party.


- If you're not hungry, I'll eat your share. - Aki said, ignoring the table manners.


- Your stomach has a black hole, you're always hungry. - Haruki said, picking up a beef thigh and taking a big bite. - Is there a problem, Kai?


- No problem, I'm more than happy to reunite with the family... .... or what's left of it. - Kai whispered the last part, but it was easy for everyone to hear. Kai slowly organized the memories of the former kings in his mind, each memory was the feelings of each King and Queen who were angry or saddened by the death of their children in the Eclipse War. In his mind, each celestial dragon that died was like a son or daughter.


Haruki didn't find it strange to see Kai like this, the burden of being a king is also to feel the burdens of his predecessors. Even if Kai hadn't lived through the Eclipse War, he could still feel the consequences of that event much more than he realized.


Looking over his shoulder, as if he could see far beyond what normal eyes could see, Kai saw the Forbidden Zone, where dozens of Eternal Dragons roam or hibernate in the darkness, waiting to be awakened. Each of them was a descendant of the previous kings, his family, and he was frustrated that he could not free their bodies for burial.


Kai wanted to regain his power and rule as the new king, but was forced to wait for the Harmonic Convergence to succeed the power of the current king, who was still in hibernation. And even if he could do that, he was still paralyzed by the fact that the Avatar had closed the north and south portals, which only he could open.


- Sorry to spoil the party... I should keep my thoughts to myself. - Kai noticed that everyone was looking at him worriedly.


Chieko deliberately avoided reading Kai's thoughts; from experience, she knew that the mind of the future king was completely dominated by thousands of memories and experiences that could easily drive a person to death or insanity. She already admitted in her heart that she had enough problems with her damaged mind.


-It's not your fault, darling. - I said to comfort Kai and put my hand on his shoulder. - We all understand what's going on in your head.


- You don't have to apologize, my sister had migraines for months because she had to organize so many memories. - Haruki said calmly, willing to help his sister's successor in any way he could.


- WE WANT TO DESTROY RAAVA FROM EXISTENCE! - Kai spoke seriously in several voices at the same time. - I'm sorry... their desires are difficult to control sometimes. - Kai said calmly, looking embarrassed for having lost control for a moment.


It wasn't the first time I had seen Kai controlled by the thoughts of the previous kings, and I must admit that it scared me because they were all angry with the Avatar, and I feared that Kai would lose control again and there would be no turning back.


- I can't imagine what it's like to hold so much anger inside. - Haruki crossed his arms and looked thoughtful.


- That's because my son is strong, his will is greater than theirs. - Katsu encouraged Kai.


- Thank you mother... Killing the Avatar is the wish of everyone at this table. - Kai made a point of drawing attention to himself, even to Chieko who was silent. - I agree that we should kill the Avatar, but I need him alive.


- What do you mean by that? - I asked curiously. - Is there a plan to restore balance to the universe?


- You could say yes, but my memories are a complete mess. - Kai admitted, irritated with himself. - All I know is that I need the bastard alive somehow.


- I can capture him for you so that you can plan the restoration of the universe. - Aki said, interested in capturing the Avatar, perhaps with an arm or two less.


- NONE OF YOU WILL CAPTURE HIM! - Kai ordered, releasing a gigantic pressure.


I felt the air heavier, as if my body didn't want to breathe, as if I had been ordered not to do this simple action. I noticed how tense the Celestial dragons were, especially Haruki, as if they were afraid or surprised.


- For the plan to work, I need to allow the Avatar to master the 4 elements, I need Raava's power to flow perfectly so I can repair the damage from ten millennia ago. - Kai spoke in a draconic voice, but his alpha composure quickly vanished and he regained control. - Sorry, just stay away from him until I'm sure of the Dragon kings' plan.


When Kai spoke normally again, all the celestial dragons became calm, but for a short moment, especially for Haruki, it was as if he was in the presence of the Dragon King himself, or rather his own father.


- Then the Avatar era will end... I'd really like to kill them every now and then. - Aki commented, returning to his conventional mood.


- It seems we understand each other in that sense. - Chieko couldn't resist not commenting on her daughter's words.


- You only think about killing or sleeping. - Aki whispered, annoyed with her mother.


I tried to ignore certain comments from Aki and Chieko, they discussed certain things I didn't even want to imagine, but it was quite clear that it had something to do with motherhood. I looked at Katsu and she gave me a small smile, as if she had a plan to ease the tension at the table.


- So, son, when do you plan to marry Azula? - Katsu said naturally, causing the dragons to look at Azula, who turned red with embarrassment.


- Mom! - Kai said embarrassed, his face slightly irritated.


- What's the problem? I have to try hard not to smell the two of you mixed together. - Katsu replied sarcastically. - As your mother, I have the right to know every detail.


- We didn't plan this properly. - Kai commented with an embarrassed look.


- Kai and I had plans, but we'll have to hurry because of the baby. - I commented and put my hand on my stomach. - So I think it's right for us to get married soon.


- I can organize the event in the spirit world for both of you. - Haruki volunteered.


I looked at Kai for a moment, especially at those scarlet eyes I love so much. With a single glance, it was clear to me that we were thinking along the same lines.


- We can't get married in the spirit world. - I said to Kai, making Haruki, Katsu and Aki look surprised. Chieko didn't seem surprised because it was obvious why.


- It's not safe for a baby to be born and raised in the mortal world and Kai would be putting his partner in danger. - Haruki rebuked Kai because he was worried about the new offspring of the family and because he didn't want Kai to make a stupid mistake.


- I completely agree with you and I also rely on your guidance to control my powers. But I have to be in the mortal world for several reasons and one of them is the Avatar. - Kai explained, understanding Haruki's concern.


- As a princess of the Fire Nation, it's also necessary to keep politics under control. My disappearance, along with Kai's, could have caused serious problems in the Fire Nation. - I continued Kai's explanation. - I've learned a lot from you, not only have you given me the chance to be part of this family, but I'm going to be a mother in a few months.


Chieko gave a mischievous little smile that went unnoticed by most of the family except for Haruki, who quickly noticed it before turning his attention back to Azula's speech.


- I can't deny that I would rather live in this dimension and leave everything behind to live with Kai and my daughter, but I have responsibilities and a mission. I agree that the Fire Nation is not perfect, but I believe that it is the solution to unite the world so that the 100 Year War will be the last war that humanity will have to fight. - I gripped Kai's hand tightly, determined to protect my family at all costs. - As the future queen of the Fire Nation, I must create a safe environment for my daughter and the others to come. Anyone who might threaten that must be killed.


What I'm about to say is something no one in their right mind would say, but I know I did not grow up in a healthy environment, and many of the things I went through I would never put my children through. I would give the love of a mother that I could never have, I could be myself with my children without a mask on my face.


- When I go to the Nation of Fire, I will challenge Ozai to an Agni Kai for the right to rule and I will kill him. - I said with conviction, feeling how gently and supportively Kai held my hand. - The biggest threat to my children is my father. All my life he has seen me as a tool for his purposes, but this time it will be me who takes the reins for good.


- Are you sure? - Katsu asked, not out of concern for Ozai, but for Azula.


- My father doesn't love me as a daughter, I don't want you to think it's an overnight decision. I always thought that one day I would have to kill my father, he did the same to my grandfather. - I sighed to continue. - Now that I'm going to be a mother, I can't afford to waste time and be weakened by the pregnancy any more than I already am.


- Kai could kill Ozai for you. - Aki suggested.


- It would be easy for Kai, but this is my task, my responsibility. - I made my decision clear and hoped that it would be respected.


- Huh! You may be human, but you're more like a Celestial dragon than the other dragons. - Haruki complimented him. - You've chosen your future wife well, Kai.


Kai and Azula blushed a little at the compliment from the oldest dragon in the group; in fact, Azula felt like for the first time she had a family to lean on. Even though she was human, Azula earned the respect of the Celestial Dragons as an equal in the Fire Family, and she was officially the newest member of the family.


- This calls for a celebration! - Aki said, showing her fangs with a broad smile. - We need more meat.


- Mom, please have some respect when you eat! - Katsu said, irritated by your mother's childish behavior.


- What's the problem? You did the same thing when you were a messy puppy. - Aki didn't miss the opportunity to mock her daughter, which made Chieko smile discreetly.


- Mommy! - Katsu blushed with embarrassment.


- And we're back to normal. - Haruki said trying to ignore the discussion but with a smile on his face because it reminded him of the past before the war.


Kai and I just smiled and started eating while Aki stole food from Katsu to torment her with his antics. Haruki and Chieko kept their composure, but that didn't mean they didn't enjoy watching a classic mother-daughter fight.


- I hope our daughter will be like that. - I whispered to Kai and made him think.


- If our daughter has Aki's personality, we'll have twice as much work raising her, but it will be fun. - Kai thought and looked forward to his daughter's birth.


- It's a good thing I have a fiancé who already has fatherhood experience, so I can leave the mess to you. - I scoffed, enjoying how Kai looked a little nervous.


- That's not fair, we're supposed to be a team. - Kai said indignantly at having to deal with his future daughter's mess.


- I'm carrying her in my belly, I'm already doing more than my duty. - I responded quickly, making Kai shut up as he had no arguments. - Besides, you're the one who has to change your daughter's diapers.


- Wait a minute! Then we have to negotiate! - Kai was worried because he had a very sensitive sense of smell.


- No deal! - I didn't give Kai a chance to argue with me.


- Then don't ask me to have sex whenever you feel like it. - Kai whispered in Azula's ear, embarrassing her.


- That's not fair! - I complained.


- Didn't you teach me that you have to use all your cards to get what you want? I'm just doing what you taught me. - Kai went back to eating the meat he had in his hands, ignoring Azula's complaints.


- That's not fair, you... you know what you did to me! - I was nervous because my last sexual experience had made me much more active than usual.


- What a shame, Azula, you will have to do without me until you decide to negotiate a new agreement. - Kai gave an ultimatum that made Azula very nervous.

The couple practically forgot that they were in the presence of their own family, becoming the center of attention at the table until they realized that everyone was looking at them.


Aki smiled smugly at how they both practically let their emotions get the better of them, while Katsu just tried to hold back his laughter at how his son and Azula were discussing something that would only happen a few months in the future.


Next chapter: Jefh vs Zuko vs Aang