
chapter 2

-Nortuk pov-

3 days later

I was riding my mini iceberg like a surf bored it was much more efficient then surfing without the chunk of ice. It cost less energy and was a tad bit faster, well any way I could tell I was getting close and this was reinforced by the shining lights of the city over the night sky.

I felt the avatar of light she was close but I would attack her another night currently I had no experience with earth, fire, and air I was probably stronger then the current avatar but only if we both only had water, she knew all of the other elements and could best me easilywith all of her bending.

I would learn fire and earth bending in the city and I would study the ways of the air nomads and try from there.

I made it to land and laid down and kissed the earth and said "how I've missed you my love" then I heard a masculine and feminine voice "what the fuck is wrong with you weirdo" I looked up to see a woman smoking sheep had a scar on her face and she was wearing amour that lead me to believe she was the police chief for the city.

She was oldish atleast 50 years old and she had an aggression in her voice that showed she I said "sorry Ma'am for disturbing you I was stranded at sea and I havnt touched land for a week"

"Well weirdo are you a bender, I need someone to talk to it gets lonely at the top when everyone treats you like a God and no one wants to get on your bad side"

I responded "I am an earth bender but not a very good one infact could I learn from you I know your one if not the greatest earth bender alive" this would be a great opportunity to learn earthbending and metal bending.

"you know what kid sure I'll take you in as an apprentice, you got any family" the old woman said in her clanky metal Armour and I replied "thank you ma'am and, no there all dead"

"sorry for asking, but you know I've always wanted a son but I've never had the time to settle down, my life is always on the line and I'm always busy, and how old might you be"

This astonished me I could tell where this was going but I answered "I am 17 years old why do you ask"

She gave a smile but it seemed like she's never smiled "perfect, may I adopt you"

And I replied with thoughts of how this may benefit me "yes ma'am, but what's your name just so I know"

She looked estatic then said "amazing my name is lin beifong and may I give you a new name"

I said "yes mother" this struck a nerve she seemed like a different person no longer a dangerous police officer of the most crime ridden city on the continent she now seemed like a sweet nice mother.

She then said "perfect son, follow me to the city council building so we can register it"

On the way to get my name registered she talked about what she would name me like I wasn't there.

She was going crazy but eventually we made it to the city council building and her demenor changed drastically she went back to the police persona.

We walked in and the person at the desk said "hello chief, what brings you in today are you here to bring this person into custody"

She looked angry as hell then said with fury "No I'm registering him as my son I'm adopting him"

The worker looked astonished and said "please go to floor -2 and desk 15 they should help you"

She signaled for me to follow and we headed for the stairs and walked down two flights of stairs and walked over to the desk and she talked to the person running it and got me registered as 'Bashann beifong'

We exited the building and she said we were going to her apartment and it would take a moment to set up a place for me to sleep.

We got there and it wasn't too shabby pretty nice atleast 3 people could live here comfortably with there own rooms she lead me to an office and cleared out the papers and put them into a secondary office.

She brought out some pillows and blankets from a closet and said "it's not much i have tomorrow off and then we'll get a proper bed for you son"

I laid down and fell asleep almost instantly it was much better then my shit raft and it was warm also I have a loving mother, now I don't want to kill the avatar.

I woke up in the morning and found my mother already Clearing out the room it was empty only my floor mat made of pillows remained she was efficient.

She said with out looking at me while dragging a table out "good morning, I've already ordered a bed frame and a mattress they will get here sometime in the afternoon"

She was the best mother ever, I got up and headed to the kitchen where breakfast was already prepared and she yelled "I've made breakfast, son"

It was amazing who would've know she was a great chef, I devoured the food but saved enough for her to eat.

She had already finished moving everything over to the other rooms based on how nice she was being I could only assume she had a bad parent or an extremely rude parent.

I said to my mother "thank you mother your an amazing chef and also I have to thank you for taking me in on such short notice"

"don't mention it honey" she seemed to be getting better at nicknames which made it less awkward

(Hope you liked this chapter ❤️❤️❤️ love you no homo except for a little homo)

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