
chapter 15

I fell asleep fast after it reached 8:30 I didn't have the kyoshi dream but I was awoken by myself I could feel Korra being attacked it was a group of 4 and Naga was passed out with darts in her.

I got up and rushed out of my room and headed for Korra's room buy she was gone they were already at one of the courtyards they were fighting someone.

When I arrived mako and bolin were fighting some people who had korra based on there clothes I could tell one was a water bender, one was an earthbender and another was a fire bender there was also an Airbender.

I yelled to the assailants "The earth is my element I just let some people borrow it" the earth bender did as I wanted and attacked me.

His mistake was his rage he was pissed that I see declared his element as mine, he made a line of lava come for me I yelled to him "I haven't ever met another Lavabender"

I turned around his lava and concentrated it into a blade and threw it a high speed but slow enough that they could dodge it.

They dodged it but then that one fire bender lady she made the ground I was standing on explode.

I've never heard of this and I yelled "hey fire bender lady what did you just do" she didn't respond so I offered a rebuttal "ok bitch, I'm done playing" this made a little angry and she started constantly making explosions.

I dodged every one of them them, Then it threw a small metal spike at a speed to high to dodge I aimed it at her little eyeball that the explosions were coming from.

Once it hit it dug a little into her skull but I stopped it before it killed her, she fell limp and the Air bender got angry then started pulling the air out of my lungs I blocked his view of me by making an airtight chamber, he couldn't breach it and I regained my breath.

I lowered my chamber to see the people which were now 3 but two were held back by the people they were carrying on there shoulders.

Lin and some guardsmen and guardswomen were fighting the assailants they had them trapped like a bird in a cage. The lady who talked on the radio earlier yelled "it's over your surrounded"

(cough, cough, kuvira, cough, cough)

Then from under the metal plates holding the assailants prisoner a swarm of lava flowed. Lin yelled to me "can you cool the lava" and I yelled back as I cooled the lava "yeah"

My fellow lavabender started making more lava and the airbender started pulling in the smoke and making a smoke screen around them then one guard pulled him out with a cable and they started fighting.

I ran over to some cover made by Lin where everyone else on team avatar is, some guards made a metal bridge across the lava made by the Lavabender as they went across it a large plume of lava blew the bridge away.

Asami said "there's no way to cross that lava" and I replied as I cooled all of the lava "yes there is, Go across now I can hold it it only a little while longer"

Everyone rushed across the lava but the airbender made a smoke screen to thick for me to see Through, I could still see korra but it seemed like they were getting off of the ground somehow before korra got to far away I made a shield of earth around of her.

They left with out her probably trying to save there asses because there plan failed. After they left we took korra to some old dude with a metal string connecting his lip and ear.

He was some sort of healer or that's what I got, lin yelled at Su "You assured me this was one of the safest places in the world" "it is, I don't know how they got in" Su said

Then the head guard came in and said "we've searched the entire estate and there's no sign of them" (I wonder who this head guard could be, kuvira, cough) and Suyin said "Search again"

The weird dude with the golden chain across his mouth started speaking "it would seem they had some inside knowledge of Zoufu, they must have been working with someone"

Then korra grabbed her head then said disoriented "th-the guards, it had to be one of them" "I agree" said the metal chain man then Su said pissed off "QUESTION THEM ALL, whoever betrayed my city will suffer the consequences"

I went back to bed and I had the kyoshi dream thing again I was falling to the ground as kyoshi behind me looked astonished that I just healed her and everyone else. I started flying to the fire nation again, I flew for around a full 24 hours in the dream world and this just makes me think about the speed that this world progresses compared to the real world.

Just as I was flying through a forest I went low and into the evergreen trees occasionally hitting the the sharp cool bristles. When I was shaken awake by Lin screaming "Did I say you could sleep it's 10:43 am wake your ass up" this made me think she said she would slap me if she ever found me sleeping and she never has.

I did as told and went to the bathroom and changed out of my pajamas then walked out side of my room where lin was waiting "were questioning the guards about Zaheer and his gang and I need to be watching you"

I followed her to some room where the chain dude was, after a few minutes some other like Mako, Korra, and Su walked in then the Chain dude started questioning the guards about Zaheer and his gang.

It was boring, all I did was sit around no one confessed then Lin said to who I know know as Aweiu he was the chain dude "Aweiu, I think it might have been some one higher up on the food chain, question Su" "Lin, stop your sister wasn't involved" korra said dismissively

And Suyin said hastily as she sat down in the chair "No, I'll gladly be questioned, I have nothing to hide" Aweiu started questioning Suyin then korra said "this is a waste of time bring In the next guard"

Then some young person walked in wearing the guard uniform he was skinny and weak sounding "Give me your name and where your from" said Aweiu and the little bitch boy replied "I'm Hong li I was born and raised here in Zoufu"

"Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the avatar?" Aweiu said and replied Hong Li "no" it was suspicious the way he said it and his heart rate increased a little

"Did you help the attackers enter zoufu last night" Said Aweiu with suspicion in his voice and he leaned forward "No of course not: said Hong Li but it was suspicious or his heart rate was suspicious and Aweiu confirmed my suspicion by saying "Your lying"

"What, no I'm not" said Hong li pleading and Suyin fast walked over to Hong li and yelled "How did they get in and out, where are they now" she grabbed his amour and pressed him up aginst the wall.

"I don't know I'm telling the truth, I didn't help them" pleaded Hong Li and Suyin yelled "I suggest we search his place" he was taken away by some other guards to a prison cell and then we went to his house the search.

We looked all over his house and found nothing until mako looked at a stack of papers and yelled "I got something, looks like it's from them ,'team assembled ready to rendezvous' "

"And look at this" Asami said as she handed a note book to Aweiu who looked at the contents and said "this is a book containing all of the guards schedules and routes"

"That guard know everything we have to talk to him" korra said and mako said reinforcing that statement "let's go confront him, with this evidence right now"

"No, let's give him a little time to sweat it out, he will talk eventually" Awei said Suspiciously like he was hiding something from us.

Mako looked at Aweiu Suspiciously then we all walked away but me, korra, mako, Asami, and bolin went to investigate the fight scene from last night.

Lin didn't follow me, Susprisingly and mako said "why are we waiting to interrogate him, and how did a simple guard get involved with a group of super criminals, anyway"

"What do you mean?" Asami said questioningly "that guards is only 18 years old and lived in Zoufu his entire life, Zaheer and his gang have been in prison For more then 13 years" Mako said

Korra was about to speak but I cut off that bitch "I think we should inspect Aweiu's house because he was lying to us and the guards heart rate wasn't as fast as Liars heart rates usually are"

"Bashann has a point" varrick said after coming out from behind a sheet of metal everyone was surprised Bute because I already sensed him bolin said "Hey, Varrick what are you doing here"

"Collecting pumice stones with Zu Li, bashann and that Lavabender did a lot of damage, but they make some nice exfoliating rocks, and when you got calluses like mine you take all the pumice stones you can get your hands on, or in my case feet" Varrick said while Chuckling and Zu Li rubbed his feet with a large black pumice stone.

Everyone made noises of disgust but me as shavings of Varricks skin came off his foot and bolin said to me "how are you not disgusted by this?" And I replied nonchalantly "you get kinda desensitized when your brother was ripped open by a polar-dog in front of you" and sweet little bolin replied "oh, I'm sorry for your loss"

Korra said to the entire group "let's go with Bashann's idea and investigate Awei's house" she started walking to Awei's house and this made me question why she knew where aweiu's house is.

Once we made it to his house we snuck under a window and boilin said "he's not in there or he's hiding or maybe he's invisible" mako gave him a look then I said "there's no one in there" and korra said "how do you know that you haven't even looked in the window"

I replied to this bitch"because I have an earthbender ability called seismic sense this allows me to get Bison of things I can't see I believe it was developed by Toph beifong"

"Ok, well we have to get in there and find some evidence that links aweiu to zaheer or Su wont believe us" mako said then he snuck over to the front door and opened it, we all followed after his lead and went around the house searching for evidence.

I used seismic sense and I found a secret cave entrance and a wall that could easily be moved to block off apart of the house.

I moved the book shelf covering the entrance

And said to the group "I found somthing" I looked down to see a metal door with a dingy light hanging over it.

Mako said as he looked down the steps "It might be how Zaheer got in and out " I used seismic sense once more and I felt Aiwei walking back and I said "hide, Aiwei is coming back, quick"

I quickly realized there was no place to hide and so did everyone else Aiwei glared at us when he walked in, luckily Mako closed the secret door so Aiwei didn't know we found out his secret.

"What are you doing in my house" Aiwei said like we were bad people well I was, but not the rest of the group excluding the bitch korra. All of us stayed silent until Aiwei started speaking again "You Are Trespassing On The Property of one of the highest ranked officials in the city, You better have a good explanation"

Before he could react I encased his feet and hands in rock and metal and said "Aiwei we've found out your secret and if you dare run i won't hesitate to burn off your feet with lava, Mako would you be a dear and go get Lin and Su"

Mako started running to get lin and su and The all bark and No Bite Aiwei started to plead for his limbs "Ok fine I was working with Zaheer but please don't burn off my feet or my hands i'm sorry"

(Hope you liked this chapter ❤️❤️❤️ love you no homo except for a little homo)

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