
Avatar, the spirit of knowledge

Born out of information itself, Solon explores the world in hopes to obtain more knowledge. Be aware that this is going to be a massive AU so don't expect any of your knowledge to be correct. This is the first Fanfic I am publishing, so any kind of constructive critisism is appreciated. I am not sure when I will be able to publish chapters for this Fanfic or even if I am going to finish it. Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the last airbender or its characters

Kalachri · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 8: Earthbending... or not(3)

Should I continue uploading this? I really don't know if people like it.

I know it's early to ask that question, but I want to know if I am doing pointless work.


[Third POV]

'When he said I would train by body I didn't expect this.' Thought Solon while running with a huge boulder multiple times his size of his back.

"Ok, now that you warmed up let's start the real training." Scouted Bumi as he started throwing sharp stones at Solon.


"Training, Torture they are same thing. Do you think that enemies will go easy on you? Let you rest? No, they hunt you down until you are dead, no one wants a breathing enemy after all. During that time, your stamina will deplete way faster due to the stress, so you have to get accustomed to it. At the same time you are training your speed, if your opponent is stronger than you, you have to run. If you are slower than him, you are done." explains Bumi as he starts throwing rocks at a faster rate and a bigger quantity.

Solon didn't have time to process the information he just heard before he had to start dodging.


Solon was standing 5 meters away from Bumi, at a horse stance with boulders balanced at the edges of his hands, head and knees, while one rock was tied to his back and another one was floating in front of his face.

"Now you will be keeping that rock floating in front of you blocking your sight, and keeping that pose training your muscles, you are not allowed to drop any of the coulders you are carrying. I will be throwing sharp rocks at you, you can't move from that stance, if you want to move you have to use the power of the earth, to move the earth beneath you to move your whole body as it is. This way you will learn to concentrate on multiple things at once, enhance your earth power through delicate control to move yourself without crushing your feet, learn not to depend on sight to fight, how to endure injuries without faltering when tired and lastly how to predict attacks without seeing them."

"Is predicting attacks so important?"

"Yes, not all opponents will fight fairly with you, in the past there were hunters that removed the earth beneath your feet to made you trip and fall down where they created spikes to impale you. Although that kind of power usage in dishonourable it is extremely effective. Now get ready and feel my attacks." said Bumi as he started throwing stone spikes at Solon. 

Solon tried to use the power of the element to move himself, but he failed, getting hit by the stone which left a deep cut on his leg, that lead to him losing his balance due to the pain falling down and dropping all the rocks he had on him.

Less than 10 seconds later Bumi strarted screaming at him.

"Why are you still on the ground? Get up and continue."

"I got hurt."

"So what? Do you think that the enemy will allow you to rest and heal? Treat this training seriously, if you fear pain then you have already failed."

"Why shouldn't I fear pain? Isn't it normal?"

Bumi's face, for a single moment, got gentler but the very next moment it got stern once again.

"It's normal to fear pain, however if you become a slave to that fear, then you have already lost half the battle you are fighting."

"What do you mean?"

"Say, kid do you have someone important you want to protect?"

Solon thought for a moment and the only person that came to his mind was Zoi.

"My sister."

"Well then imagine this. You have an enemy you fought, during the fight you got hurt but because you were afraid of the pain that enemy escaped. Then one night he found your home, got inside, tortured and killed your sister." Bumi said with pain clear in his voice.

After some seconds he continued.

"Rest for today, tomorrow I want to know if you have the will to continue this training. If not, we will return to the city and you will visit the private library of the king where you will learn the rest on the knowledge you desired." After that he left, leaving Solon to his own thoughts.


Solon was sitting at the exact same place, thinking while Bumi was roasting a spirit he hunted during this time.

[Solon POV]

Bumi's words never left my mind during this time. I was finally aware of the reality. This is not a story like those Raava said to young spirits. This was reality, and in reality there will be no hero to save the day at the last moment.

'I was arrogant, just because I am a concept-level spirit it doesn't mean that I am invinsible, Chronos was clear with that even beings at our level can be killed and I don't know if I will come back. Right now I am weak and if I continue to face life like I did so far it will lead to my death. I suppose it's time to grown up isn't it?' I thought to myself disappointed in the way I have been living the last 100 years

'The only reason I am still alive is because I was staying with Chronos away from danger.'

'I suppose I learned something new about myself today.'

I suddenly got up and sat opposite of Bumi and asked him

"Do you want some tea?"

"Tea? Where did you get it?"

"I always carry some jasmine tea and green tea with me. They are my favourite."

"Very well, I'd like some green tea." he said as I started preparing it with the kettle we had brought with us from the city.

"When you told me that scenario. You weren't talking about me, but about you." I told him.

"Hmm... twenty years ago, a man that lived on the water lion-turtle city north from here, unlocked some kind of weird power of blood. After he left his city, he came here wishing to take over the city. He was cruel and loved to torture his opponents. I, as the general took him on. I lost. His weird power could control the blood inside and outside the opponents body. I was able to fight back because he wanted to enjoy my suffering. He gave me the scar on my eye. During that time I was young so I stopped fighting due to the pain. He wanted to kill me but my brother got in the way to protect me." he paused as his eyes started filling with tears. He took a deep breath, drank a sip of tea and continued.

"He teared my brother's limbs one by one, enjoying his suffering. After that I went berserk, I used the ground to restrict his limbs and suffocated him by burying him under the sand. However, it was already too late. That day I understood that in this world, pain is inevitable, while suffering is optional. I made the wrong choice, I don't want you to do the same." he got up left leaving me to my thoughts

~~~~~~~{chapter end}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~