
Avatar: The Legend of Kyosuke

Avatar: The Legend of Korra but with a different lead that's more like Kyoshi.

Arthur_Arcanum · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Avatar

Kyosuke knew he was special from birth, he was born to a water bending tribe, his parents Tonraq and Senna, they raised his with care. Tonraq is a powerful water bender and a warrior and he raised Kyosuke to be a strong warrior capable of protecting others. 

He did enjoy water bending training with his father but it felt limited, It felt like there was more that he could accomplish but didn't. He was hailed as a genius at the age of 2 when he started reading about history, and of the Avatars. He did like the previous Avatar Aang but Kyoshi was his favorite, he liked how she had a rough childhood but she was still great despite her circumstances. He loved the story when she stopped Chin the conqueror. Kyoshi also she lived for 230 years which was not conceivable for normal humans. Many scholars don't consider her a great Avatar because of the way she dealt with her problems and her training the Dan Li. The most recent Avatar, was a pacifist which lead many people to start looking differently at Kyoshi.

'But I believe she did the right thing, in a era of war and corruption, she couldn't be a pacifist and incite change. Her methods and philosophy was better than Roku or Aang.' 

At the age of 4, he respected her so much he would try to copy her actions. On one fateful day he tried to mimic earth bending just for fun, but then something move. The piece of earth on the ground of his home moved. He tried again but with more concentration and a piece of the ground started to rise, then he put it back into place. He tried the other elements, first water, then earth, then fire but air didn't work.

'My mindset was wrong, I tried to force the air rather than guiding it.'

Then he remembered that Avatar Aang was a master Airbender and tried to tap into what his mentality and mind was like based on his actions and his way of life. he calmed his racing mind and tried to empty his thoughts, he dance around moving his feet and arms gracefully gliding through the air, and moving with it. After the movement he shot his fist out and the air moved with it and shot a gust of wind from it.

'If I can bend more than 1 element that means I'm the Avatar! That's so cool, now I really can be like my hero.'

Kyosuke thought, happy that his lifelong dream could come into fruition. 

He decided to tell my parents, the reasoning being that It would be better to get recognized as the avatar early and start training. 

At first they thought it was him just saying that because of his obsession with Kyoshi but then he showed them, him bending the four elements. His parents were shocked, they knew he was mature and a genius for his age but didn't expect their child to be the Avatar. Tonraq his father said he was going to call a group called the White Lotus. 

After a few weeks the White Lotus a group independent of politics and one that looks after the Avatar came to his house. 2 men and a woman came in wearing purple robes.

"We have Investigated many claims both here and in the Northern water tribes. All have turned out to be false."

Said the man in the middle.

"Then you should be happy to know your search has come to a end."

Senna his mother said while Tonraq lightly embraced her, both having a look of pride in their face.

"What makes you so sure your son is the one?"

The man said skeptically while looking at Senna and Tonraq, I was standing behind my parents and I introduced myself.

"Greetings, honorable White Lotus, my name is Kyosuke, let me demonstrate for you. "

They nodded, he started with Water, then Fire, then earth and then air. It wasn't powerful at all, in fact it was pretty weak but that didn't matter. 

The White Lotus members looked shocked, at the age of four he could materialize all four elements. Of course he would need training to master all four but just this feat showed how much of a genius he was. 


They said and then they asked me to go back to my room so they could discus my future. 

I went but placed my ears to the door and heard that I would start training soon.

'I'm so excited, I need to become strong quickly so I'll be a good Avatar like Kyoshi.'