
Avatar: The White Demon's Revenge

In a world marked by the invasion and massacre of his village, Thorian, the sole surviving child, harbors a fierce resentment towards the invaders from the Fire Nation. From his adolescence into adulthood, his quest for revenge leads him down a dark path of learning centered on violence. Eventually, he is compelled to gather the survivors to end the war, facing a crucial decision: resign himself to the endless conflict or seek a way out that will halt the bloodshed.

SrCuervo · Anime & Comics
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The Leaves of Time

So the war finally ended. All this time, I've found it hard to envision my life after this. As planned from the start, Thorian placed Zuko as the new ruler of the Fire Nation once the war ended.

Finally, the day came that marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new order. From atop the hill, I surveyed the battlefield, where over a million soldiers had fiercely fought for world dominance. The roar of flames and the thunder of the elements at war still echoed in my ears.

As I contemplated the desolate landscape, I recalled the sacrifices we had made to get here. The friends who had fallen in combat, the allies who had betrayed, the enemies who had challenged our goal. All of it culminated in this final battle, where the forces of the four nations, now subdued under a single emperor, clashed in a desperate struggle for power.

But now, with the war over and victory assured, I stood at the top of the world. The Fire, Air, Earth, and Water Nations, now known as the Four Great Houses, bowed before me, recognizing my authority as the sole ruler of the world. It was an honor and an overwhelming responsibility, but I was ready to take on the challenge.

As the sun set on the horizon, I swore to rule with wisdom and compassion, always remembering the sacrifices that had made this new empire possible. And so, with the battle won and the world at my feet, I prepared to lead my people toward a future of peace and prosperity.


Ten years later,.

The Nebular Empire, a vast realm stretching across the central islands in the center of what are now the dominant four houses, is a marvel of engineering and power. Ruled by Thorian from his colossal palace of white ice, the empire stands as a monument to greatness and opulence.

Its cities are built on ice dunes, protected by impenetrable walls and watchtowers that rise into the sky like eternal sentinels. Caravans of traders travel through the vast expanses, transporting food and wealth that fuel the empire's economy, where anyone who could bend any element could live in peace.

But behind the facade of power and prosperity, political intrigues and internal conflicts lurk. The Noble Houses vie for influence and dominance, while religious groups and entities of the old order seek ways to destabilize the increasingly stronger order.

The Union Empire began as an ambitious project to unite diverse nations under one banner. In order to impose their new order, those who resisted were seen as obstacles on the path to unity and greatness.

The emperor, known for being a relentless and visionary leader, carried out a brutal campaign to eliminate all who opposed his vision. Using his formidable army and a network of spies and informants, he launched surprise attacks against rebellious cities and fortresses, sowing terror and destruction in his wake.

Those who refused to submit were summarily executed or sent to forced labor camps, where they were used as slave labor to drive the empire's vast construction projects. Dissenting voices were silenced, either through brute force or through intimidation and blackmail.

As the Nebular Empire expanded, resistance faded before the overwhelming power of its military machinery and the ruthless determination of its leader.

Those unwilling to accept the new order were ruthlessly swept aside until, finally, the empire rose as a dominant force, uniting nations under one government and establishing its supremacy over all known territory.

"Over a hundred low-power noble houses have been established in different cities of the nations. All religions have been exterminated; the old nobles who resisted have also been exterminated," Brad, who had a horrible scar on his face, informed the man sitting on the throne.

Thorian, who had suffered serious injuries since his last battle, was listening to these plans while a pair of twins, a boy and a girl no older than five, played with his sword.

Brad smiled slightly at this. Only now, after Thorian had two children, it seemed that his life had changed greatly.

"Dad, Mom said if you weren't going to eat with us, she would really be mad." The girl, whose hair was black and white, named Thalía, looked at her father, and despite all his scars, she was not afraid of him.

Draver, the boy who had all white hair, looked at his father and murmured, "Thalía, we shouldn't bother our father in his meetings."

"Don't be a coward; we're his children; he won't do anything to us." Thalía was braver when talking to her father than Draver, who was a very shy boy.

Thorian looked at his children and smiled, stood up, and said, "You should go to your family, Brad, and spend some good time with them. I think we've done things right, managing all control of the empire."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Brad bowed slightly and secretly said goodbye to the twins.

Taking his two children in his arms, Thorian walked through the corridors that were not really icy despite being made of ice and headed to the kitchen.

"How was the meeting?" Suki, the mother of Thorian's children, looked at him angrily because he often disappeared, staying in long meetings.

"I told you it wouldn't happen again; today is the last day."

"Well, then let's eat."

Thorian's children paid no attention to what their parents were talking about and walked to the dining room, jumping from their father's arms.

"Let's eat."

Suki smiled after a while, and they both walked to the dining room.

Watching this scene, although he still felt slightly affected by the war, Thorian knew that he had made a significant change in his life and in the lives of the people.

I invite you to read my new novel: Fear The Walking Dead: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

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