
Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

An ordinary fellow gets sucked into the Avaterverse taking Zuko’s place while being blessed by Agni. In his eyes the Fire Nation is true perfection, considering it unfair to keep the world without it’s light. The Earth Kingdom is ruled by strength and fear while keeping it’s population miserable ... and on the North Pole, they still live almost like cavemen did. They deserve support from the Fire Nation, even if they don't appreciate it. Those conquered by another will always view their conquerors as pure evil. In a world tyrannically separated by a flawed concept of balance, an never ending dark age that humanity has been forced to accept is now is being brought to its rightful end by the enlightened Fire Nation. Only the Avatar, the embodiment of said tyranny and stratification itself, poses a threat to the new age. Glory to the Fire nation. Glory to the Phoenix Emperor! https://discord.gg/f3cJHYM SelfishMC. War over idelogies and power. +18 to be safe. Avatar bashing. Fire Nation fanboy. AU. Harem. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The art of war and chi

In the morning, Zuko had ordered the manufacturing of wrists and ankle holsters for throwing projectiles.

Later, as he finished eating with his guests, he made his way alongside Ty Lee.

"So, do you have a routine you'd like for me to follow?" He questioned.

Smiling at how eager Zuko was to receive her instructions, Ty Lee nevertheless said what was really on her mind.

Well, not what was really on her mind.

She didn't want to tell his face that she was beginning to have a crush for his new found confidence and charming personality.

In her heart, she knew that he would see her as petty and shallow to feel that way just after he became ruler.

But in reality she had always been friendly towards him, even before Mai admitted her feelings for him and they started to date.

And she did so not in order to be rewarded. But she was glad that he was finally reciprocating her gentleness.

That was why she had decided to stay in the capital, and from what she heard from the rumors, Zuko might be in need of every friend he could get.

And the theater he gifted her sure was as good of incentive as any. The people Zuko found to help her were really nice.

So if he wanted her to teach him a few things, she would happily do so.

"If you want, I could maybe help you get more limber?"

Being raised as a martial artist, Zuko by no means possessed an inflexible and rigid body. However, he knew he didn't hold a candle to what Ty Lee could do.

Frankly, this wasn't the kind of thing that had been on his mind when he requested for Ty Lee to teach him, but there was hardly any harm in becoming more flexible.

Besides, maybe that could be a stepping stone to some acrobatic lessons? If he had Ty Lee's agility and his own OP bending, maybe he could take his overpowered combat prowess to another different level?

Yeah. As if he needed to.

But harm it won't do. Plus, he will secure one powerful chi-blocker to his cause.

"That sounds great. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, it would probably be best if we determine exactly how flexible you are first. It would be kind of silly to try and make you do anything way beyond your current means."

Agreeing with that assessment, Zuko ended up leading Ty Lee into the training room he had selected before, creating a little bit of privacy for them.

It did dawn on her that this may have been intentional on his part.

Once they had reached the area of his choice, she turned to him with a smile.

"OK, so I'll go through some stretches, and you just try to copy me. That way we can see where you are right now."

"Understood, that sounds reasonable."

With that, the two of them began the exercise in earnest. At first, Ty Lee performed simple arm stretches and the like, seeing how far Zuko was able to bend his limbs in general.

Considering his martial background, such things were well within the young emperor's capability, so it didn't take long to move on from there.

It was after those stretches that he realized the level of composure he would actually need for this whole ordeal, because once those simple stretches were out of the way, Ty Lee moved onto ones that more often than not resulted in scandalous parts of her body being pointed in his direction.

Whether it was arching her back towards him or spreading her legs for a thigh stretch, it occurred to him that she was absolutely doing this on purpose.

After all, she could have done all of these suggestive stretches while facing away from him, and judging by the pleased expression on her face as they went about this activity, it was clear that she was enjoying his reaction to all of it.

As he watched Ty Lee move into a handstand that he had some difficulty in imitating, it occurred to him that his great difference from the original Zuko had drawn some curious effects from Ty Lee.

With her back turned and her hands planted firmly on the ground, Ty Lee spread her legs, shaping her body into a form very reminiscent of the letter T.

While part of his focus was commanded by the arousing view, Zuko couldn't help but wonder if his acrobatic friend was trying to mess with him, nonetheless he still forced himself to follow her example.

If she noticed the explicit attention he was paying to her rear, Ty Lee didn't mention it as she continued with her stretches.

Glancing back at him with a smirk on her face, it became obvious that Ty Lee found his performance amusing.

Coming out of her handstand to face him directly after a few hours of intense exercise, Ty Lee said they should keep practicing until the movements feel natural to him and complimented his talent.

Though she was still curious why he never showed any signs of being interested in her art.

Eventually some sweet words were enough to make her get used to his new personality.

"I was wondering if you would be willing to teach me the basics of the chi-blocking art. I'm deeply interested in it."

Her mood had been elevated somewhat by the nature of the conversation, Ty Lee smiled.

She was expecting this particular subject to come up.

"Well, I see no problem. Thankfully, your agility isn't that far from mine, so I guess I can teach you what I know. First we just have to revise the location of all the meridians in the human body..."

The rest of that morning was spent learning the aspects of chi blocking one had to understand prior to engaging in any practical application.

It was during this experience that Zuko came to fully appreciate Ty Lee's depth of knowledge on such an obscure subject.

He would fairly admit that Ty Lee's overall level of intelligence was average at best, but she was truly well-versed in many unique fields of knowledge.

Her understanding of the human body was truly impressive: she had instructed him on all sorts of aspects he had just theorized before, things about chi paths and pressure points and beyond.

It was weird: in a way she knew the physical mechanics of bending better than most benders did.

Of course, the lesson had included her poking him in various spots to disable his limbs, which hadn't been a particularly pleasant experience.

It being his first time on the receiving end of such treatment, Zuko wasn't sure what he had expected, but the feeling of having slept on your arm for several hours only to wake up and find it a useless unfeeling stump wasn't quite it.

Thankfully he was a rather special case.

Because his bending wasn't restricted to the motion of his limbs, he still could burst a wave of Fire or chain of lightning out of his body.

And remembering his attacks' lethality, Zuko didn't feel as vulnerable as a regular bender would have.

But back to Ty Lee, when one really thought about it, the whole thing was a little unsettling.

Ty Lee was the nicest, sweetest person in the world, but she had the knowledge to take one's very ability to control their own body.

Truthfully, it didn't seem like a skill befitting to kind a person.

But none could deny its potential. Especially for someone capable of bending energy at its essence.

Zuko had no doubt that learning it would be beneficial to any cause that he set his sights on.

Then again, the chi blocking was just an extra weapon, not his main trump card.

Not by a long shot.

Regardless, being a special case of bender was why he was absorbing Ty Lee's lessons with even more gusto than anyone else would have under normal circumstances.

He had always been interested in learning the art, even before incarnating as the Fire prince, but now doing so would aid him in achieving something he greatly desired.


Plus, he still had plenty of time to learn it correctly.

Zuko approached Ty Lee, practicing what knowledge she had managed to impart on him on none other than her.

She admitted though, it was a bit odd having her own limbs paralyzed, and not a very pleasant experience, but for a skill such as this, practical experience was the most useful.

He couldn't help but wonder if the same technique could be done to one's neck, he was eager to try that out on some hostile target.

Or perhaps on Azula.

But he put that idea away for now, and left after charmingly thanking for her cooperation and settled to repeat this routine on the following days.


In the evening, this time Zuko set to meet up with Mai at the entrance of his private weaponry that had recently been staged in Azula's favorite training room.

He was still demanding improvement from his sister, but she was to practice outside.

In a reclusive backyard under his supervision.

Back to his meeting with Mai.

Yesterday he had requested for his subordinates to arrange a large collection of weapons for him to showcase.

As Zuko made his way through the halls, everyone around immediately stopped whatever they were doing and bowed for him.

He couldn't help but to smile. 'Surprisingly how quickly I've become used to this.'

As he was about to reach his new exposition of weapons, Zuko sighted Mai's slender figure.

She was waiting for him, and her usual bored expression betrayed some of her interest in seeing him.

'Perhaps we can resume our relationship as it was before I arrived, but she will learn that she no longer has exclusivity to me... and if she wishes to stay with me, she will have to be mine.'

"Morning my dear Mai." He greeted her with his charming smile.

"Hey there Zuko, took you long enough." She replied back.

"Please, forgive my rudeness, I was simply having a bonding time with my mother. You know, since her rescue she hasn't been the same. I hope some tranquility will restore her spirit."

"Oh...Don't be sorry... I-I wasn't angry or anything like that." She stuttered a little.

"That's a relief... So, may we begin." Zuko says while making an inconspicuous pun at her name.

"Yes..." She says while nodding.

And so Zuko effortlessly pushes the large doors open.

As she caught a look inside, Mai's eyes began to glimmer with curiosity. Although she will never openly confess, this subject really interested her.

In the collection, a wide range of weapons that can be found around the world varying in quality, size and usage among the four nations.

The Blaze Empire is the most technologically advanced when it came to manufacturing weapons due to their endeavor of dominating the world since the beginning of the one hundred year war.

And the earth kingdom might be considered the second most proficient due to their necessity of defending themselves against the previously known Fire Nation. Especially after the crumbling of the southern water tribe.

As Zuko began his brief introduction of this new collection, he made his way towards the melee section as Mai followed alongside.

They walked in an affectionate way with one another, holding hands from time to time.

"First stop, the Dadao. It's this large single edged broadsword that we equip some of our blazing soldiers."

He narrated some of the trivial knowledge he learned after his recent raid of the Fire Lord's secret library.

He mentioned the superior quality type of weapons that the Empire possesses while briefly mentioning their advanced methods of tempering and quenching to achieve the highest grade of hardening without sacrificing its flexibility.

Then he conducted her towards another piece.

"These are the traditional dual broadswords, also known as twin broadswords. They are specifically designed to chop or slash and are to be considered different parts of the same weapon."

"Dual wielding melee never seemed optimal for me. Can't they just be used separately? Using one of them in one hand, or even with two, seems a better strategy." She commented, feeling comfortable enough to show some interest in what Zuko was talking about.

"Sure, they can be used individually as single-edged blades. But that's just a grossly simplification of what they are capable of achieving together. I still remember the wise teachings from Piandao. Believe me, in the hands of a true master, every single one of these beauties showcased here will be enough to rival a regular bender prowess." The emperor spoke his mind while rambling a little towards the end.

Not missing the chance, Mai snickered at him and commented. "Are you serious? If your father heard you saying that, he probably would've banished you on the spot."

But as she said that, she immediately remembered what she heard about the last Fire Lord's death and was about to apologize when...

"Ha! I guess you might be right my dear. But nevertheless, his poor judgment does not change the fact that I'm right. Now moving on." He says with a grin.

"Next piece, this standard long bladed sword is what a Blaze soldier regularly wields because of their practicality." He points out.

"Although from what I heard, the soldiers certainly require more training with them." He ponders for a while before moving on.

"The Guan Dao, a large pole weapon used since our time as a simple community living under the guard of our ancient turtle lions. Though it clearly resembles a naginata design."

"Gee, don't tell me you believe in the ancient tales?" She asked jokingly with an almost serious expression and a faint smile.

"I agree that ancient tales may be quite deceiving with their wise knowledge. But only a fool would completely ignore their value." He commented while smiling and gesturing with his arms.

She was momentarily stunned by his eloquence but eventually nodded. And so they continued.

"The hammer... well, not a full-fledged weapon in my opinion, nonetheless I still recognized its appeal to some fighters, alongside battle axes and clubs." Zuko spoke as they made their way through some of the weapons in display.

"Ah! The jian sword! Piandao's favorite." He remembered.

"In his hand, this simple designed sword is considerably more versatile than one would've guessed." He added to his previous remark.

'That reminds me. Can't wait to take the meteor before Sokka and forge it into whatever I desire.'

They proceeded after that.

"The Jii. I've always found halberds to be really formidable. This specific design with its moon shaped blade on both sides makes it optimal for both ground infantry and cavalry." Zuko said.

"I can see the value in long range." Mai said and Zuko smiled back at her before turning to the weapon.

'Again...Note to self: this is exactly the type of weapon the soldiers of my empire should be wielding. Especially the non-benders.'


"The Kanabo. Obviously a really large heavy club weapon, varying from having metal studs or spikes, is the heavy force's perfect option to break some bones... probably even through shield protection."

"Now that's something I'm willing to say it's a bit barbaric, wouldn't you agree?" She asked while crossing her arms.

"Perhaps you have a point. But different situations require different tools. Even a club can be used with finesse by a skilled fighter."

Mai only shrugged at that idea, but Zuko pulled her to move forward.

"The Nunchaku...yeah, a hard pass. I despise this even more than the flail."

"Weren't you the one that just talked about every weapon being valid?" Mai said with half a smile in her calm expression.

"And I do hold my point, generally. I believe this is a perfect example of too much of a specialized and rare situational weapon."

"Ok Zuko, let's move on."

They then approach a large display showcasing a dagger of medium size and Mai's attention was piqued as she began to appraise it.

The young emperor noticed Mai's reaction and began. "The Poison knife. It is said to be a deadly weapon capable of killing a given target with relative ease."

She looks at it with her usual stoic face, but Zuko can clearly see that this topic had caught her attention.

"You know, If I was to share with you some of the empire's secrets, I might've told you that some of our personal assassins are equipped with these to silence those that defy us."

"Hum. Quite ominous...I like it." She grinned while looking at the weapon.

Zuko casually opens the display to pick the dagger, confusing her, then he proceeds to slide its edge across another knife he bought from a regular vendor.

One would think metal on metal would skate cleanly, but the royal knife got stuck every once in a while, like it was getting caught on something.

"You see that? The edge of this knife is biting into a regular blade you would find in a regular market. You can even see where the inferior blade's edge has rolled."

He then simply extended his arm holding the poisonous dagger and offered to her. "Here, a simple gift."

She accepts with both hands. "Thanks Zuko... I..."

"Please, if you like it, it is enough acknowledgement for me." He wink at her while turning to continue their tour.

"The Pu dao. Another anti-cavalry halberd that would be ideal to be implemented by the empire's forces."

"The San Gu Cha. Its special design is a variation of the regular dagger. It opts for thrust instead of cuts." She reflects over what Zuko explains to her.

"Ah! The magnificent spear." He breaks his pace to better focus on the weapon.

"Guess you own some explanation why you would praise it to that extent." Mai questioned.

Zuko laughs at that and continues. "Believe me, this beauty is so perfect that despite the centuries of human history, every civilization will eventually build it. And allow me to tell you that's not a trivial feat, because even though there are multiple variations of it, the common spear design was never truly abandoned."

"Gee, I see you really know your stuff." She stated while grabbing his hand.

"Well, It's a gift that keeps on giving." He concluded.

After that, they fasten their pace. "The bow. Again, the classic always has its charm. Though in this case I'm especially impressed by the yuan archers precision and efficiency."

Zuko then sighed. "As it appears my soldiers are in need to employ some crossbows."

"I see you are really motivated to rule the Fir... I mean, Blaze Empire."

"Absolutely, though that's an understatement. For now I'm supervising a reform so that the Empire possesses a worthy elite force capable of defending and executing its founding dream."

"Do you really believe that our dream is to save the world through domination?" She asks half-serious.

Zuko answers her with a completely serious tone and expression. "With every fiber of my being, my dear."

She blushes a little at his statement and turns to hide her face. "If you say so."

"Ok, moving on. Chains...have I already stated that flail is a fail?"

Zuko then proceeds to conjure up a golden lightning whip to visually prove his point.

The electricity chirps loudly without escaping his control, this continuous stream of electrical discharge has a tactile quality as he stretches it and cracks it through the air before ordering it to disappear.

"Well, that's certainly new. You've never told me you could do that."

Zuko grinned smugly. "My dear Mai, there are many things I did not tell you. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to show what I'm really capable of."

His double meaning wasn't lost on her as she blushes heavily but decides to move on.

He simply grins at her expense and says while moving forward. "Anyway, nothing else to see here."

Mai stops in front of a different display.

Zuko notices what she is analyzing and says. "The stilettos...I know they are someone's favorite."

"Sorry to disappoint, but you are wrong... though I do have a certain preference for them." She says jokingly with her calm expression.

"Apologies for my mistake... though even I have to recognize their versatility. Any ranged and close range weapon deserves at least some kind of praise I presume."

She nods at his words, still getting used to the new Zuko.

"But that applies as well to our next topic... throwing knives." Zuko transitioned to another weapon.

He then conjures a black fire dagger with his fingertips. It's a blowtorch-like jet that after concentrating enough, stiffens into an actual weapon of fire that is able to self sustain without the constant influx of his chi.

"Same premise from the stilettos, but it's a more practical option for slashing than piercing."

"Funny, most experts I heard would conclude the same. But to be honest, they come more naturally for me to use. I don't know... I think they are more unique in their own way."

"Ever considered boomerangs? Or war fans?"

"Not really. Guess they just seem too much of a silly weapon to me. Too much of a specialist choice as you mentioned before."

"Perhaps if you make their edges sharper." He said casually while shrugging.

"I'll think about it...Thanks for the suggestion." Mai says while considering the possibility.

"Don't mention. Recently I've been analyzing some interesting pieces of war. Did you know that the earth kingdom possesses a form of collapsible wrist shield? I find that concept really intriguing."

"You don't say?" She responds.

"Am I boring you already?"

"Not at all. It's just...well, you've never shown interest in these matters before, I'm still processing this sudden change."

"It's just the responsibilities of ruling that are weighting over my shoulders recently. Oh!...Before I forget, would you accept to aid me in reworking my soldiers' set of armor and weapons. Some matters like the lack of practicality and efficiency have been brought up to me."

"Wait, why me? I know you have a thousand of more qualified experts on the matter to better help you."

"Oh don't worry, I'm not some young fool that would be negligent to his empire. I will talk with them as well." Zuko said while grabbing Mai's hands.

"But I want to first hear your thoughts. I know you, probably better than you do, and I know that weapons are your secret passion." He looked straight into her eyes. "Please my dear Mai, would you do this for me?"

"Okay...fine." She accepted his petition.

"I'm grateful." Zuko smiles genuinely.

"But if I'm gonna help you with this type of important matter than I guess I would like to learn more about what you were saying. Contrary to you, I am not hiding some secret knowledge or power. I still haven't mastered the art, until now I just threw some knives in my free time."

"Agreed. From now on, by my authority, you can do as you like to aid me in that endeavor."

"Thanks...you know, lately you are always acting so sure, never showing doubt or conflict. You really are a different person." She says while laying her head on his shoulder.

"I hope that's a compliment. I couldn't bear the thought of disappointment." He said with his trademark grin.

"Yeah... totally for the better. Only downside is that sometimes you remind me of Azula."

"Oh do not worry! She pales in comparison to me... almost literally." He chuckles after thinking about his little sister.

"That you already said. Speaking of her, where is she?" Mai questioned with curiosity in her eyes.

"it's her time of having a wholesome moment with my mother. You know, mother's kidnapping was a huge emotional blow to her, she just didn't show it to everyone." He reveled.

"Huh. Hard to believe I guess."

And so they continued their tour, exchanging some sweet words while also teasing one another.

After going through almost every piece in the collection they stop.

"I think we covered everything I wanted to show you. Besides this, there are some types of mines and explosives, and even some artillery machines."

"It appears that you are ready for war." She remarked.

The young emperor chuckles before speaking. "Honestly, I intend to end one. Though losing or forfeiting aren't valid options for me."

"If you say so."

"Now, I think my subordinates have already crafted the spring-loaded holster I requested this morning. May I ask us to start my lessons?" He requested while gesturing to Mai's wrists and ankles.

"Zuko, I thought you were merely joking about it. Do you really wish to practice... throwing knives and stilettos... with me?"

"Absolutely. Besides, I got to spend more time with you." Zuko gives his charming smile.

"Sure. Let's go then." She nodded and followed him to leave his personal armory.

By the end of the day, the young Emperor was glad his plans were progressing better than expected.



*Apologies for my long absence. Hope this chapter is of your liking. If there's anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Check out my auxiliary chapter if you still haven't.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I'll correct them as soon as possible.