
Avatar: The Legend of Another Aang

Katara and Sokka free Aang's New Avatar from the iceberg, but... not quite. The body of a 12-year-old Air Nomad is the mind of an adult guy from another world, who now has to take responsibility for the world and end the terrible war, having fulfilled his duty as an Avatar. Ahead of the new Aang is a whole new world and bending subject to him. It's not that bad, right? ------------------- Chapter release schedule: Tuesday & Friday. My patreon: patreon.com/Lazybender There you can find 20 additional chapters. ------------------- P.S. No Harem P.S.S. English is my third language, so don't expect perfect grammar, although I will try my best. ------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any character, all rights belong to Nickelodeon. I found the picture on Pinterest, if the author wants me to remove it, let me know and I will do it. -------------------

Lazybender · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Changing the pace of breathing, I began to inhale the air deeply and exhale it slowly, trying to clear my head of unnecessary thoughts and enter a state of meditation, which I did very easily and quickly, and in less than two minutes, my body completely relaxed and thoughts began to fly at the speed of light.

Meditation is one of the most important parts of an Air Nomad's life. This is taught at the very beginning of comprehension of Airbending, and it is thanks to meditation that the Nomads have such a high spirituality, which contributes to the fact that every representative of this race can use Airbending.

Since childhood, we have been accustomed to clearing our mind of unnecessary thoughts, which allows us to achieve an internal state of calmness of mind and body, with full awareness, which helps a lot to learn about the world around us and to study ourselves.

Even after graduation, Air Nomads try to spend at least a couple of hours a day meditating, if possible. And it's not even a habit. Meditation has a very beneficial effect on the state of mind and helps to know oneself and find the necessary answer, even in the most difficult situation.

And I want to believe that it is a meditation that will help me achieve my goal. I have already successfully taken the first step and entered a state of complete calmness, which turned out to be unexpectedly pleasant and intoxicating.

My body is relaxed and I don't seem to be bound by it anymore, so it's time to get down to business. I don't know if it's under the influence of my qi, either because of meditation, but following my desire, I began to dive even deeper into myself, into the very essence of my essence, where soon, I stopped feeling the connection with my body and, opening my eyes, I found myself in absolute emptiness.

I was hovering in the air, and everything around me shone with a mysterious purple color, including myself, and there was no one around.

"It seems to work…" - I muttered softly, looking around my surroundings, which, as I understand it, was a representation of my inner world.

I don't know if I did everything right, but judging by the fact that the process of opening Aang's seventh chakra was shown in approximately the same way in the animated series itself, I'm on the right way.

All this is extremely strange for me and I don't quite understand whether it's real, or if it's just my mind playing with me and thus responding to my desire, but since it works, I won't argue. Besides, I feel good, so we can start.

With a little concentration, I began to recall from memory, all the people who were close to Aang and the guy from another world, and who could be called earthly attachments and those who most fettered me now.

Following my will, these people, or rather their projections caused by my mind, began to appear next to me one by one. At the same time, people from the world of Aang appeared on the right side of me, and people from another world on the left, and in the middle, something like a wall of purple energy appeared between them, which seemed to separate these two worlds from each other, not allowing them to interact.

As far as I can tell, this wall is the physical embodiment of the border between these two worlds, which I erected in my mind, after how my new personality was born, consisting of the personalities of two people. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it's better to leave everything as it is and deal with these projections.

There were relatively few projections themselves, both from Aang and from the side of a guy from another world, no more than seventy earthly attachments for two, but now the main thing is not how many of them, but whether I can let them all go. Well, if I don't try, I won't know.

I decided to start with the person dearest to Aang, namely the monk Gyatso, who stood closest to me and looked at me with a kind smile.

Not quite understanding how I need to 'let go' him and break the connection with him, I did not invent of anything else but to talk to him and explain everything.

"Gyatso, you are the closest person to Aang, who can justifiably be called his father. And while the Air Nomads have no such concept, as a parent, for Aang himself, you were exactly that and were able to replace both his father and mother, and raised him to be a wonderful person. You taught him everything you knew, helped shape his personality, prepare him for future difficulties, and defended him to the last, and I will always be grateful to you for this. I will remember you, not as a teacher, but as a father, and I will always remember your lessons, but... you are dead. You died a hundred years ago, and although you will always be in my heart, I need to let you go and move on..." - I said, trying to weave into my words, all my real feelings.

Still, even if I'm not quite the same Aang I used to be, Giatso will truly always be someone special to me no matter what. He is the only one who can be called a father to me, and that's considering the second guy. But I can't be bothered by a man who has long since died.

The memory of Gyatso will live in me, but the connection that connected us cannot be restored in any way, so all that remains is to let it go. So, it will only be better for me. And I want to believe that Gyatso himself also thinks so.

After I finished pouring out my feelings, the projection of the old monk, who was still friends with the previous Avatar, only smiled softly and crumbled into pieces of violet energy, which began to rise and, as if crashing into something, created a flash of light.

When the flash disappeared, a small crack appeared at the very top of the space in which I was now in the company of projections of people dear to me.

"Happened?" - I asked myself, looking at this crack, which I understand is my idea of a chakra opening.

If my assumption is correct, then at that moment, when this crack expands and opens, my seventh chakra will open. And for this to happen, I need to do the same thing that I did with Gyatso and with the rest of the projections... It will be tedious, but I have no choice as such, so I will have to continue. And who's next?

This time, looking at the side of the guy from another world, the very first in line, I saw a short woman who was looking at me with love in her eyes.

"Mom… This is going to be harder than I expected…" - I muttered as I struggled to contain the unpleasant feelings that had risen in my chest.

Although I knew what I was doing when I was about to say goodbye to all the emotional burdens of both foundations for my personality, I can't complain and all that remains is to pull myself together and finish what I started.

"Oh, Mom, I would like to tell you that…" - I began to speak, but you shouldn't hear it. It's too personal. Better, let's skip this part and go straight to the end.


"… Farewell, Monica." - I said sadly, watching how the girl, with whom the guy from another world was in love, turned into fragments and flew up and crashed into a huge crack that grew to the entire ceiling of my inner world.

Monica was the last person I said goodbye to. Before that, there was Kuzon, Aang's friend from the Fire Nation, and his sister, for whom the old Aang had rather warm feelings. It would not be wrong to say that she was his first love, but I had to let her go.

I don't know how long it took me, I feel like at least two days and I'm very tired, but I'm also very glad that I finished and there was no one else left. Hope everything I did today wasn't a mistake and I will achieve my goal, otherwise, I will be furious. I will never repeat this.

Somehow I don't feel freer and I don't have the feeling that the chains of attachments that have limited me have been removed from me. On the contrary, right now I feel pretty nasty.

"Ehh, well, come what may…" - Sighing heavily, I tried to take my feelings under control and looked at the crack in the sky, which never opened, although I kind of let go of everyone who could connect me with the world and interfere with me 'to become one with the wind'.

Having no idea what to do next, I noticed that the wall that fenced off people from the two worlds began to gradually disintegrate into luminous particles, which again began to rise and seemed to be absorbed by a huge crack.

Curiously watching this colorful process, I waited for the moment when the entire wall fell apart, and nothing was left of it, and then *BOOM* and a bright flash of light.

With a very loud sound, a crack in the ceiling suddenly opened up and began to suck me in like a vacuum cleaner. The way I've been levitating all this time in this space then I didn't even have the opportunity to resist the suction force and soon I was pulled into a crack.

Once on the other side, I saw another empty, dark space, this time filled with stars, and when I stopped spinning uncontrollably, I saw the Earth.

Sincerely enjoying the beautiful view of my home planet from the height of space, I felt something solid appear under my feet.

Lowering my head, I saw that I was now standing on a path of violet energy that began at the South Pole of the planet and led deep into space, where I saw a giant purple silhouette very similar to me.

"So, now I have access to cosmic energy?" - I asked myself, and tried to move towards my huge energetic doppelgänger. Since Aang did it, then so should I.

The key word is 'tried'. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get a step closer to the silhouette. It was as if something refused to let me go to him and said that I was not ready yet.

As I understand it, the reason for this was that I had not opened the previous six chakras. But at the same time, I could still walk along this purple road and no one threw me down, back to Earth. This is strange...

Again not understanding what to do, and not wanting to be stuck in this state forever, I did the only thing I could and went down the road, starting to descend back to Earth. It turned out unexpectedly easily and quickly.

With every step, I seemed to overcome hundreds and hundreds of kilometers, and soon, I again found myself at the South Pole and saw a village familiar to me, from a bird's eye view.

The road itself led to my igloo, and when I reached the end, I saw my own body hovering in the air, and the end of the purple path, ended right at the top of my head, where, as I remember, the seventh chakra, the chakra of thought, should be located.

Trying to climb back into my body, I touched the body and tried to climb into it, which I easily succeeded. I felt my body again and opened my eyes, which could no longer see the violet path, but now I perfectly felt some kind of energy coming to my head, but more than that...

"I can fly!" - without restraining my emotions, I happily shouted, hovering in the air without any problems.

It seems that my idea worked and I succeeded, but now... the main thing is to understand how I do it...

My pa*treon: pa*treon.com/Lazybender

There you can find 20 additional chapters

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